Name of area visited: / Oostvaardersplassen, marshland and mainly willow woods between the towns Almere and Lelystad in the Flevopolder in the Netherlands
Guide(s): / Taco
Nederlandse naam / English name / Wetenschappelijke/Scientific name
fuut / great crested grebe / Podiceps cristatus
aalscholver / great cormorant / Phalacrocorax carbo
grote zilverreiger / great egret / Casmerodius albus
blauwe reiger / grey heron / Ardea cinerea
zwarte ibis / glossy ibis / Plegadis falcinellus
kolgans / white fronted goose / Anser albifrons
grauwe gans / greylag goose / Anser anser
grote canadese gans / canada goose / Branta canadensis
brandgans / barnacle goose / Branta leucopsis
bergeend / common shelduck / Tadorna tadorna
smient / eurasian wigeon / Anas penelope
wilde eend / mallard / Anas platyrhynchos
slobeend / northern shoveler / Anas clypeata
wintertaling / common teal / Anas crecca
kuifeend / tufted duck / Aythya fuligula
bruine kiekendief / marsh harrier / Circus aeruginosus
sperwer / eurasian sparrowhawk / Accipiter nisus
havik / northern goshawk / Accipiter gentillis
buizerd / common buzzard / Buteo buteo
zeearend / white tailed eagle / Haliaeetus albicilla
torenvalk / common kestrel / Falco tinnunculus
meerkoet / common coot / Fulica atra
kievit / northern lapwing / Vanellus vanellus
bonte strandloper / dunlin / Calidris alpina
witgat / green sandpiper / Tringa ochropus
watersnip / common snipe / Gallinago gallinago
kokmeeuw / black-headed gull / Croicocephalus ridibundus
stormmeeuw / common gull / Larus canus
zilvermeeuw / herring gull / Larus argentatus
kleine mantelmeeuw / lesser black-backed gull / Larus fuscus
houtduif / wood pigeon / Columba palumbus
holenduif / stock pigeon / Columba oenas
grote bonte specht / greater spotted woodpecker / Dendrocopos major
boerenzwaluw / barn swallow / Hirundo rustica
witte kwikstaart / white wagtail / Motacilla alba
paapje / whinchat / Saxicola rubetra
roodborsttapuit / common stonechat / Saxicola rubicola
merel / blackbird / Turdus merula
Tjiftjaf H / chiffchaff / Phylloscopus collybita
baardman / bearded tit / Panurus biarmicus
pimpelmees / blue tit / Cyanistes caeruleus
koolmees / great tit / Parus major
Staartmees H / long-tailed tit / Aegithalos caudatus
spreeuw / common starling / Sturnus vulgaris
gaai / eurasian jay / Garrulus glandarius
ekster / magpie / Pica pica
kauw / eurasian jackdaw / Corvus monedula
zwarte kraai / carrion crow / Corvus corone
huismus / house sparrow / Passer domesticus
vink / chaffinch / Fringilla coelebs
putter / goldfinch / Carduelis carduelis
Species seen / heard = 51 (H=heard only)
Highlights of the day:
- “Jan van den Boschpad”; elevated look-out in the most southern part of the nature reserve the Oostvaardersplassen. Species seen here: Migrating Whinchat and Stonechat present. Large groups of Wigeons. The White-fronted geese are returning from their breeding grounds. One patrolling female Marsh Harrier. Flying over a group of 6 Common Snipes
- “Trekvogel veldje”; small wet/grassy area with scrubs. Species seen here: Far from home: 5 feeding Glossy Ibis. Excellent views of this bird. Next to the Glossy Ibis a Green Sandpiper. Good sights of flying Bearded Reedlings.
- “Kleine praambult”, elevated look-out in the north-eastern part of the nature reserve the Oostvaardersplassen. Overlooking huge area of wet grassland. Species seen here: Far away a small group of Dunlins. A hunting Common Buzzard.
- “Grote praambult”, elevated look-out in north-eastern part of the nature reserve the Oostvaardersplassen. Overlooking some forest, ponds and a huge area of wet grassland. Species seen here: Two White-tailed Eagles perched in trees far away. A lonely Barn Swallow. And a singing Chiffchaff shortly. On our way back a glimpse of a flying Kestrel.