RCN Foundation and Worshipful Company of Needlemakers
Educational Bursaries
Application Form
Important: Before completing, you must read the Information to Applicants and the Application Guidance documents available on or by calling
020 7647 3645.
Please ensure that you complete all relevant sections in full. We are unable to process your application if details are missing. Please note:
- Applications should be typed and sent electronically.
- Please ensure that you spell out in full any abbreviations used
Section 1: Your details
Surname: / First Name: / Title:Home address: / Work telephone:
Home telephone:
Email for correspondence:
NMC Pin Number:
Are you a member of the RCN? YES NO
Job Title(current employment): / Start date (month and year): / Band/Grade:
Name and Address of Employer:
Do you use needles in your present role? YES NO
Brief description of your present role which should include how you use needles as part of your practice
Previous Posts: (Please list, starting with the most recent. Add extra rows if necessary)
Employer Name and Address / Job Title / Band/
Grade / Dates
SECTION 2: Details of educational activity for which funding is sought
Title of the proposed activity/course for which you are seeking funding (25 words max)Brief summary of the activity/course and professional outcomes (100 words max)
Start date (month and year) / Duration
If you are seeking funding for a course, please state here the name and address of the course provider:
Have you been awarded a place? YES NO
Is this course/module a component of a longer course? YES NO
If YES, please state:
(a) the name of the longer course:
(b) where this component is in the timetable (e.g. 1st year of 3):
(c) how the rest has been/will be funded:
SECTION 3: Details of costs of proposed activity
(a) Have you sought funding from your employer? YES NO If YES, please give details, in the budget section below.
If NO, please give the reason here:
(b) Are you seeking funding from any other source? YES NO
If YES, please give details of sources, items and outcomes here, and include amounts in the budget below.
(c) Please provide a detailed budget breakdown (see Application Guidance documentfor examples). Be as accurate and detailed as possible. Include clarification of costing in ‘notes’ section.If successful, you will need to provide evidence of costs in order to be reimbursed.
A / B / CItem / Start date / Amount you are asking us to fund / Amount you will fund from elsewhere (please state sources) / Personal contribution
TOTAL COST OF ACTIVITY: (add columns A + B + C) £
(d) If you are seeking reimbursement for staff replacement costs, have you completed section 6c of this form?
(e) Have you previously received a bursary or scholarship from the RCN or RCN Foundation?
If yes, please state amount, date, and which bursary/scholarship you received:
SECTION 4: Courses and Qualifications
Please list all courses taken starting with the most recent (Add extra rows if necessary):Title of course: / From: Month and year / To: Month and year / Name and Address of Institution / Result
Please list courses not yet completed (Add extra rows if necessary):
Title of course: / From: Month and year / To: Month and year / Name and Address of Institutions
SECTION 5: Statement by applicant in support of request for funds
Referring to the Application Guidance document for further advice,please provide responses to the sixquestions below.(Please answer each question in turn against its respective number. Maximum of 1,500 words in total for this section please)
- What are your professional goals and how will the funded activity contribute to your career development?
- How will the activity enhance your practice including your use of needles?
- How will the activity improve the health and well-being of patients and/or carers?
- How will you share your learning and development with colleagues or other nursing teams?
- How have you demonstrated your commitment to self-development so far in your career?
- What challenges do you foresee in completing this funded activity and how do you plan to address them (for example time constraints, work-place support, financial)?
- How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your learning and development?
SECTION 6: Supporting References
6a. Reference from your Manager (Please ask your Manager, or if you are not working, are self employed or are seeking funding for a career change, an alternative appropriate professional referee such as a past tutor, to complete and sign this section).Please comment on how the proposed study would fit in with the applicant’s role and professional development and how this activity and its implementation will be supported, e.g. with mentoring or opportunities to influence practice.
Manager’s Name:
Job Title:
Email address:
Telephone number:
Signature: Date:
6b. For study at Post-Graduate level and above, please attach a formal academic reference letter and complete the section below.
Academic Referee’s Name:
Email address:
Telephone number:
6c. Staff Replacement – Manager sign off (Please ask your manager to complete and sign this section only if you are applying for reimbursement of staff replacement costs).
Please comment on the staff replacement arrangements that will be in place whilst the applicant undertakes study such as paying for replacement staff whilst they are on paid study leave. Where possible, provide confirmation of the costs calculations provided in section 2.
Manager’s Name:
Job Title:
Email address:
Telephone number:
Signature: Date:
SECTION 7: Application Agreement
I confirm I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them. I agree to provide a written report either during or on completion of the funded activity or to return funds on withdrawal from the funded activity.Signature:
If you are successful the RCN Foundation may wish to publicise your success and/or your work to the media. Please tick the box if you are NOT happy for your name and place of work to be used for this purpose.
Please email one copy of your entire application no later than 5pm on 30 November 2017to
Please retain the Information and eligibility document for future reference.
Supporting documents checklist:
Please ensure that you return the application form with the relevant supporting documents:
Document / CheckedSupporting reference from Manager
Academic reference (for study at PG level or above)
Staff Replacement Manager sign off (if applicable)
Equal opportunities form
SECTION 8: Equal Opportunities
Completion of this section is helpful to ensure that we are aware of the communities applying for this scheme and assists in the implementationof equal opportunities. This information will not form any part of the selection process and will be treated with total confidentiality.
(Please tick the appropriate boxes).
a. Your Ethnic Group
Asian or Asian British / MixedIndian / White and Black Caribbean
Pakistani / White and Black African
Bangladeshi / White and Asian
Any other Asian background / Any other mixed background
Black or Black British / White
Caribbean / British
African / Irish
Any other Black background / Any other White background
Chinese / Any other ethnic group
b. Your Gender
Female / Male / Transc. Sexual Orientation
Bisexual / Gay / Heterosexual / Lesbian / Otherd. Your Disability
Do you have a disability? / Yes / Noe. Your Age
20 / 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 / 60-65 / 65-69 / 70+f. Where you currently live
England / Northern Ireland / Scotland / Wales / Other1