Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion Team

This form is for use by early years setting,with parents/carers, to request support from an Area SENCo or Educational Psychologist. If the request is with regard to a named child, parents/carers must agree to and give written permission before SENDIT considers the request.

When completed please return this form to SENDIT Administration, Bath & N E Somerset Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG


Please tick one or more of the following to indicate the support required. Please also ensure to rate/score how confident / knowledgeable you are using the following scale:

1- Not confident at all4 - Confident

2 - Somewhat confident5 - Very Confident

3 - Relatively confident

Type of support requested / Tick / Score
Advice/support for a named child with SEND
Educational Psychologist involvement
Specific support regarding SEND policy and practice
Making reasonable adjustments for a group of children with similar needs
Training (please specify)
Advice about transition support
Support and advice about Education Health Care Needs Assessment-EHCNA
Other (please specify below)


Child’s Name / Date of Birth / Parent/Carer’s Name(s)
Address and postcode
Specialist/Professionals Involved / Signature of Parent/Carer / Date Permission Obtained
What have you already put in place to support this child using assess, plan, do, review (graduated approach)?
Evidence of support already in place in the setting / Please tick
SEN record of support
Communication profile
One page profile
Targeted outcomes plan
Frequency charts
Risk assessments
Other (please specify below)

We give permission for an Area SENCo to support my/our childand to work with setting practitioners and ourselves. We/I understand the Area SENCo may carry out an observation and give advice

We also give permission for basic information about our/my child and their needs to be held on the SENDIT database.

Please note – Any forms that do not have adequate information to make a decision will be returned for further completion


Name of Setting/Settings (dual placement)
Sessions attending or Start date
Name of SENCO and Keyperson
Setting phone number
Further comments about this request:


Only complete this section if you would like to request involvement from an educational psychologist.

Before requesting involvement, please ensure that you have discussed the child’s needs with your Area SENCO and read the document ‘Involvement from an educational psychologist in early years settings’

How do you think an educational psychologist will help you?
What would you hope will be different following involvement from an educational psychologist?

Please ensure to attach the following when requesting educational psychology input:

Tick to confirm included in request
A recent Early Help Assessment (CAF for example) or equivalent assessment
A recent Early Years Child Progress Tracker
Any other relevant information

The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) will carefully consider requests based on the information submitted. Once a request is received and accepted, parents/carers and relevant setting staff will receive a letter informing them of the name of the education psychologist who will become involved. In normal circumstances, the educational psychologist will be in touch within 15 working days to arrange an appointment. Outcomes will be monitored for each child.

Please note – Any forms that do not have adequate information to make a decision will be returned for further completion


April 2016