School Provision Map:
Specific Learning Difficulties (Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) formerly Dyspraxia)
Quality First Teaching- All staff have received awareness training regarding the impact of motor coordination difficulties on learning
- Awareness, and use of, NYCC ‘Supporting Children and Young People with Coordination Difficulties’ document
- Implementation of Sensory Smart Strategies i.e. de-cluttering room, reduction of auditory distractions
- Appropriate expectations of written work, such asdecreasing the motor (output) of the task, withoutchanging the cognitive expectations
- Provision of adequate/extra time and assistance for writtentasks
- Differentiated curriculum with multisensory learning experiences
- Appropriate teaching styles that match identifiedlearning style of the pupils
- Simple, short/small step instructions, repeated and prompted with possible visual clues MATCH (Modify the task, Alter expectations, Teachstrategies, Change the environment, Help the childby understanding his/her difficulties)
- Peer and buddy support especially in PE
Targeted Input
Class teacher and TA offer planned support in developing literacy, and physical education such as:
- Write from the Start Handwriting Programme
- Speed-Up kinaesthetic Handwriting Programme
- Write Dance handwriting programme
- Smart Moves PE programme
- Get Physical: PE Programme
- Help with organisational skills i.e. visual timetable, clocks, timers, traffic light signals to indicate level of understanding.
- Handwriting supports i.e. lined paper, angled writing board, ergonomic writing tools
- Alternative handwriting strategies to promote progress in reading, spelling, writing i.e. use of a Dictaphone, word processing with predictive text, Clicker 6, video
- Use of visual thinking methods i.e. mind maps
- Targeted motor development Groups/clubs
- Support in developing social skills (drama group, communication group etc.)
- Whole school training regarding targeted interventions
- Transition planning
Specialist Support
- Collaborative assessment with health-based children’s occupational therapist to determine specific areas of need, this will include the use of MABC-II, VMI, TVPS
- Personalised programme planning
- ICT support/technological aids to record work i.e. Dictaphone, voice-activated software, digiscribble
- Intensive handwriting support in parallel with word processing training
- Organisational strategies and memory training
- Strategies to develop self-help skills i.e. dressing before and after PE, personal hygiene
- Social skills training to increase appropriate social interactions, and enhance life skills
- Support regarding the psych-social impact of DCD(when appropriate)
- Differentiated homework, accepting alternate recording and assessment methods
- Opportunities for pre-tutoring and to rehearse new skills
- Development of functional and life skills i.e. driving simulators, interview techniques.
- Close liaison with parents
- Evaluation for access arrangements and exam concessions
- Detailed whole school training regarding handwriting, motor planning, sensory-motor integration