Speakers for Edmonton Area Rotary Clubs

Students in Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Alberta—Contact Information & Presentation Summaries


This opportunity has emerged in follow-up to a recent Rotary Group Study Exchange (vocational month-long study) involving a group of young professionals from N. Nigeria who visited Rotary District 5370. As part of the hosting activities of the Rotary Club of Spruce Grove, the GSE Team visited several faculties at the University of Alberta. Students from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research assisted in these visits.

Grad students were subsequently invited through a Faculty newsletter to indicate their interest in being guest speakers at Rotary Club meetings in the Edmonton area. Renee Polziehn linked the students who responded to Arlaine Monaghan, who summarized their information into this chart.

Renee Polziehn, PhD, Outreach Director, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, U of A 780.492-0692

Arlaine Monaghan, Assistant Governor, Area 6, District 5370, Rotary International 780.963-3650

Rotary Clubs are invited to contact students directly to make arrangements. Some may require a ride. All would appreciate being your “mealguest”!

Bourque-Bearskin, Lisa
/ Doctoral student in Nursing
VP for Programming, Aboriginal Health Group (U of A student group from a variety of disciplines-Nursing, Native Studies, Education, Science) / -group is doing a culturally appropriate tobacco program for youth and looking to do presentations in community schools
-interested in presenting to schools on various health issues
[President of AHG-Daniel Mckennitt; Coordinator is Marisa Cardinal]
Caparas, Veronica

Shortlisted as a 2002 Rotary Peace Scholar / Doctoral student—Educational Policy Studies (Theoretical, Cultural and Int’l Studies in Education)
Was active in Rotary/Community projects in the Philippines as an educator, and as a judge a judge in Rotary-sponsored debates and public speaking contests. / -15-25 minute talk on how selected university students negotiate space in their respective families
-“Space Matters”—Research on sibling order, hidden gender and sexuality issues, sibling authority, socio-economic status, and physical space. Research participants were selected University of the Philippines students.
-willing to assist with youth debates/speaking contests
Hayman, Edward
/ Doctoral student in Philosophy.
Part of a group that teaches Humanities 101 to inner city residents. / “Practical Uses of Philosophy”
-the value of global traditions
-studying philosophy helps people to learn how to think for themselves and to express their ideas—essential skills for progress in a democracy
-philosophers are contributing to professional codes of ethics, in medicine, and increasingly to business and environmental ethics
-“Philosophy for Children”—a successful program for schools
Jack-Malik, Sandra

Tel: 780.437-9697 / Doctoral student in Elementary Education
Literacy identity, identity shifts and literacy
Owner of a literacy clinic / -how literacy practices shape identity and how identity shapes literacy practices
-literacy rates within adult Canadian population
-sociocultural view of literacy
Jones, Amanda
/ MSc student in public health, focusing on Global Health; completing thesis which was based in Uganda / -worked with adolescents to design school-basedpeer education programs to help them learn more about sexual health topics such as HIV/AIDS, STIs, pregnancy, relationships, etc.
-has been to Uganda 2 times for her research, the latest Fall 2009.
-the peer education programs have been running for the past year and expanding to other schools
Kidner, Keely
/ Masters student in Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Was a Rotary Exchange Student and would like to give back by presenting. / Would briefly tell how Rotary Youth Exchange changed her life’s direction/how important it was to her studies. Researched how teachers and students in Swiss high schools use language (‘official’ German and Swiss German) and how they switch between the languages to submit to or to challenge authority.
Moreau, Marc

website: camta.com
blog: camta.blogspot.com / Orthopaedic surgeon, Dept. of Surgery,
U of A
Chairman, CAMTA (Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad) / -organization (CAMTA) has made presentations to Rotary (e.g. Edmonton South, Mayfield, both St. Albert Clubs) discussing work in South America, specifically Ecuador
Pasternak, Alex

Tel: 780.492-7665 / BSc
PhD student, Dept. Of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
Has benefitted from Rotary Scholarships and would like to give back to the organization / -Since the Human Genome Project started in the 1990’s the estimated number of genes in the Human Genome has decreased from over 100,000 to less than 30,000, meaning the human body contains just half as many protein coding genes as Corn. The added complexity of the human body is made up in the form of the ‘epigenome’, a relatively new field of study.
-Researching how epigenetic modification is affected by reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.
Puligandla, Mr. Giri

Tel: 780.453-5088 / Masters student in Health Promotion Studies
Executive Director of the Alberta Caregivers Association
/ “Supporting Caregivers” A caregiver is a family member or friend who provides unpaid care for a loved one living with challenges due to illness, disability or age. The Alberta Caregivers Association (ACGA) provides information, education, support, networking, advocacy and community development to help caregivers maintain balance in their lives. ACGA uses innovation and collaboration to achieve their vision of an Alberta where caregivers are valued and supported.
Todosijczuk, Ivan
/ Doctoral student in Physical Education and Recreation / “How Do We Turn Inactive Boomers to Active Zoomers?”
If we can stay healthy through physical activity, putting less strain on the health care system as we age, then our entire society should benefit as whole. What types of physical activity messages are disseminated in the media? How many target boomers? If they work, why; if they don’t, why not? What is needed?
Walid, Ibrahim

cell 780.932-1444 / MBA, MEng,MSc / “How Lean Management can Change Your Life” During the last fiscal year, the economy has been shaken vigorously resulting in countless lay-offs and a rise in unemployment, long unseen in Canada. “Lean” is a commonsense, low cost management approach to protect the most valuable assets, trained employees, during hard times. More importantly, how significant will it be if we embedded this culture in our daily life routines?
Wong, Leo
/ Completing PhD in Marketing
Has interesting website:
/ -“Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Decision-Making”
-“Social Marketing”
Would discuss his research, as well as community initiatives that could address these issues.