Choir (and more) Calendar 2016-17

July 29 8-5 Band Leadership Training Day

August 1-5 8-5 Freshman/Varsity Marching Band Camp - See Mrs. Wilhelm's website for details

August 2 & 3 8:00am LSW Locker Check-out

August 1-3pm LSW Open House

August 6 All Day?? Rez Team Building - Times TBA

August 7 3-9pm Rez Choreography Camp

August 8 3-9pm Rez Choreography Camp

August 9 3-9pm Rez Choreography Camp

August 12 1-3pm LSW Open House

August 15 8:15am First Day of School

August 25 7:00pm All-Choir Parent Meeting and Europe Choir Tour 2017 Information Meeting

August 26 3:30-9:30pm Rez Choreography Camp

August 27 10am-4pm Rez Choreography Camp

August 28 3:30-9:30pm Rez Choreography Camp

August 29 3:30-9:30pm Ambience Choreography Camp

August 30 2:30-8:30pm Ambience Choreography Camp

September 2 8:00pm All Choirs sing "Star Spangled Banner" LSW FB

September 12 All State Applications Due (NO EXCEPTIONS)

September 14 4-7pm Parent Teacher Conferences

October 3 8:15am-9pm UNL Men’s Choir Festival (All Choir Boys invited)

October 5 7:00pm Choir Concert - LSW Auditorium

October 7, 8 All-State Choir Auditions (Grades 9-12)

October 10 6:30PM Jazz Band/Orchestra Concert

October 13, 14 FINALS

October 17, 18 FALL BREAK - NO SCHOOL

October 19 All-State Selections Announcemented

October 24 3:30-9:30pm Ambience Choreography Camp

October 25 2:30-8:30pm Ambience Choreography Camp

November ?? 6:30-9:30PM Omaha Symphony Rehearsal – Omaha (Varsity)

November 12 11-5:30PM Omaha Symphony Rehearsal – Omaha (Varsity)

November 13 2PM Choral Collaborative–Holland PAC (Varsity)

“Requiem” Mozart

November 16-18 NMEA Convention-All-State Rehears/ Perf

November 21 4-7PM Parent Teacher Conferences

November 23-25 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving

December 8-10 7:00PM Winter Play

December 12 6:30PM Band/Orchestra/Choir Concert (9-12)

December 15 7:00PM Jazz Band Concert

Dec. 23-Jan. 4 Holiday Break

January 11 7:00PM Show Choir Concert

January 14 Show Choir Competition – Midwest Cup, UNL

January 16 NO SCHOOL

January 17, 18 6:00PM Musical Auditions – “Mary Poppins”

January 28 Show Choir Competition – Lincoln East

February 4 “Showdown” – LSW Show Choir Competition

February 9 4-7PM Parent Teacher Conferences

February 11 Show Choir Competition – Iowa

February 18 8-noon LPS Solo/Ensemble Contest – LHS (9-12)

February 20 No School

February 22 7:00PM Jazz Band Concert

February 24 UNO Jazz Band Festival

February 25 Show Choir Competition – Norris

February 27 7:00PM Band/Orchestra Concert

March 1 7:00PM Varsity Concert Choir & Drake Univ – More info

March 7 7:00PM Choir Concert – All Concert Choirs (9-12)

March 11 Show Choir Competition – Wheaton

March 13-17 Spring Break

March 30, 31 April 1 7:00PM LSW Presents “ Mary Poppins” – Musical

April 6-8 7:00PM LSW Presents “ Mary Poppins” – Musical

April 10 NSAA District Music Contest LNE–All Concert Choirs

April 14 Good Friday –NO SCHOOL

April 17 NO SCHOOL

April 20 4-7PM Parent Teacher Conferences

April 21 & 22 4-7PM Flight Night

May 8 6:00PM Music Banquet (9-12 students and parents, optional)

May 10 7:00PM Band/Orchestra Concert

May 12 6:00PM Swing Night (Jazz Band Dance)

May 17 7:00PM All-Choir Concert (Concert and Show Choirs)

May 28 ?? LSW Graduation - We are done!!! SUMMER!!

Varsity Concert Choir and Chamber Choir

*Bold items are the MAJOR REQUIRED Music concerts and events

Dates and times subject to change. Check music websites periodically for updates! or


Items in RED are either time changes or additions from original schedule.