Special Education Laws, Policies, and Procedures Module Pre/Post Test
Name: ______Date: ______
Directions: Circle one answer choice for each question.
1.A FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) means that students:
- can choose which educational setting is appropriate for them.
- must be provided with an appropriate education at no cost to families.
- with disabilities are required to be in general education settings.
- may choose which school in their district to attend.
2.LRE environment stands for:
- Legally Restrictive Environment.
- Less Restrictive Environment.
- Lawfully Restrictive Environment.
- Least Restrictive Environment.
3.Components of an IEP (Individualized Education Program) include:
- annual goals with specific dates and times of proposed educational services.
- present level of academic functioning and annual objectives.
- educational services to be provided and an annual evaluation procedure.
- monthly evaluation procedures and educational services to be provided.
4.According to Procedural Due Process, parents have the right to:
- have their child’s records be kept confidential.
- keep original copies of all of their child’s records.
- receive oral notification of changes in placement.
- be represented by legal counsel at no cost.
5.A nondiscriminatory assessment is not biased by:
- income, religion, or linguistics.
- race, culture, or religion.
- income, linguistics, or culture.
- race, culture, or linguistics.
6.A primary purpose of Public Law 94-142 is to:
- serve as a “Bill of Rights” for children with disabilities.
- protect the rights of students and families by limiting access to records.
- mandate placement into general education classes for all students.
- provide federal funding for assistive technology programs.
7.According to the U.S. Department of Education in 2008, how many disability categories are there?
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
8.Choose the statement that is true:
- The largest disability category is speech or language impairment.
- Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a disability category.
- The largest disability category is specific learning disabilities.
- Autism is categorized as a physical disability.
9.To be protected under Section 504, an individual must have:
- a physical or mental impairment that limits major life activities.
- an impairment that was diagnosed before age 10.
- a written record of an impairment.
- an impairment that limits minor life activities.
10.To be protected under IDEA, an individual must be a student:
- who may or may not have a disability but needs supplemental help.
- with a documented disability under the age of 22.
- who was diagnosed with a disability before age 10.
- with at least two documented disabilities.
Financial Support for Project IDEAL is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, with Federal funds* made available by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities. *$599,247 (74%) DD funds; $218,725 (26%) non-federal resources
The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the funding agency[s]. No official endorsement should be inferred.
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