Speakers/ Authors Manual


General Informationpage 2-4

Guide for Oral and Powerpoint or

Overhead Transparency Presentationspage 5-7

Instructions for Final Submission of

Papers for PATRAM 2004 proceedingspage 8

Guidelines for PATRAM 2004 poster presentationspage 9

Speakers Checklist/ Form for full paper submissionpage 10

Important dates to remember

Due at PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency

Changes in chair, speakers and abstractsAug. 02, 2004

Additional audiovisual requestAug. 20, 2004

Final Paper DeadlineAug. 31, 2004

Speaker Short Introduction (At the symposium/ Speakers Breakfast)

General Information

  1. Invitation to a Speakers Breakfast

For final coordination and information within your session, the PATRAM 2004 organizers invite you for a Speakers Breakfast together with your session chairperson(s). Speakers Breakfasts are scheduled for each morning of the conference, for more details please see cover letter. On the day of your presentation, please attend this breakfast/ briefing to hear last-minute communications on changes, introductions etc. between speakers and chairs. You should notify the PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency c/o Kontec GmbH (phone: ++49/40/527 48 28 – fax: ++49/ 40/ 507 988 34, Email: ) if you cannot attend. Only the speaker respectively one author per presentation should attend. The same goes for the poster presentation: only one author per poster should attend the poster breakfast/ briefing. Invitation letter is attached to your personal cover letter.

Following the briefing, you will be asked to check the session room and familiarize with the audiovisual equipment (room lighting, microphones, beamer etc.)

  1. Speaker’s Biography/ Short Introduction

The session chair needs a biography/ short introduction of the speaker who will make the presentation in order to prepare his/her introductions to the audience. For your convenience a “Speaker’s Short Introduction” form is included in this manual. Please fill it in and hand it over to your session chairperson(s) at the beginning of your Speakers Breakfast.

  1. Audiovisual Equipment

Each meeting/session room will be equipped with the following audiovisual equipment:

  • Podium with microphone
  • Appropriate screen
  • Overhead projector
  • Beamer (LCD projector)
  • Laptop, incl. MS Windows XP, Software “Office XP” (includes Power Point)

In order to facilitate the preparation work for each presentation, please review the following information and comply to the contained instructions:

  • Technical support will be provided for each meeting/ session room who will manage that all presentations can be shown from the laptop available in the room.
  • Speakers can easily watch his/ her presentation from the monitor – no need to turn to the screen during presentation.
  • Speakers can handle/ control her/ his presentation directly by radio remote control
  • An important PREREQUISITE FOR THIS is that all authors submit their contributions (Powerpoint file) in time prior to the Symposium to PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency or at least to have their presentations available on-site on CD ROM or USB/ memory stick to hand it over to the technical staff in time prior to your session/ presentation.
  1. Change in Speakers

Speakers are instructed to notifythe PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency c/o Kontec GmbH (phone: ++49/40/527 48 28 – fax: ++49/ 40/ 507 988 34, Email: ) not later thanAugust 2, 2004 of:

  • Withdrawal of their paper
  • Changes in their availability to present their paper
  • Substitute speakers for their presentation
  • Changes in the title or authors of their paper

The PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency will provide this information to the Session Chair. If the Session Chair receives information regarding the speaker or paper, this information must be provided to the Technical Coordinator through PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency (contact. Mr. Masslowski – phone: ++49/30/ 8104-3956) as soon as possible. If a substitute speaker will make the presentation, that new speakers biography/ short introduction should be prepared to be brought to the Speakers Breakfast. In addition, the original speaker shall provide the substitute speaker with all information about the Symposium, including the speaker’s acceptance notification letter, Preliminary Programme and Speakers/ Authors Manual. If this is not possible, please request PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency to provide this information to the substitute speaker.

  1. Change in Session Chairs

Session Chairs need to contact the Technical Coordinator no later then August 2, 2004, of any changes in their availability to chair their sessions. Session Chairs, if unavailable, must nominate a substitute Chair to the Technical Coordinator for consideration.

  1. Withdrawn Papers
  • Authors who withdraw their papers after the Final Programme is printed must immediately notify the Technical Coordinator.
  • If a paper is withdrawn at the Symposium, it is imperative that the Technical Coordinator/ Session Chair be notified immediately.

When a paper has been withdrawn at the Symposium, the Session Chair shall use that paper’s 20-minute slot for discussion or a break. The starting time or position of subsequent papers in the session shall not be adjusted. Session papers shall not be rearranged under any circumstances without prior approval of the Technical Coordinator. If the number or location of withdrawn papers presents a problem to the Session Chair, the Technical Coordinator shall be consulted to arrive at a suitable resolution.

  1. Author’s Preprints

Authors are allowed to bring copies (preprints) of their papers to the meeting for distribution.

  1. Length of Final Ppapers and Page Charges

PATRAM 2004 does not charge for publishing papers on the CD that are less than eight full, single-spaced, single-column pages (including charts and photos). Papers longer than eight pages will be assessed a fee of € 50,- (plus tax) per page for each page over eight. To be published, payment must be receivedby PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency c/o Kontec GmbH by September 13, 2004.

  1. Speaker Registration Information

PATRAM 2004 policy requires that all speakers, session chairs and symposium attendees complete a registration form and pay the published registration fee. The registration fee will include the banquet, opening reception, speakers breakfast, all refreshments, conference materials, proceedings and free access to the exhibit hall.

  • Registration and hotel reservation forms attached (for more detailed participation terms please review
  1. Deadline for Full Papers

The deadline for PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency c/o Kontec GmbH to receive full papers to be published on the CD is August 31, 2004. Please submit your full paper via the appropriate feature on or by Email: or on a CD ROM by mail to PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency c/o Kontec GmbH, Attn. Mrs. Susann Jakusz, Tarpenring 6, D-22419 Hamburg, Germany. A hard copy must accompany the disk. Please carefully read and follow the instructions for submitting papers on page 8. Remember, the Speakers Checklist must accompany each paper.

Guide for Oral and Powerpoint or

Overhead Transparency Presentations

The purpose of the PATRAM 2004 Symposium is to provide a professional forum for the presentation and discussion of new ideas, issues, and developments of importance to the packaging and transportation community. The proper presentation of papers at the Symposium is the most essential element of the entire meeting. The speaker should realize that he/ she is speaking to an audience of varied degrees of familiarity with the subject matter. Furthermore, since PATRAM 2004 is an international symposium, consideration should be given to making the presentation in a manner that is meaningful to those whose mother tongue is not English. A successful presentation can be assured if the speaker will follow the guidelines for organization, visual aids and delivery.

  1. General
  1. When you arrive at the meeting room, preferably 30 minutes prior to the start of your session, locate your session chair and let him/ her know you are present. Become familiar with the operation of the Laptop, microphone and overhead projector.
  1. Transparencies should be prepared so that they are easily readable and understandable by the audience.
  1. Each speaker is allotted twenty minutes…1 minute for introductions, 15 minutes for the presentation and 4 minutes for questions.
  1. Repeat any questions from the audience into the microphone for the entire audience to hear before attempting to respond.

A “timing light” system, visible to both speaker and session chair, will be used to aid in keeping the programme on schedule.

  • A green light indicates that you are in the initial 12 minutes of your presentation.
  • A yellow warning light indicates that you have three (3) minutes remaining to complete your presentation.
  • At the end of the three (3) minutes, a red light signals the end of your presentation, at which time, the chair will call for questions and discussion.
  • A maximum of four (4) minutes is allowed for questions after the paper is presented.

It is the responsibility of each speaker to adhere strictly to this policy for the benefit of the meeting participants who wish to attend presentations in the other sessions as scheduled. It is absolutely essential that each presentation not exceed twenty minutes.

Session Chairs will ensure that each presentation starts at the scheduled time. In order to adhere to the allotted time, speakers should present information in a concise manner; focus on ideas, concepts and the impact of the work, and emphasize points, results and other conclusions.

  1. Organization of Presentation

Persons with varying degrees of knowledge of the subject matter should be able to understand the significance and usefulness of the work. Sufficient background needs to be provided to educate the listener as to why the topic is being presented. The conduct of the work or basis for the approach taken should be described. A description of the work should include the significant facts and results. Conclusions need to be presented that highlight the importance of the work.

The significant information about the work should be presented in a concise manner. Organize the presentation so the information can be presented in approximately 15 minutes. It may be advantageous to present the main results and conclusions first, and then discuss achievements, comparison or related work and specific details if time permits.

  1. Visual Aid Guidelines

Visuals serve as a guide to the presentation. They outline the presentation to help the listener follow the speaker. The objective of the work is highlighted and important details of the work are presented. Significant results and conclusions are also highlighted on the visuals. Unreadable and poor quality visuals are a common and traditional complaint from attendees.

  • Overhead projection transparencies must be easy to read. Information on transparencies should be legible when read unaided at a distance of 2.5 metres.
  • The information on the visual should not be crowded. A maximum of three colours per visual should be used with a sharp contrast between lettering and background
  • Tables and graphs should be simplified such that only relative information is portrayed. Titles, headings and legends for tables and graphs should be clearly presented. The number of rows in a table should not exceed six and the number of columns should not exceed four. Text should be summary words and statements – one of two points per transparency.

Legibility of the starting material does not imply legibility of the project image. The legibility of visuals is determined by the letter or line size, density (or opacity) and contrast of the letters against the background. Use of colours can be helpful in increasing legibility, but be sure that the colours contrast. For example, if a black background is used, use light colours – not green or blue. Avoid the use of visuals of typed pages, because they are not legible more than a few feet from the projected image as the type is too small and letters are too thin.

Prepare several simple visuals from one complicated one. Too much information on one visual can be difficult to read. The use of colour enhances a visual, but avoid too many colours as this also causes strain on the reader. Although it is convenient to use tables and graphs from a report, prepare them specifically for the presentation eliminating unnecessary detail usually present in a report. If photographs are used, they should tell a story and support the overall presentation. If the photo is not clear and the colour is not good, don’t use the photo – have specific photos prepared for the subject matter to be presented. If graphs are used, be sure they are big and bold. General trends and relative values are better than detailed line drawings. Keep graphs simple – point to one concept at a time.

  1. Delivery

Insure that:

  • the presentation demonstrates effective preparation prior to the meeting;
  • the presentation is developed to meet the allotted time constrains;
  • it has been practised;
  • it is coordinated with the sequencing of the visuals; and
  • the delivery of the speaker ensures that the audience can easily follow the presentation.

The speaker should:

  • Talk to the audience and not to the visual;
  • Speak slowly enough that people can follow easily;
  • Speak for the non-English speaking audience;
  • Avoid presenting too much detailed information;
  • Avoid blocking the projection of visuals;
  • Use a pointer to highlight graphs and tables at the screen and not the transparency.

Arrange for an assistant to manipulate overhead transparencies. The assistant allows you to move about if necessary to highlight specifics on the screen and directs the audiences attention to you rather then the projector.


  • Think about your audience as you prepare
  • Depth of discussion
  • Need for introduction of the material
  • Have at least one dry run to be sure your material is appropriate and that you stay within the time allotted.

Instructions for Final Submission of Papers for

PATRAM 2004 Proceedings

Papers will be reproduced as submitted in the Proceedings on CD. You will need to submit your paper either through the appropriate feature on or send it by Email to as pdf-file (.pdf) or on a CD by mail using the following instructions. When sending your full paper on a CD by mail, a hard copy original printout on DIN A 4 (21 x 29.7 cm) to be used for proofing and in the event there are problems with your electronic file. A classic example of a paper is attached to this manual. The electronic form of this classic example can be find on the PATRAM 2004 Web Site Detailed instructions are written in the classic example.

  1. It is recommended that you use only Microsoft Word for your paper:
  2. Sufficient margin space should be provided on all four sides. We suggest 1.5 cm for left and right, 3.5 cm top margin and 2.5 cm at the bottom.
  3. Please use DIN A 4 format (21 x 29.7 cm) for your paper.
  4. Use single spacing throughout the paper. Use a single-column format. Use the Arial font style with a recommended 10-point size. The quality reproduced on the CD is entirely dependent on the quality of the printing and graphics of the paper submitted. Graphics or copy of poor quality will appear as poor quality on the CD.
  5. If possible, include all graphics, tables, charts, photos etc. in your electronic files. When creating tables use the table editor features not keyboard spaces. If you are unable to include your graphics in your electronic file, they will be placed at the end of your paper. All material for your full paper must be submitted as electronic version. No scanning of any submitted hardcopy material will be performed.
  6. Footnotes and references – if any – should appear at the end of the paper following the body and any graphics.
  7. Avoid heavy solids or graphics with dark backgrounds. Simple line drawings or simple graphics are encouraged.
  8. Do not write notes or print page numbers on your full paper. All submitted contributions will be numbered automatically when the CD ROM will be produced.
  9. When submitting your full paper on a CD, sent by mail, please label your disk clearly with the following information: author(s) name(s), paper name (title), session number, session title, file name, software and version.
  10. Please submit your final full paper in compliance with the deadline: August 31, 2004

Guidelines for PATRAM 2004 Poster Presentations

  1. PATRAM 2004 Poster Sessions provide a means for substantive discussion of research results and/ or demonstration of technology for participants attending the Symposium. The Poster Session will be held on Wednesday, September 22, 2004, from 03.30 p.m. – 06.00 p.m. A briefing breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday, September 22, 2004, at 07.15 a.m. for Poster Session presenters. The location will be the Estrel Orangerie.The poster presentation set-up is scheduled for Wednesday, September 22, 2004, from 10.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. in the Poster Session Area (Estrel Hall B, possibly additionally within the Exhibition Area or alternative).
  2. Vendors, laboratories, or others, promoting the sale of instruments, apparatus, equipment, software, processes and capabilities are required to present or exhibit their commercial products separately from the posters & demonstrations session. Only the results of research may be presented in the posters & demonstrations session.Vendors and others wishing to exhibit their commercial products should request the exhibitor prospectus from PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency.
  3. Papers scheduled for presentation in the Poster Session are listed in the Final Programme in the same manner that oral presentations are listed; both include an abstract. Although poster/ demonstration presenters are not required to prepare a final paper, they are encouraged to do so. In either case, your abstract will be included in the Proceedings.
  4. Boards provided by PATRAM 2004 for mounting posters at the Symposium are of 0.97 width and 1.50 m height. Space and other considerations require that these boards must be used – no alternative displays, stands or exhibit-type boards are acceptable. The poster locations will be numbered ahead of time so that you will know exactly where to place your poster. Prepare a sign (“header”) for the top of the poster, indicating the title and name(s) of author(s) so that your poster may be easily identified. The lettering for this heading should be at least 2.5 cm (approx. 1 “) high. A copy of the abstracts, set in large type, can be posted in the upper left-hand corner of the board or used as a handout. All illustrations should be prepared prior to the Poster Session. Keep in mind that your illustrations must be read from a distance. Charts, drawings, photographs and illustrations should be similar to those used in making transparencies. Your illustrations should not be mounted on heavy board, as these may be difficult to keep in position on the board. Hand-lettered material is unsuitable for professional and effective poster presentation. Illustrated materials should be kept simple.
  5. PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency will provide, on an as-needed basis, limited quantities of tape, scissors, magnetic pins, push pins etc. A small table will be placed in front of each poster board to support your poster materials. An electrical connection can be provided if requested by August 20, 2004 If you will be using audiovisual equipment to enhance your poster presentation, please inform PATRAM 2004 Conference Agency of your needs by August 20, 2004.
  6. Posters may be left mounted onto the boards until the end of Symposium.

Speakers Checklist/ Form for full paper submission