Special Education Citizen’s Advisory Committee


Executive Board Officer Duties

The Chair presides at all meeting of the SECAC. The Chair shall serve as an ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee. The Chari shall prepare and annual written report for the committee, as well as the Executive Director of Special education, Baltimore City Public Schools’ CEO, Board of Education and any other organization requesting such a report. The Chari may delegate role or responsibilities to voting members. The Chair oversees the report that is given to the Board of Commissioners at any board meeting.

The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in his or her absence or at the Chair’s request. If the Chari resigns or is unable to perform his/her duties, the Vice-Chair shall assume said duties until another Chair is elected.

Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all SECAC meetings and keep attendance records. The Recording Secretary shall review and update SECAC membership lists annually. The recording secretary shall send a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the Chair, Board of education, the SECAC members and any other organization requesting such information.

Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary shall assist officers in letter writing, public relations announcements, developing the annual calendar, and newsletter preparation. They will also coordinate speakers for the SECAC meetings and maintain a speaker’s list. The Corresponding Secretary shall coordinate speaking and teaching engagements for the Chari, Vice-Chair to other sub-committee chairs.

The treasurer will maintain all financial records for the SECAC, along with collecting, copying and filing all invoices authorized by the Chair. The Treasurer will report on the budget each month at regular meetings. They will also assist in the preparation of any financial report under the guidance of the Office of Special Education.