April 28, 2004
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The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools met on April 28, 2004 in the Conference Room at South Coast ESD, 1350 Teakwood Ave., Coos Bay, Oregon, in special session. Chair Caddy McKeown called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
Board members present: Tom Bennett Richard Sebesta
Don Blom Charlie Sharps
Wally Hazen Sue Walberg
Caddy McKeown
Board members absent: None
Others present included: Superintendent Jeremy Lyon, Rod Danielson, Duella Scott-Hull, Karen Gray, Mary Bjornerud, Tim Enright, Arlene Roblan, Jennifer Haliski, Gael Berhow, Gina Sutherland, Arnie Roblan, Nancy Zeck, Travis Howard, Lynda Sanders, Roger Trail, Catherine Hampton, Patty Clark, Barb Bassett, Greg Stambaugh, Linda Smith, Sue Nowlin, Chris Flammang, Scott Bassett, Susan Nauman, and Bob Line.
Accept Contract with 2004-05 Superintendent Karen Gray:
Tom Bennett moved the Board accept the contract with Karen Gray as Superintendent for the 2004-05 school year based on the recommendation of the Board’s sub-committee on administrative compensation. Wally Hazen seconded the motion. Board members commented positively on the candidates interviewed, the process they used to make the selection, John Young’s involvement in the process, and their final decision. Karen Gray emerged as the number one candidate and had accepted the Board’s offer to assume the superintendency effective July 1, 2004. A vote was taken, and it was unanimously favorable.
Approve Hiring of MHS Principal Bob Line:
Chairman Caddy McKeown said she was thrilled Bob Line had accepted the offer to joint the Coos Bay School District family as its Marshfield High School principal, effective July 1, 2004. Caddy McKeown made a motion the Board approve of his hire based on the recommendation of the interview committee. Richard Sebesta seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Caddy shared gifts of apparel displaying the Marshfield Pirates proudly and Board members took turns welcoming Mr. Line.
Administrative Assignments for 2004-05:
Dr. Lyon said it was exciting to announce administrative assignments for next school year. The six-week project of figuring out assignments included interviewing five young administrators within the District and determining strengths to match particular positions.
George Winterscheid will become the Director of Special Programs, formerly Karen Gray’s position. Roger Trail will be half time Marshfield Dean of Students and half time Millicoma Assistant Principal. Dr. Lyon announced that Roger is also the District’s first bilingual administrator, having taught Spanish at the high school. The administrator’s position at Harding Learning Center is pending. Linda Vickrey will move into that spot if and when the situation with Nancy Zeck gets some clarity.
Travis Howard, who has been Assistant Principal at Sunset will become their Principal due to Mike Hughes moving out of the area. Their new Assistant Principal will be Gael Berhow. Dr. Lyon commented on the importance of keeping the vision of transforming Sunset into a true middle school model.
Dale Inskeep will assume the Principal’s position at Bunker Hill Elementary School. Dr. Lyon, who’s been at Bunker Hill sometimes when Dave Laird is not there because of his half-time position this year, commented on the wonderful staff and the environment at Bunker Hill. He said Dale will certainly enjoy this new position.
Continuing in their present positions will be Principal Jennifer Haliski at Blossom Gulch and Principal Arlene Roblan at Madison.
Accept Resignation of Budget Committee Member Susan Nauman:
Policy DBEA – Budget Committee – states that a budget committee member cannot be an officer, agent, or employee of the District. Because Susan Nauman is a substitute employee in the District, she has tendered her resignation. Don Blom moved the Board accept her resignation with regrets. Charlie Sharps seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. On behalf of the Board, Caddy thanked Susan for her years of dedication on the Budget Committee. This position, which expired June 30, 2005, will not be filled at this time in the budget cycle.
There being no further business, Caddy McKeown extended congratulations to those in new positions next year and adjourned the meeting at 5:47 p.m.
Catherine H. McKeown Mary Bjornerud
Board Chairman Board Secretary