Specific Suggestions to Implement the LIVE Campaign
Before beginning to implement the LIVE campaign, review all the sections in the Toolkit so you are familiar with the strategies, tools and resources available to your organization, agency or coalition – there is no need to reinvent the wheel!
A key feature of the campaign materials is that you can adapt the presentations, promotional items and other resources to include your specific information for your target audiences. We recommend that you customize the resources in the Toolkit for each activity you implement. To get started, we suggest that you use the Toolkitmaterials to supplement your current community outreach, marketing or educational initiatives. Our goal is to enhance your existing efforts – not to replace them!
Below are specific ideas and suggestions to implement the LIVE campaign in your community. Select a few to start that are feasible and will accomplish your goals. (For statewide outreach ideas – see document located in Section II of the Toolkit.)
First and foremost, present the LIVE ‘buy-in’ PowerPoint to your staff, board of directors or coalition members to get everyone informed and involved with promoting the LIVE campaign in your community. Refer to the LIVE ‘buy-in’ PowerPoint in Section II of the Toolkit.
Partner with other organizations to promote the LIVE campaign. You will reach and benefit more people if you do this with others than alone! For specific information and assistance on how to build community partnerships, go to
Raise money to support and sustain your campaign efforts. For funding suggestions and sample letters requesting donations, go to Section VI in the Toolkit.
Distribute LIVE consumer materials and promotional items at any community event or health fair. For a complete list of consumer materials from NHPCO and LIVE promotional items, go to then ‘Marketplace,’ then click ‘Browse Marketplace.’
Give a presentation to community organizations, etc. using the LIVE ‘community’PowerPoint(i.e. Rotary Club, senior centers, workplace settings, faith communities, libraries, patient or family support groups, neighborhood associations). Refer to LIVE ‘community’ PowerPoint in Section III. Also, distribute flyers in advance to promote your presentation and increase attendance. Refer to the LIVE poster template in Section IV.
Sponsor an all-daycommunity event or ‘town hall’ meeting using all the materials in the LIVE Toolkit. Big events are more likely to generate media coverage than small presentations and theyoffer an opportunity for more in-depth dialogue with your community. For suggestions about planning your event, refer to the ‘Event Planning Guide and Checklist’ in Section II. Additional information about “Convening Town Hall Meetings” is located at
State-wide hospice associations, coalitions and other organizations can coordinate and sponsor the LIVE campaign with their local constituents. For assistance and technical support, contact NHPCO at 800.658.8898 or .
Provide a link on your organizational or coalition Web site to This is a national Web site that consumers can download resources re: advance care planning, caregiving, pain, hospice/palliative care, grief and financial planning.
Partner with your community library to set up a display highlighting books about end-of-life care, and present the LIVE ‘community’ presentation. Also, provide free LIVE bookmarks to the library. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit for a LIVE bookmark template. This is a great way to reach out to book clubs and book stores as well.
Partner with local retail businesses to feature the LIVE campaign and related materials. Set up a LIVE campaign display using LIVE posters, consumer resources and promotional items located in the Toolkit. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit to review LIVE promotional materials.
Distribute LIVE book marks by asking local businesses to put a book mark in every bag. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit for a LIVE bookmark template – you can add your own hospice, coalition, or organization’s contact information.
Publish an Op Ed or related story in your local newspaper promoting LIVE campaign. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit for a sample Op Ed promoting the LIVE campaign messages.
Send out a press release about your LIVE campaign activities and/or events to your local media. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit for sample press releases and press kit suggestions.
Print LIVE advertisements in local newspaper or other local publications, resource guides and newsletters. Ask community newspapers or organizations with newsletters to print the advertisements as public service announcements. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit for LIVE advertisement templates.
Offer to provide a guest-speaker on health-related radio or TV programs. If invited to be a guest speaker, use talking points from the LIVE ‘community’ PowerPoint presentation as a guide.
Distribute flyers and posters about the LIVE campaign in local physician offices. Go to Section IV in the Toolkit for the LIVE poster template.
Collect participant evaluation data at every LIVE event. A ParticipantFeedback Formis provided in Section V of the Toolkit. This information will in return help you to develop and improve your future activities, plus provide substantial information to the media, funders, and potential partners about your success.
These are just a few suggestions to help you get started to launch the LIVE campaign in your community. As you begin your planning process, you will come up with even better ideas. We would appreciate learning about any additionalcreative ideas and suggestions that are successful in your communityso we can continue to add to this list and share with other LIVE Partners.
Also, please read about theLIVE Rewards Program in the Toolkit which gives you the opportunity to receive free consumer resources and recognition for implementing the LIVE campaign. A LIVE Rewards Redemption Form is availablefor you to document your LIVE campaign activities and receive free Marketplace Gift Cards. For more information, go to Section VII in the Toolkit.
Copyright 2007 by The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization