Thank youfor supporting and participating in the sixth year of our national partnership with Safeway andtheir People with Disabilities campaign. Over the past five years, the campaign has generated more than $9.3 million for participating Special Olympics Programs. We are again excited about the opportunity to raise funds with Safeway and its customers in Special Olympics communities across the country. The official dates of this year’s promotion are March 29 – April 30, 2013.

All Programs with Safeway branded stores in their jurisdictions are eligible to receive campaign revenue. Programs need to implement at least three activation elements detailed below and complete the activation report to receive funds. The activation report as well as the text and artwork needed to implement the below activation elements will be posted on the Corporate Partnership Tools page of the Special Olympics Resources website at:

Specifically, the files you will find on the Partnership Tools page are:

  • Multiple print and web versions of an ad featuring Oregon athlete & Safeway employee Andy Gardner (JPEG, EPS, AI, PNG files)
  • Multiple print and web versions of a vertical logo banner (JPEG, EPS, AI, PNG files)
  • Multiple print and web versions of a horizontal logo banner (JPEG, EPS, AI, PNG files)
  • A draft letter to Safeway managers for those with no pre-existing relationship, named “Letter New”
  • A draft letter to Safeway managers for those with pre-existing relationships, named “Letter Existing”
  • A draft email letter to Special Olympics Constituents, named “Email Letter”
  • A draft newsletter element, named “Newsletter”
  • A Flyer template, named “Flyer”
  • Text and instructions for using an email signature, named “Email Signature”
  • An updated Safeway store list with contact information

At the conclusion of the campaign, we will collect activation information and visuals to share with Safeway in an annual stewardship report. (You may link to the 2011-2012 Safeway stewardship report at the Corporate Partner Tools link above.) Please keep this in mind as your Program activates this year: collect information about athlete visits, photos and media clips as well as descriptions of marketing and engagement benefits you extend. Safeway is also very interested in understanding how itsfunds have been directed and positively impacted your Program, and stories about athletes working for Safeway are always appreciated.

Instructions for implementing Activation Elements (3 required)

  1. Online:
  • Program places partnership branded artwork as a web button with link to promotional information on your own web siteor to March 29.
  • Text and artwork provided by SOI.
  • You can also include information on any Facebook accounts or other social media.
  • Facebook:Add “Support Special Olympics” to your grocery shopping list! For the sixth consecutive year, Special Olympics is a beneficiary of Safeway’s People with Disabilities campaign from March 29-April 30. As a company that employs Special Olympics athletes like <LINK to story about local athlete/employee>, Safeway is proud to raise funds from shoppers to support our movement.
  • Twitter: From March 29-April 30 support @SpecialOlympics at Safeway stores. See how <LINK to promotional info on your web site or to
  • Please provide screenshot of branded artwork and average (or actual) monthly web visitors, Facebook fans, and Twitter followerswith your post-promotion Activation Report.
  1. Newsletter or e-newsletter
  • Program places Safeway logo or partnership branded artwork, along with partnership content, in newsletter or e-newsletter in April.
  • Text and artwork provided by SOI.
  • Please provide sample e-newsletter announcement and circulation numbers with your post-promotion Activation Report.
  1. Email Letter to Constituents
  • Send email letter by March 29 to donors, families, volunteers and other constituents with Safeway stores in their jurisdiction describing the Safeway fundraising opportunity and encouraging them to visit Safeway during the month of April.
  • Template provided by SOI.
  • Please provide a copy of the letter and number of estimated recipients with your post-promotion Activation Report.
  1. Letter to Local Safeway Management Encouraging Activation
  • Send introductory letter to each local Safeway general manager from Program leadership and/or Safeway account managers, offering services to help athletes engage with employees.
  • Attempt an in-person follow up meeting with each Safeway manager in focus market.
  • Template provided by SOI for both new and existing relationships; Programs should feel free to modify into their own words, especially for existing relationships.
  • Please provide copy of letter and brief summary of interaction (or attempts at interaction) with your post-promotion Activation Report.
  1. Media
  • Post boilerplate news release about the promotion on Program website with link to the Safeway information on SOI’s Corporate Partnership page by March 31.
  • Coordinate with Safeway’s radio, print and TV advertising within the markets as appropriate.
  • Reach out to local media contacts about partnership and April promotion.
  • Please provide details regarding media outreach in post-promotion Activation Report.
  1. Event Handouts
  • Incorporate the partnership branded artwork into flyers/information distributed at competitions, fund raisers and other events during April.
  • Template flyer provided by SOI.
  • Please estimate number of materialsdistributed in your post-promotion Activation Report.

In addition, SOI will provide a promotional email tag that you may use or revise at your discretion to draw attention to the campaign. This will not impact fulfillment of local activation requirements.

If you’d like to implement an initiative that is not listed, but meets the goal of reaching as many constituents as possible, contact Kelly Trimyer or Liz Watson:


Kelly Trimyer

Senior Director, Corporate Relations

Liz Watson

Sr. Manager, Corporate Relations