Present: Councillors J. Cobley (Chairman),R. Patterson, R. Wood,P. Tomlinson, S. Ulyat,Mrs C Nicholson, Mrs T Williams and Mrs B Coleman (Clerk).3 members of the public were also in attendance.
Apologies –Apologies were received from PCSO Julie McFaul.
PCSO Julie McFaul sent in the following report:
04/10/13 - A front wooden gatetaken from the framework of a property on the High Street in Scampton.
We have had no reports from RAF Scampton for the past four weeks of Criminal Damage/ASB. We have had several calls regarding Scrap Vans which has been appreciated!
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest. Cllr Steve Ulyat declared an interest in the matter of a community shop.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 3rd October 2013 were proposedby PT, seconded by TW, agreed unanimously and signed by the Chairman as beinga true record.
Affordable housing in Scampton. There was nothing further to report at this time.
Parish Council questionnaire and Parish Plan.RP has some volunteers to work on the Parish Plan and the Chairman urged them not to get too involved in the logistics. Questionnaires already exist that have been used by other Parishes and it was felt that they should tap into expertise from other areas. Kevin Dunne would be asked for samples of previous questionnaires. The District Council had £250m to share between small communities around the area and guidance would be sought from WLDC by Cllr Patterson. The volunteers are looking for the names of people who want to be involved in Parish Plan. Anyone interest should contact Cllr Roger Patterson on 01522 or email
Telephone box refurbishment. An advert has been placed in the Village Venture and tenders have invited by the December Parish Council Meeting.
Street lightsThere has been an email from Stan Hall stating “I'm afraid there is no good news to report. Along with other things a proposal for a policy amendment was put forward to LCC highways managers: "to adopt the street lights from parish councils where they have less than eighty lights"
Unfortunately LCC managers would not allow the proposal to be developed into policy. It is probably a symptom of the budget pressures faced over the whole of the service that additional expenses could not be accepted.
Therefore I am not authorised to adopt the street lights at Scampton and the maintenance liability remains with the parish council.
It was suggested that the Clerk should write to the elected Councillors as they might override the officers regarding the adoption of the lights. We would keep the situation under review.
Highway issuesThe culverts/drains in the Old High Street are still not working and when Highways come, as promised, to meet the residents of the High Street by the church they would be informed of the situation.
Community Shop There was a discussion on the viability of a community shop. It was proposed that the question should be included on Parish Plan questionnaire as there would be a need to proveinterest and need within the community before there could be any development.
District Councillor’s Report- Green bin collection finishes at the end of November until next year. The library provision proposals were under discussion.Many Parish Councils were unhappy with the proposals in the Central Lincolnshire Joint Planning and it has been forwarded to The Secretary of State. WLDC awards night is on 5th December. There are proposals for an aviation heritage centre at Scampton and they are also looking at ways to celebrate the station’s 100th Anniversary in 2016. The possibility of a WW1 exhibition is also being explored. In April 2014 it will be the 40th anniversary of West Lindsey and they are looking at granting Freedom of the Borough for some people. Plans for a wind farm at Hemswell has been turned down. The Parish Plan questionnaire should also contain a question on Community transport.
- Email from Welton PC attaching a poster for display regarding a public meeting on 14th November at 7.00pm at Welton VH regarding the proposed closure of the local library.
- Care to Remember. Information about the maintenance of war memorials.
- Invitation from the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society to an Open Meeting on 18th November at 6.00pm about the proposed college campus.
- LCC – Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan. There is to be a consultation on a “Draft Core Strategy and Development Management Policies” which will commence on 1st November for a period of 6 weeks. It can be downloaded from the County Council website All comments should be received before 13th December at 5.00pm
- Reference Parish Council Minutes of 05.09.2013-The Future of the BSA Hall. An email had been received from one of the two members of the BSA Committee who had resigned, in 2007, pointing out that the resignations had been due to the lack of proper organisational procedures and structures and not because of the failure of the lottery bid. Cllr Ulyat wished to apologise for any misleading information he may have given the Parish Council at the time and for any distress he may have caused the concerned parties.
- Request from Gill Angel for a donation towards the fireworks display at RAF Scampton. Proposed £150 agreed
- The Clerk has obtained a wreath for the Remembrance Service on Sunday at Scampton. £50
The Clerk reported that the following payments had been made:
E-On (ElectricityOctober) £33.16
G Maddison(Cleaning) £15.00
Purchase of a set of rope lights for the village Christmas tree was approved..
There were no planning matters this month
Matters for the next Meeting
- Telephone box refurbishment.
- Highway issues
- District Councillor’s Report
The next meeting will be on Thursday5th December 2013 at 7.30pm atV Cafe, RAF Scampton.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.
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