Draft Notes of the Board Meeting of 12 April 2005

held at the New Forest Enterprise Centre

Present: Christine Ames (chairman)

Barry Olorenshaw (vice-chairman)

Amanda Bampton

Julia Bateman

Karen Bladen

Cllr Jeremy Heron

Mike Jackson

Steve Jacobs (CSJ)

Cllr Melville Kendall

Derek Mather

Neil Miller

1.  Apologies

These were received from Laurence Baughan, David Fairchild, Simon Judd (SJ) Neil Welker. Attendance levels were discussed.

Action: NM to contact where appropriate

2 Minutes of the last meeting:

Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March were read and agreed as an accurate record.

3 Matters arising from last meeting:

NFDC Business Support Officer post: the post had now been offered and accepted and Matthew Callaghan would be starting work on 25/04/05.

Potential Board members: CSJ reported that the contact at Burt Boulton had decided not to seek membership of the Board at the present time.

Community Safety Strategy: KB reported that the involvement of the Partnership had been picked up by Property Week magazine and would be included in their next issue.

Action: NM to record publicity at this level

Highway/improvement works in Totton: JH/CSJ discussion of this had not yet taken place.

New Forest District Local Plan modifications: BO tabled a copy of a consultation response sent on behalf of the Partnership. Items of objection and support were registered in the Council’s letter of 05 April.

South East Plan: BO tabled a draft response covering both the content of proposals and the process of generating these policies, including the key point that the provision of additional infrastructure should precede significant new development taking place. CA thanked BO for his efforts on both these items.

National Park: CA congratulated MK on his appointment as Deputy Chairman of the National Park Board. Inputs had been made to the process of generating the mission statement, although this was not as yet published. Susan Carter, interim Chief Executive, had said that the new C.E. would not be able to meet with individual groups in the short term.

NFBP events programme

Question time: CA raised the issue of the email which had gone out to the NFTA membership and its lack of any mention of NFBP. CA/NM reported on the actions which had taken place on both the marketing of the event and the logistics on the day. The event had been publicised in the newsletter and press releases had gone out to all local media last week. CSJ had supplied details of Chamber mail outs. The timescales for inclusion in local business magazines were not suitable.

Following discussion, it was decided that a mail-out of flyers would be the best way forward, with potential for easy FAX response, and the Board preferred this to the use of an impactful postcard for this reason. Additional copies of flyers would be used by FSB and HSBC. Posters were being produced and distributed. CA had obtained sponsorship of beers from Ringwood Brewery, and CSJ said that Jason Engineering Systems would sponsor wine. Video recording of event was discussed. The view was that would be worthwhile if could be achieved at little cost. A separate parking area was to be used by NFDC and NFBP Board to free up main car park. A decision would need to be taken some 10-14 days before the event on the scale of interest as to whether the event would run.

Action: NM to speak to Rachel Joint re email and resend after checking with CA

Board members to consider questions for NFDC cabinet by 3 May and email to NM

NM to speak To RJ re local radio prior to event

NM/RJ to finalise and mail out flyer ASAP

NM to offer visit to venue for Chris Ware

IT broadband conference: JB reported on progress re speakers and topics for the event, which was confirmed for Thursday 2nd June, with 15.00 for 15.30 start, and 18.30 buffet / networking. The theme would be “Life in the Fast Lane”, assuming that all attendees now had broadband and needed to make the most of its application to business practice. Marketing of the event would commence in two weeks time. NFDC graphics were working on a flyer for the event. While a number of speakers were already confirmed, Board members made additional suggestions. Catering arrangements were in hand. Ringwood would be asked to extend their Question Time offer.

Action: Business Link Wessex.

JH to contact potential additional speakers and Meridien re possible loan of vehicle for event.

New Forest Show: The date was confirmed as the evening of Tuesday 26 July.

Suggestions were made re invites to both NFPA Chairman and Chief Executive, Policy Officer, HCC Cllr Mike Woodhall, Sotn and Fareham Chamber, Learning and Skills Council and the two MPs, togther with Business Link Wessex.

Action: NM to ensure that invites go out to the above.

September networking lunch: MJ had previously offered Fordingbridge as a location, and the event would be held at Sandy Balls. Members expressed a preference for Thursday 22 September if this were available.

“Mind Your Own Business” event: this would be brought to a future meeting when more substantive progress had been made.

CA raised the approach made by an environmental consultancy seeking to present to the Board. It was decided that they should be offered a presentational slot at the MYOB event in the autumn.

Action: CA to contact the company


MK gave the background and reported progress. NFDC were looking at the possibility of operating a differential system, defined by value of contract, for firms within the NFDC area. The option of joining up with Hampshire CC who themselves carry out a full checking system was still an option. He was also exploring to see if membership of NFBP could be related to accreditation.

KB reported on the investigation of local authority procurement which would be carried out by the ODPM. She also raised the FSB’s survey of local procurement and the compact of working with local authorities, and was still looking for an NFDC response.

Action: JH to ensure NFDC response to FSB survey

JH to contact DF with update

6 Sector Groups

Communications: Nothing further to report.

Connectivity : The group was due to meet in the following week.

Transport: Nothing further to report

Southampton and Fareham Chamber of Commerce: BO reported a presentation by Southampton City Council on strategic developments over the next 10 years. With the expectation of a further 12,000 jobs and 8,000 houses, there would be major pressures on the transport system. There was an intention to try and use s106 agreements more creatively to achieve elements of infrastructure provision. Following the recent governmental announcement, there was now no chance of major casino development in the City in the near future.

7  NFBP objectives

CA tabled these and suggested a timetable for resolution.

Action: all Board members to send any suggested amendments to NM by 1 May

Any Other Business

New Forest Herald

CSJ asked if anyone knew the identity of the publisher.

Action: any knowledge of identity to CSJ.

Cycles on trains

MK drew attention to very limited provision for cycles on the new SW trains and its effects not only on tourism but on other journeys. Members were requested to use any opportunity to reinforce this message.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 10 May at the New Forest Enterprise Centre, starting at 12.00