Special track/session for Africa / the Middle East and the Francophone States

Call for Papers on ICCMIT2018

“Communication - Learning Organizations and Governance

in the era of the Knowledge and Information Society”

Organized by:

1. Pr. Ahmed Nadif,

Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco. Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research E-mail:

2. Pr. Bassiri Mustapha,

Ecole Normal Superieure. University Hassan 2 , Casablanca. Morocco


3. Pr. Malika Tridane

Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco. Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research E-mail:

3. Pr. Adil Boulahouajeb

Regional Academy of Education and Training Casablanca - Settat .Morocco Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research E-mail:

Objectives and Motivation :

Organizations invest in technology as a powerful vehicle for sustaining socio-economic and environmental growth. The integration of digital into the strategic vision allows the restructuring of information management in its multidimensional aspects (knowledge creation, management and information transmission) and the quality of governance to meet the challenges of the digital economy and the knowledge society.

The implementation of innovative organizational development mechanisms, based on the role of communication and the quality of technological governance, allows the development of an administrative policy of intelligence and strategic intelligence.

This digital organizational learning can offer organizations the means and the tools to manage strategic information monitoring, (analysis and synthesis of information, prospective and technical-operational studies ...). Moreover, at the level of operational management, tools for exploiting information, securing information systems, are setting up crisis rooms, influencing strategies, lobbying, etc.

Managing their interpersonal communication (and inter-structure) and collaborative work in synergy, lead to modifying their representations of organization and their understanding of organizational phenomena, restructure their activities according to the strategic objectives to achieve the best performances:

 Understand the objectives of the actors involved in decision-making,

 See how these decisions are implemented in a collaborative and operational way,

 Examine how the formal or informal structures put in place organize themselves over time, adapt and modify their individual and collective actions according to the objectives of the institution.

 How the stakeholders in the organization become self-employed professionals who can take investigative steps, analyze their tasks and learn throughout their lives.

 Prepare human capital and IT professionals for the consequences of digital evolution;

 Adapt our ways of doing and conceiving the risk in order to be able to respond to this technological revolution.

The plausible goal would be to understand why and how governments and businesses need to make greater use of new information and communication technologies and good governance. in the organizational process, which involves collective autonomy, both managers and subordinates? .

The ambition of this special session would be to identify indicators and subjective and objective criteria for integrating the learning organization system - governance in the digital age, which allow to open new avenues of experimentation for the benefit of managers and public and private decision-makers.

Scope and Interests :

All subjects dealing with the problematic of Communication and the learning organization in the digital age can be tackled, according to different theoretical and managerial approaches related to information sciences, communication, knowledge economy, strategies, governance, mediation, information architecture and communication dynamics, management etc.

Given the scale and rapidity of changes in the computerized virtual environment of organizations, any reflection from the fields of administration, law, economics, management, philosophy, history of science, political science, education, etc.,and related to the stated problematic, will be welcomed with the greatest interest, which would mobilize a vital interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary opening to the new understanding of the transmutations of the knowledge and information economy.

Areas of research favored :

 Governance and management, of academic institutions, and public institutions.

 Teaching reform and new governance

 Information systems in academic institutions

 University governance and economic worlds

 Training of trainers in organizational learning and artificial intelligence

 New educational tools (open Educational resources)

 Economic Intelligence and Corporate Governance

 Enterprise - Governance and Standardization

 Practices and experiences in governance and organizational learning

 New conceptual approaches affecting governance / Learning Enterprise and Connecting Enterprise

 Tools for better governance

 Management, Audit, Change Management, Knowledge Management, Communication, Influence, Financial Control

 Economic intelligence devices and feedback from companies

 Conducting change ,in public institutions and in the governance of academic institutions.

 Economic intelligence and territories

 Network of companies, clusters and innovation

 Support ICT, and software solutions in the Economic Intelligence / Governance couple.

 Information systems and governance

 "Collaborative work" / e-governance and agile management

 Governance and Human Capital Management

 Urban governance of learning cities

 Organizational learning and learning organization

 The learning economy and the knowledge economy (knowledge management)

 Alternative theories to the contractual theories of governance: cognitive theories,

 Theories of conventions and theories of rooting

 Economic intelligence and corporate governance

 Governance of information systems

 The governance of the socially responsible enterprise

 Methods and strategies for information management by organizations

Scientific Committee:

1.  Pr. Ahmed Nadif, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

2.  Pr. Malika Tridane, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

3.  Pr. Nourdine Elmazouni. Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de la Formation professionnelle, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

4.  Pr. Abdesselam Mili, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

5.  Pr. Said Belaaouad Faculty of Sciences ben M'sik university Hassan II of Casablanca Morocco

6.  Pr. Mustapha Bassiri , University Hassan 2, Casablanca. Morocco

7.  Pr. Lahcen Toubi, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

8.  Pr. Mhamed bamhamed, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

9.  Pr. Jaouad Taghzaz, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

10.  Pr. Ahmed Razik, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

11.  Pr. Miloud Al Athmani, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

12.  Pr. Said Assil, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

13.  Pr. Abdelmjid Chakir, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

14.  Pr. Mohamed Dahbby, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

15.  Pr. Khalid Hattaf , Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

16.  Pr. Bouchra Kourga, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

17.  Pr. Mustapha Jakani, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

18.  Pr. Said Tazarini, Regional Center of Education , and Training Trades Casablanca – Settat Morocco

19.  Pr. Adil boulahouajeb, Regional Academy of Education and Training Casablanca - Settat .Morocco

Paper Submission:

The submissiveness of the communication propositions: Will make itself under electronic format via E – mail: . Three evaluators, members of the scientific committee, will value every proposition.

All instructions and templates for submission can be found in the ICCMIT2018 website:

http://www.iccmit.net/. The accepted papers will be published by IEEE and it will appear on IEEE-Explore. Also, the best articles will be invited to be published again after expansion as book chapter in IGI Book as well as Journal of Information Retrieval "ACM Index journal".

Important Dates:

Authors are requested to consider the following conference important dates and deadlines.

Full paper submitted for revision in electronic form / Feb. 01, 2018
Notification of acceptance / Feb. 15, 2018
Conference registration / Feb. 15, 2018
Final paper submission and author's camera ready paper / March 2, 2018
Conference Dates / April 2 - 4, 2018

Contact us: Pr. Bassiri Mustapha Vice-President ICCMIT18 for Africa / the Middle East and the Francophone States E-mail:bassiri.mustapha@gmail.com