Letter from the Director

Mr. Bram Smith

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the Riverside High School Band Program! I am looking forward working with each of you to build to a successful inaugural year for our band program.

This handbook will provide all the information you will need to know about the performance groups available at Riverside, including: Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band. A calendar of events, the grading policy, rules and regulations, expectations, rental agreements, concert attire, after-school activities, and other various important details are also included. Additionally, there is also a page for the student and a parent to sign and return to acknowledge understanding of pertinent information, including rules and regulations.

The music program is valuable to our school and each student involved reaps the benefits and rewards. In addition to learning about the wonderful world of music, the students will learn responsibility, dedication, how to multi-task, and respect. We do all of this while having a lot of fun at the same time. While working together, we can make this growing program thrive.

If there are any questions regarding this handbook, or anything else that comes up during the year, please feel free to call or email me at school. I have a band website accessible from the Riverside webpage. Go to the “Faculty” page and look for my name. Click on it and it will bring you straight to my website. Email is the best way to communicate with me.

Thank you all for being a part of our Riverside Band Family!

Mr. Bram Smith

Director of Bands

Course Descriptions

Symphonic Band (Concert Band 1, Concert Band 2, Instrumental Methods) -The student will continue the in-depth study of the basic fundamentals of music to include the areas of symbolism, notation, reading, rhythmic and melodic drill, theory and music theory. The band is performance oriented and will be involved in concert appearances and Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association (VBODA)/Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) events. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Percussion Ensemble – This is a before/after school activity that will start when marching band ends. Students in this ensemble will learn basic to advanced percussion skills including all mallet and accessory instruments. Percussion ensemble students will perform in concerts along with Symphonic Band.

Jazz Band – This is a before/after school activity that will start when marching band ends. The student will study the basic fundamentals of jazz to include the areas of interpretation, improvisation, reading, theory, and other techniques idiomatic of jazz performance. Jazz Band is also performance oriented and will be involved in concert appearances at the discretion of the director. Rehearsals will be decided in November and will be before school or after school.


This grading policy is in effect for all credit-bearing ensembles.

Formative Grades (10%)


Students will be evaluated on their ensemble skills through performance of music fundamentals that are based on State of Virginia Music Standards and National Music Standards.

PLAYING/WRITTEN TESTS – This is an individual way of checking up on your progress. For playing tests, you will be tested on your improvement. The material you will need to know will be given to you with plenty of time in advance. Written exams will be given to test your growth in your knowledge of music.

PRACTICE CALENDAR – This is to help you self-reflect on your growth as a musician and help me with your understanding of the class material. Every two weeks you will need to hand your practice calendar filled in with a parent signature. Practice calendars must be received on time for full credit. This is a great way to check on your progress not only by me but as a self-reflection.

Summative Grades (90%)

CONCERTS/PARTICIPATION/CALENDAR EVENTS – Please mark calendar dates in your calendars today!! This is what you work so hard for over the year in class and you have a chance to finally show it off to everyone! Make it your TOP priority to be at all the concerts. Examples of excusable reasons for not attending the concerts are: death in family, extreme illness, major emergencies. If there is an emergency, I must be notified in advance (unless the extreme circumstance doesn’t permit you to). Remember, you are VERY VALUABLE to the program. We are a team and we need all players there! If by chance you do miss a concert, you must come to me to get an alternate assignment of my choice to make up for it.

PLAYING/WRITTEN TESTS – These are your end of content exams. For playing tests, you will be tested on specific music or music fundamentals under the state and national standards of music education. The material you will need to know will be given to you with plenty of time in advance. Written exams will be given to test your end of content knowledge of music fundamentals under the state and national standards of music education.


Symphonic Band


-  white tuxedo shirt (Students will purchase this item separate to the rental fee for $20)

-  bow ties and cummerbund

-  tuxedo jacket/pants

-  black socks

-  black dress shoes


-  concert dress

-  dress shoes

Uniform Rentals are $20 for the year

Jazz Band and Percussion Ensemble

-  Black pants

-  Black button down shirt with long sleeves (to roll up)

-  Black socks and shoes

-  Tie

You are expected to buy these items on your own


While private lessons are not required, they are HIGHLY recommended for students in all ensembles. Students who study privately are typically the first to make All-District and All-State bands. Private lessons will lead to very rapid improvement, as well as a greater feeling of success. They can also teach a student responsibility and give them a sense of pride in their playing. We will be starting an after school private lessons program through the Riverside Fine Arts Boosters. Information about this program and when it will begin is forthcoming.


Students should provide their own instruments for rehearsal. We have a limited number of instruments to loan out. The fee for instrument rental from RVHS is $100 for the school year. This fee helps us to maintain the instruments and keep them in good playing condition. Please do your part in keep these instruments in good shape. There is a form at the end of the handbook you will need to fill out if you are renting/borrowing an instrument from the school.

All-District Band, All-District Jazz, All-State Band, All State Jazz Band, Senior Regional Orchestra, All-County Orchestra, and Solo and Ensemble

These are some of the advanced musical events offered in the state. They are selected by audition and it is an honor to make any of these ensembles. Studying privately and consistent focused practicing greatly increases your chance of being selected to be in these groups. The experience you receive playing in one of these groups is amazing and all are encouraged to audition. Please note – there is some extra time associated with these ensembles for their events (a few days of rehearsals and a concert). You will miss some days of school but they are recognized by the school as co-curricular to the classes in the growth of young musicians. More info about auditions for these ensembles are given throughout the school year.

Materials for Classes

Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble: instrument, mallets, pad, sticks (If you rent one, please see the rental policy in the hand book), music, instrument accessories (reeds, mouthpieces, valve oil, cork grease, etc.), pencil, metronome, and tuner. The school assigns folders to you. They are expensive black folders, and if you expected to care for them as you would care for your instrument. These items are essential to achieve the very best we can be as a band program. Please remember to have then for class

Instrument Storage Room Lockers

This is where you will be able to store your instruments and materials for band class during the day. You will be assigned storage locker and combination lock by me. Please keep this area clean and refrain from food, gum, and liquids other than water. This applies for all band and fine arts spaces.

The storage room will be open from 8am – 4pm. The doors will be locked before going outside or going into a different room for a rehearsal. They will be opened back up after the rehearsal is over with. Please plan accordingly to get your instruments and personal items out.


Fundraising is very important for our program. As you know, there is a lot of equipment needed to make a band program run and it is very expensive. Fundraising does not only just help the extracurricular music activities – it also helps the in-school classes too! By participating in the fundraisers, you will all help the development and growth of the RVHS Band Program. Our booster organization the Riverside Fine Arts Boosters is dedicated to our fine arts programs. Please do your part to ensure the growth of our program. One of our biggest fundraisers we will have every year Tag Day (September 12th) is an expectation of every student of the band program, please make every effort to be at this fundraiser.

By signing this form, I fully understand and accept the rules and regulations explained in the Riverside High School Band Handbook. Please return this page signed no later than Tuesday, September 8th


Student name – Print Student name – Signature


Student E-mail


Parent name – Print Parent name – Signature


Phone # Parent E-mail


Parent name – Print Parent name – Signature


Phone # Parent E-mail



RVHS Band Program Calendar 2015-16

September Dates

September 4 - Friday – Marching Band Home Football Game

September 12 - Sat. - Fine Arts Tag Day 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

September 23 - Wed. - SRO Wind Auditions, Woodbridge HS

September 26 - Sat - Marching Band Competition Herndon HS

October Dates

October 5 - Mon. - All-VA Jazz Auditions TBA?

October 17 - Sat. - Marching Band Competition JMU

October 22 - Thurs. - Navy Band Performance Time School Day RVHS Auditorium

October 24 - Sat. - Marching Band VBODA State Assessment Rock Ridge HS

October 30 - Fri. - End of Q1

November Dates

November 2 - Teacher Work Day, Governors School Aud.

November 3 - Teacher Work Day

November 13 & 14 Fri. and Sat. - SRO/JRO Rehearsal and Performance John Champe High School Time TBA

November 18 - 21, Wed.- Sat - All Virginia Jazz at VMEA in Norforlk, VA

November 25 - 27, Wed. - Fri. - Thanksgiving Break

December Dates

December 8th- Tues- After School Band Rehearsal 4-6 PM

December 9- Wed- After School Band Rehearsal 4-6 PM

December 10 - Thurs. - Band & Orchestra Winter Concert, RVHS Audit. 7p.m.

December 17 - Thurs. - Music Dept. Concert at BEMS Time TBA

December 18 - Fri. - Music Dept. Concert at RVHS Time TBA

December 19 - Jan. 3 - Winter Break : )

January Dates

January 9 - Sat. - District Band Auditions, SBHS

January 16 - Sat. - Snow day for District Band Auditions, SBHS

January 14– Thu- Army Band Concert RVHS Auditorium

February Dates

February 4- Thu -All district Band 4-8pm RVHS

February 5- Fri- All District Band RVHS

February 6- Sat- All District Band RVHS

February 23- Tue- After School Band Rehearsal 4-6 PM

February 24- Wed- After School Band Rehearsal 4-6 PM

February 25- Thu- Band Pre-assessment Concert 7 PM

February 27- Sat- All State Band/Orchestra Auditions JMU

March Dates

March 3rd-6th Possible Spring Band Trip

March 9,10, 11 Band MS and HS Assessment Rock Ridge HS (Performance Date and Time TBD)

March 16 District Jazz Auditions

April Dates

April 6th Fine Arts Cluster Show Time TBA

April 7, 8, 9 All State Band (George Mason)

April 28, All District Jazz Band

April 28, All District Jazz Band & All District Jazz Assessment

May Dates

May 24 – After School Band Rehearsal 4-6 PM

May 25– After School Band Rehearsal 4-6 PM

May 26- Band Spring Concert 7 PM

June Dates

June 3 Band Banquet 7 PM

Musical Instrument Rental Agreement

Riverside HS

19019 Upper Belmont Place

Leesburg, VA 20176

Riverside High School and Loudoun County Public Schools is providing a school-owned musical instrument for your son/daughter. This instrument has been inspected, is in good playing condition, and is provided under the following conditions:

1.  There will be a $100.00 instrument rental fee for the school year.

2.  The student is expected to participate in the music program for the full school year; therefore, no refunds, full or partial, will be authorized.

3.  No instruments are to be repaired by students or parents. All instrument repairs will be performed by the teacher or by instrument repairmen under contract with the Loudoun County Schools. Any unauthorized repair work will be subject to professional adjustment at the renter’s expense.