Spearfish Soccer Association
Board Minutes
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
The Spearfish Soccer Association (SAA) meeting was held at the Spearfish Recreation Center and called to order at 7:13pm by President Rick Ellerton. Members present: Jennifer Ness, Leah Rafferty, Larry Gould, Amber Johnson, and Sarah Leiby. Others present: Erin Schaefer and Steve Overby,
Minutes: The minutes were handed out. Motion made (Larry) and Seconded (Amber) to approve the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: All bills have been paid for from the Indoor Season. Amber went over the accounts and the amounts they currently have (Checking $33902.08 and Money Market where the HS payment comes out of $59868.83)
Fields: Rick is painting the U10 fields and Jenny painted the U12 fields. All fields have the corner flags set up.
Indoor:Jenny reported that the banner sales need to get started very soon. She will work on getting the letters out and email parents regarding the banner sales. If a banner is ordered the business will get the logo placed on the running banner on the website.
Larry talked to Bret at the Rec Center about using the Lookout Room for practice for indoor season with the U6/U8 teams.
Outdoor: Larry suggests making 8x4 goals out of PVC for the U6 and the nets would cost about $35 each. Larry will take the Indoor nets and get them switched out. They are all in the storage room. Larry will also paint the goals after the season. More cones are needed for practices. Jenny will order about 75-100 cones. Jenny and Larry will look through the inventory of what SSA has and order what is needed to get the season ready. Larry will contact the City of Spearfish about the settling ditch at the Pope and Talbot fields. This needs to get fixed so no one gets hurt. Whoever paints fields needs to keep track of the amount of paint used so we can try to budget for next year.
SSA would like to look at hosting a U8 tournament in the Fall, using Festival registration money to get U6/U8 equipment. Jenny will look into getting the paperwork from the State to get this started. She will also look into the rules. Larry and Jenny will work on putting the information together to see if this is a feasible idea.
The Burger King field nets belong to SSA and need to be taken down. The blue nets are SSA. The white nets belong to the High School.
Larry said that everything is going well so far in the season.
Steve: Steve has billed SSA 14 hours from January 9th – March 30th. He will be submitting bills on a Quarterly Basis. He has been paid $850 ($500 for start up and $350 for 14 hours).
Spring Registration: There are a total of 302 kids registered for U6-U19.
Hill City has asked to join SSA as they are not an established league yet. Steve has opened the enrollment to them but they have not registered anyone yet. They need to register through our site in order to be covered on the insurance as it is a liability issue. If Hill City does not register we cannot play them. Jenny will call the Hill City Coach and see what is going on.
High School Program: Rick would like to see the extra money in the High School account at the school. He would like to look at possibly negotiating, but the negotiations need to occur 6 months prior to the season’s start. He would like the SSA to start looking at the contract to see if we need to make any changes when presenting this to the School Board for next year, as our 5 years will be up.
Queen City Futbol: Larry said he talked to Luke Donavan. Larry would like to work towards unifying the two leagues.
It was decided that SSA would not ever allow Larry to move!
Larry will work on getting a curriculum of some sort together so it can be used by coaches and SSA can have a unified training program from year to year/level to level.
Uniforms: 3 teams have paid for the uniforms so far. Coaches received their items for free through the business’ promotion. Uniforms are coming and will be all in by May 1st.
Board Members: Sarah Leiby has resigned her position on the board as she has taken a position in Montana to be an assistant coach. Thank you Sarah for all you have done for the Spearfish Soccer Association. You will be missed. Sarah also mentioned that Aris has resigned his position on the SSA board as well.
With the 2 members that just resigned, and the 2 members that resigned within the last 2 months, there are 4 Member At Large positions available on the board. A couple ideas that were discussed were to have a High School Liaison position and a Volunteer position. More on this to be discussed once members are found to replace the 4 we have missing now.
With there being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned (Jenny moved and Amber seconded) at 8:50pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leah Rafferty
Spearfish Soccer Association Secretary