Special Education Workshop Registration


First Nations Schools

As a result of feedback from the 2006/07 SEP Regional Meetings, FNESC/FNSA is hosting a range of workshops throughout BC. The topics and locations have been chosen by First Nations schools. FNESC/FNSA will support the travel and accommodation costs of one staff member from each school. Additional staff members may participate in the workshops, but their travel and accommodation costs will be the responsibility of the school.

Topic A:Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students
Do you have students that don’t really qualify as “special needs” but who seem to require additional support and time? How can we keep these “grey area” learners from falling through the cracks? This workshop will explore characteristics of these learners, and how to use DIBELS, Jerry Johns and other assessment tools to measure progress and identify those who need extra support. The workshop will discuss IEPs for “grey area” students: who needs one, and what it should look like. Workshop participants will take away practical strategies for targeting support and providing adaptations for these learners within the regular classroom.

Workshop / Date / HostSchool / Location / Facilitator
A-1 / Nov 16 / Quw' utsun Smuneem / Duncan / Lisa Ellis
A-2 / Nov 16 / ChehalisCommunitySchool / Agassiz / Madeline Price
A-3 / Nov 19 / WagalusSchool / Port Hardy / Madeline Price
A-4 / Dec 4 / Coast Inn of the North / Prince George / Madeline Price
A-5 / Jan 18 / Na Aksa Gila Kyew Learning Centre / Terrace / Lisa Ellis
A-6 / Feb 22 / Sk’elep School of Excellence / Kamloops / Lisa Ellis

Topic B:Language Development Strategies for the Classroom

This workshop will discuss how oral language develops and changes throughout the school-age years. It will outline the importance of oral language to all aspects of the curriculum andprovide practical strategies for establishing a classroom environment that promotes speaking and listening. This workshop will also help teachers foster their students’ language development for the purposes of social interaction, reading and writing, and problem solving.

Workshop / Date / HostSchool / Location / Facilitator
B-1 / Jan 18 / Moricetown Elementary / Smithers / Deanne Zeidler
B-2 / Dec 5 / Coast Inn of the North / Prince George / Rachelle Viray-Flindall

Topic C:Strategies and Materials for Adult Literacy

This workshop will explore:

•How to complete informal assessments for adult learners in the areas of literacy and numeracy

• How to document baseline abilities

•Materials for adult literacy and numeracy

•Strategies for adult learning

•Learning Plans for Adult Learners

** Bring your ideas to share with others

Workshop / Date / HostSchool / Location / Facilitator
C-1 / Jan 25 / Ted Williams Memorial Learning Centre / BurnsLake / Madeline Price

Topic D:Individual Education Plans, a Framework for Success

This session will look at the research behind collaborative team planning, and how the IEP is the cornerstone for success for many students. This process provides an avenue for a “voice” for all participants that builds trust, respect, and most of all success for our learners. This workshop will discuss teacher assessment, how to document baseline abilities and student growth, and how to design realistic and achievable goals providing a bright future for our students.

Workshop / Date / HostSchool / Location / Facilitator
D-1 / Oct 23 / BellaBellaCommunitySchool / Bella Bella / Madeline Price
D-2 / Feb 4 / YaqanNukiySchool / Creston / Madeline Price

Topic E:Step up to Writing (an explicit Direct Instruction Model)

This is a K-12 program that teaches multi-sensory strategies for writing. Students internalize the strategies through teacher modeling, guided practice, and guided independence. Hands on materials will be shared. Participants will use the materials and strategies with guided instruction.

Workshop / Date / HostSchool / Location / Facilitator
E-1 / Nov 14 / Outma Squilxw Cultural School / Penticton / Madeline Price

2007-2008 SEP Workshop Registration Form

Select the wokshop from the table below. For descriptions of each workshop, refer to the previous two pages. FNESC/FNSA will cover the travel, meals and accommodation costs for one staff member from each school to attend one workshop. Participants are responsible for making their own travel and accommodation arrangements. FNESC/FNSA will then reimburse participants upon submission of an expense claim and receipts. Schools are welcome to register more than one participant , but will then be responsible for the travel and accommodation costs of the additional people. There are no registration fees for the workshops.

Worskshop / Title / Date / Location
A-1 / Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students / Nov 16 / Duncan
A-2 / Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students / Nov 16 / Agassiz
A-3 / Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students / Nov 19 / Port Hardy
A-4 / Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students / Dec 4 / Prince George
A-5 / Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students / Jan 18 / Terrace
A-6 / Assessment and Literacy Strategies for “Grey Area” Students / Feb 22 / Kamloops
B-1 / Language Development Strategies for the Classroom / Jan 18 / Smithers
B-2 / Language Development Strategies for the Classroom / Dec 5 / Prince George
C-1 / Strategies and Materials for Adult Literacy / Jan 25 / BurnsLake
D-1 / Individual Education Plans, a Framework for Success / Oct 23 / Bella Bella
D-2 / Individual Education Plans, a Framework for Success / Feb 4 / Creston
E-1 / Step up to Writing / Nov 14 / Penticton

Registration deadlines will be one week prior to each workshop.

Confirmation of registration will be sent to each participant along with additional workshop details.

Fax completed registration forms to the FNESC/FNSA office (604) 925-6097

Questions? Contact Kelly Kitchen or Barb O’Neill at 1-877-422-3672