Special Called Council Meeting – August 8, 2013

Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty called the special called meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Bobby Andriot,Mike Zoeller, Donna Eaton, Shane Suttor, Jon Swindler and Frank Page.

City Employees Present: Inez Harris, Judith Smith, Jennifer Herrell, Danny Goodwin, Brandon Pennington, and Willard Tucker.

City Attorney: Steven Gregory

Andy McDonald, Minister at First Baptist Church, gave the invocation.

Minutes/Regular Meeting 7/18/2013 and Public Hearing 7/25/2013

Councilmember Suttor moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of 7/18/2013 and the minutes of the Public Hearing of 7/25/2013 as read by council members prior to the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.

Andy McDonald – First Baptist Church Presentation

Andy McDonald, Minister at First Baptist Church, presented Mayor Hardesty with a flag from their mission trip to Stalingrad. The group worked in a small village and to show appreciation, the Mayor from the village gave them a flag and asked them to present it to their local authorities.

Bids – 2014 Police Cruisers

Police Chief Danny Goodwin asked council to approve the one bid of $24,220.70 from O’Brien Ford for 2014 Ford Taurus Police Interceptors. We will purchase 3 this year.

Councilmember Page moved to approve the bid. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.

All Voted “aye” and motion carried.

Public Comments

Ann Ellercamp, citizen, spoke person for the Shelby County Chapter Fairness Coalition ask council to consider adopting a Fairness Ordinance for the City of Shelbyville. She reported 83% of Kentuckian’s support a Fairness Ordinance.

Horace Brown, citizen, asked council to remember that this is 2013. This same matter is before the Frankfort City Council.

Leslie McBride, citizen, read a letter from Arthur Crosby, Executive Director of the Lexington Fair Housing Council, offering it’s support to the city should it pass a Fairness Ordinance.

Department Reports

Jennifer Herrell, Public Works Director/City Engineer, reported the 2013 street paving project is complete. The Household Hazardous Waste event will be held October 5, 2013 in the parking lot of the old Winn-Dixie. The department fogged streets for mosquitos on the evening of July 24th.

Police Chief Danny Goodwin reported the car cruise and Horse Show went smoothly this year. There was only one arrest. The department has applied for a Homeland Security Grant. Major Kovacs received a Governor’s Award for child seatbelt safety. Calls for service last month was 1,245 with 8,016 calls for the year.

Fire Chief Willard Tucker reported the department has purchased a mobile traffic sign with funds from the Safer Grant. The equipment was around $15,000 at no cost to the city. The month of July had 62 calls for service and 498 calls for 2013.

Mayor’s Report

The Horse Show, car cruise, and street concert were successful this year. He received a lot of comments on the three.

Councilmember Swindler moved to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.

All voted “aye” and meeting adjourned.


MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty



Inez Harris, City Clerk/Treasurer