/ SMUTS EJ : BA (Stell), SOD (Stell), B.Ed. Honours (Free State),Honours History (Unisa), M.Ed. (Stell), Advanced Professional Diploma in Educational Development (Leeds Metropolitan University, UK)Part-Time Lecturer
- Curriculum Studies
- Specialisation: Teaching of Social Sciences
- Specialisation: Teaching of History
Job experience
1971 - 1976 / Teacher in History & Geography at Kenhardt HS and Colesberg HS1977 - 1982 / Head of Department: History & Geography at Adamantia HS in Kimberly
1982 - 1987: / Subject Adviser for History: House of Representatives
1987 - 1995: / Senior Subject Adviser for History: House of Representatives
1995 - 2005: / Senior Curriculum Advisor for History: WCED
2005 - current / Part-time lecturer, StellenboschUniversity
Assessment experience
1977 - 2008 / 31 years of involvement Senior Certificate Examinations: History1977 - 1984 / Sub-examiner for History: House of Representatives & Cape Education Department
1985 - 1996: / Senior Marker, Examiner & Chief Examiner for History: House of Representatives & WCED
1996 - 2005: / Moderator for History: WCED
1996 - 2005: / Chairman of the WCED History Examination Panel
2005 - current / National External Moderator for History : Umalusi– Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training
Professional Association-membership
- SASHT (South African Society for History Teaching) (member)
- Social Sciences Learning Area Committee (WCED)(member)
Papers:Nasionaal / National
2006Create a usable sense of the past: Working with sources in History. Paper presented at the annual conference of the South African Society for Histort Teaching. University of Northwest, Potchefstroom, 21-22 September.
2007Can all learners really produce extended, analytical answers? Paper presented at the annual conference of the South African Society for Histort Teaching. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, Durban,21-22 September.
2007Can one use only one source to set source-based questions?Paper presented at the annual conference of the South African Society for Histort Teaching. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, Durban,21-22 September.
Subject-related publications for schools
1998(Co-authors: M. Matthew, N. Ngele, F. Punt, L.Punt, T. van Louw) Dinamic History Grade 12: English (ISBN 0-620-23334-6) and Afrikaans (ISBN 0-620-31796-5) editions. First Edition. Kuilsrivier: CTP Boekdrukkers
2003(Co-authors: F. Punt, L.Punt, T. van Louw) Dinamic History Grade 12: English (ISBN 0-620-31796-5) and Afrikaans (ISBN 0-620-31796-5) editions. Second edition. Kuilsrivier: Taberna.
2004History assessment instruments. http:/wced.wcape.gov.za/curriculum/history
Professional Workshops
2007Working with sources in the GET: Social Sciences - History. Addressing WCED GET curriculum advisers meeting and workshop at JanKrielSchool, Kuilsrivier on 26 June.
2008School Leadership: Lead and manage subject areas, learning areas/ phase. CELEMUS (Centre for Educational Leadership and Management of the University of Stellenbosch). Conduct contact sessions at Lentegeur Auditorium, Lentegeur on 1 March, 8 March, 19 April, 24 May & 25 July
- Serve as member of the Educational Advisory Committee of the Cape Town Holocaust Centre. 1998 – 2003
- Participated as panel member in various talk shows with regrad to teaching History and Social Sciences on RSG as well as community radio stations from 2003 - 2005.
- Visited schools across England and Scotlandin April 1999 as part of the Primary History Project (1998 – 2002) funded by the Nuffield Foundation in the UK under the auspices of LeedsMetropolitainUniversity, University of Cape Town and WCED.