Speaker Information, Process, and Application

The Spa Industry Association of Canada is the only national spa industry association and is the voice of leading spas in Canada. Representing more than 150 spa and wellness facilities and suppliers across the country, SIAC is a member-driven organization that thrives on meeting the growing needs of a rapidly evolving industry.

The Spa Industry Association of Canada would like to thank you for applying to speak at our events. Please take time to review this document and submit all required information to have your application considered by the Conference, Networking and Education Committee.

Application Requirements

  1. Complete Speaker Application Form

Please fully complete the attached Speaker Application Form.

  1. Presentation Outline

Please include a full summary of the presentation’s objectives, expected outcomes, key messages, benefits, learning points, and takeaways that you will convey to our audience. This information may be used in our key promotional documents and on the Leading Spas of Canada website.

Session Objective: The purpose of your specific session would be to provide:

  • inspirational business/personal success stories
  • new, leading edge business paradigms
  • interactive group educational exercises
  1. References

Please provide contact names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of least two (2) references from recent engagements (within the last 12 months).

  1. Biographical/Photographic information

Please email a photo and a word.doc(x) version of your biographical information and introduction.

  1. Presentation

We encourage the use of PowerPoint, video clips, etc. In order to have your application considered, please forward a copy of your electronic presentation for review with your application. In an effort to reduce paper at our events SIAC will circulate any handouts electronically after each event. Please indicate on the application the presentation style.

Speaker Information

Presentation Format (Non-Lecture)

Given that this event is a hands-on, learning, educational, and networking experience, we would request that you keep this format in mind. Our audiences have consistently requested and have come to expect presentations that include a significant amount of audience interaction and participation through a variety of adult education and interaction techniques.

Content of Presentation

We respectfully request that your presentation is non-biased and does not include selling or promotion, of any nature, regarding a particular product or service represented by you or your company. Experience has shown that our audiences are strongly dissuaded by this type of approach and it does not promote the main purpose of this event, which is education and networking. You are most welcome, and we encourage you to come early and stay after your session, to network with attendees.

To ensure that presentation materials comply with SIAC’s content guidelines, all presentation materials will be screened for items such as, but not limited to:

  • images of products being sold or represented by your company
  • logo’s which directly represent a product/service you are selling through your company. Products include; skin care, books, CD’s, consulting programs
  • direct recommendations during the presentationof your company’s specific methods, programs, and/or ingredients that would directly promote a product/service your company represents
  • displays of products/service materials during the presentation which are represented by your company

Return on YOUR Investment!

Spa Industry Association of Canada is a non-profit association committed to providing quality educational and networking opportunities for the entire spa industry. As such, it provides speakers and presenters with several high profile and high impact opportunities to share their area of expertise in a way that will inspire, inform and involve conference participants. Our speaking engagements include the following benefits in exchange for your time and effort:

  • Inclusion and prominence in key event collateral.
  • Display opportunity of your materials prior to or following your session.
  • Sale of your books/CD’s and any other material at the event.
  • A listing on the LSC website with a direct link to your own website (as applicable).

If you have any questions about the requirements or the application process, please contact Spa Industry Association of Canada:

TL 800.704.6393

FX 866.514.8252

Please complete the full application and return to Spa Industry Association of Canada either via email, , or fax to 866.514.8252.
Completed applications will be reviewed by the Conference, Networking & Education Committee.
Applicants will be contacted by SIAC regarding the status of the application.
All speaker applications are held on file. Applicants will be contacted if their particular expertise is required at an SIAC Event.
Speaker Name
City / Province
Telephone / Email
Social Media / LinkedIn
LSC Member? / Yes No
Spa Industry Association of Canada presents several event formats. Please indicate the area(s) for your most appropriate or comfortable fit.
Event Format / Forum / Workshop Webinar Panel Participant
Please indicate area(s) of Expertise
Leadership / Safety & Hygiene
Human Resources / Personnel / Medical Practices in the Spa
Business Management / Spa Modalities / Practitioner Experience
Branding / Spa Products / Ingredients
Marketing / Spa Equipment
Social Media / Inspirational Speaking
Public Relations / Design & Development
Retail Management / Trends
Other / Other
Please provide additional information. Attach biography, photo, presentation, and/or session outline.
NOTE: Presentation Title and Summary information are not required elements for Panelist
Presentation Title
Describe the ideal audience for this presentation
Presentation Synopsis
Available to Speak in / Eastern Canada Central Canada Western Canada
Presenter Language(s) / English French Bilingual
Please provide at least two (2) references from speaking engagement within the past twelve (12) months.
If you have been referred or invited to participate for a Panel opportunity, please indicate who referred or invited you to participate.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Invited by


2680 Matheson Blvd. East, Suite 102

Mississauga, ON L4W 0A5
TL Toll Free 800 704.6393
FX Toll Free 866.514.8252

2680 Matheson Blvd. East, Suite 102 Mississauga ON L4W 0A5
T 800.704.6393 | F 866.514.8252 | |
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CNE-G Speaker Application 130321 F.docx