Union City High School
Advanced Placement Biology
Summer Homework
- Using Campbell and Reece Biology, 8th AP Edition, read Chapters 1, and 52-56. While reading the chapters, complete the Holtzclaw Chapter Reading Guides from Pearson Web Page or Mr. Campbell’s Biology Website. The completed study guides will be graded for completeness and accuracy on the first day of class. Each of the Ecology chapters needs to be studied and understood, DO NOT simply search for answers to the questions to complete the study guide…ACTUALLY STUDY.
- Create either a Vocabulary List or Set of Vocabulary Flash Cards with definitions of all important vocabulary terms. In addition to the definition, which should be obtained from context, not a dictionary or glossary, you must include an example or situation of usage.
Example:Ecological Succession
Def - After a major disturbance, the change in species composition
over time.
Ex - Volcanic EruptionLichenMossShrubsPines
Commensalism / Def. Interaction in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected.Ex. Bird building a nest in a tree. Bird benefits from the tree, but the tree is not affected by the bird.
Vocabulary lists and Flashcards will be kept as an ongoing study aid for each chapter that is covered throughout the year. They will be checked and graded periodically.
- Prepare the following 10 AP ecology essays as if they were part of the actual AP Biology Exam. Your final copies of each essay must be typed. All essays must reflect your personal thoughts and ideas about a given topic. Although it will be expected that your content will be derived from assigned readings from the text as well as supplementary resources, the organization, wording, and construction of the essays must be entirely original.
The essays will be due in three groups. The first three essays are due on July 19th. The second three essays are due on August 11th. The final four essays are due on September 1st. Essays may be submitted through electronic mail or placed in Mr. Campbell’s mailbox in the main office of UCHS. If any essay is submitted by July 11th, you will be given feedback and the essay may be resubmitted. For the second and third group of essays, as well as for extra help, you can also see Mr. C at the UCHS Girls Tennis Team practice at Washington Park, after August 16th.
- There will be an MC and Free-Response exam on Ecology on Friday, September 9th. No summer notes will be used during the test. You have to learn the ecology material on your own. You need to prepare accordingly. In addition to studying your reading and study guides, vocabulary, and textbook, you may wish to create outlines or notes directly from the textbook. All material from chapters 52-55 will be covered on the exam.
- I will check my e-mail this summer, however; I cannot promise to get back to you immediately. My e-mail address is . I will also be checking my mailbox at school about once a week. I can also be found at the UCHS Girls Tennis Team Practice. For a schedule, see the Class and Team website.
- The Advanced Placement Exam is on Monday, May 14, 2012.