Palm Sunday
Week beginning Sunday 25th March 2018
Sunday 25th March
10.30am Family Communion
We extend a warm welcome to the congregations of St Etheldreda’s and St Clement’s joining us today, and to Fr John as he leads us in worship
11.30 Youth Group
meeting in the upstairs room
6.30pmFinal Stations of the Cross
A short service of reading and reflection, walking around the church and pausing at each ‘Station of the Cross’ – relating Jesus journey of suffering to the suffering of many today.
Wednesday 28th7.30pm @ the vicarage
David Suchet’s reading of the entire Gospel of Mark at St Paul’s Cathedral in 2017 had the audience of over 2,000 moved to both laughter and to tears, with many describing the two-hour reading as transformative. If you missed it last year, here is another chance to hear this remarkable recording.
Maundy Thursday 29th
7am West Kensington Underground Station
Shoe polish!
Washing the feet of the regular commuters might not be very practical, but we can polish their shoes – and tell them about why Jesus washed feet. Anyone who would like to join Catharina and Revd Lesley very welcome!
NB Please note – no 11am Eucharist today
7.30pmFoot Washing & Eucharist
We re-enact Jesus’ actions of humble service, washing the dirty feet of his disciples, and sharing bread and wine together for the last time.
…. immediately followed by vigil 8.30pm - midnight
On the eve of his death as Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, we try with the disciples, to stay awake and pray with him. Join us for as short or long time as you are able. If you would like to pray with us but at home, please take a candle and indicate your time on the sheet.
Good Friday 30th 12noon – 3pm
Reflecting on the three hours Jesus hung on the cross, we share in meditation, silence, drama and response. Come and go as you are able.
12noon – meditations through the eyes of key characters in the Passion
1pm – Service including reading the Passion according to St John
2pm – Veneration of the cross
Easter Saturday 31st 11am-1pm
Spring Clean & Decoration!
EVERYONE, of all ages, is asked to join in for as short or long a time as you’re able – cleaning, flower arranging, decorating, tea-making… to ensure the Church is looking wonderful for Easter Day!
Sunday 1st April
Easter Day 5.45am
Dawn Service in Margravine Cemetery, (outside the chapel, Field Road entrance) joining with St Alban’s church. Share in the excitement of that first discovery of the empty tomb and the risen Jesus!
10.00am Easter Day
with Easter fire, 1st Eucharist of Easter (& Easter Egg hunt!)
Let’s celebrate together on this glorious Easter Day!
(NB There will be NO 6.30pm Evensong on Easter Day)
Saturday 7th April 7.30pm
Piano Recital by John Granger-Fisher
Described as one of Australia’s leading pianists, John Granger Fisher will return to St Andrew’s to give a performance for the Children’s Society.
Tickets: £20 including a glass of wine/person. Concessions & Children: £10
To book tickets please call 020 7385 3193 (also available on the door)
Sunday 8th April Choral Evensong
A very special Choral Evensong to celebrate Easter – with music and refreshments to celebrate Trevor & Helen’s 5th wedding anniversary!
Mean Bean Challenge – THANK YOU!
Revd Lesley has survived 5 days of plain beans and rice and says a BIG thank you to all who have supported this venture. Total sponsorship (throughJustgiving and sponsor sheet) is more than £1,000 – a huge help to Tearfund’s work amongst the Mbuti pygmy peoples of the Democratic Republic of Congo – some of the poorest and most despised in the world, and for whom a meal of beans and rice would be a luxury!
Edmund Dehnin ‘Death of a Hunter’
at Finborough Theatre
Edmund Dehn – who has starred in a number of our summer reviews at St Andrew’s – plays Ernest Hemmingway. “Clinically, precisely, harrowingly and in real time, radical German playwright Rolf Hochhuth explores the final hour in the life of an American icon, examining the cult of celebrity, the trappings of fame and “the ultimate futility with which we are all cursed and ‘blessed.’”
Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays in April
Vicar:Revd Lesley Bilinda 07956 587176
Administrator & Hall Hire: Penny McCarthy 020 7385 5023
Churchwardens:Trevor Dawson 07957 398126
Adriaan van Zyl07968 096127
YouthCommunity Minister: Penny Stradling 07791 340294
Welcome to St Andrew’s
If you are new, we would like to welcome you to St Andrew’s, and update
you by email with our news and events. Please fill in the form and hand
it to a member of the clergy or welcome team
Name ………………………………………………………………………………………
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………
Postcode …………………… Telephone No …………………………………………
Email ………………………………………………………………………………………………
10.00am Family Communion and Children's Church followed
by delicious refreshments and great conversation!
6.30pm Evensong (2nd & 4th Sunday of the month)
First Sunday of every month
6.30pm Choral Evensong(NB This month on 8th April)
Third Sunday of the month
6.30pmTaize Prayer
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
8.00-8.30amMorning Prayers in the Lady Chapel
11.00amParents, carers and toddlers informal communion service
12.00 noon – 1pmPrayer gathering, followed by soup
10.30am till noon Open Door & Gardening: Coffee, chat and fun activities especially for the over 60s.
10.15am till 1.00pmSongs and Stories for children. With refreshments.
4.30pm till 6.00pm8-11s Group at Penny Stradling’s house
11.00amHoly Communion(Not on Maundy Thursday)
5.00pm till 7.00pmWest Ken & Gibbs Green Girls Group in the Café(Not on Maundy Thursday)
10.30am – 12 noonJewellery making group(Not on good Friday)
8.00am till 12.30pm Project for the Homeless
(including Eucharist at 9.30am)
Facebook: St Andrew’s Church, Fulham
Twitter @standrewsfulham