Heatons W

MAY 2017


Saturday, 13th May, 2-4 pm / The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Thursday, 18th May / Haughton Hall Open Gardens / Haughton, Tarporley
Thursday, 18th May, 7.30 pm
For 7.45 pm prompt start / Monthly Meeting
Our 9th Anniversary Cream Tea

Speaker from our 2017 chosen charity, Lancasterian School

Plant sale.
Door: Val P; Raffle: Sue I:
Refreshments: Anne K, Pat McG and Sheila B. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Saturday, 20th May , 11 am
(Please note new time.) / President’s Coffee Morning
A chance to chat over a nice coffee.
Meet in the seats at the rear of the bar. / Thom’s Bar,
Heaton Moor Road
Monday, 22nd May, 7.30 pm / Book Club / Hosted by
Barbara Humpage
Thursday, 25th May, 7.30 pm / Creative Crafts Group
Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Wednesday, 31st May, 1 pm / “Thursday” Book Club
Hosted by Chris / Arden Arms – Lunch in honour of Suze’s plaque, then meeting
Saturday, 3rd June, 2-4 pm / The Heatons WI Choir
All welcome, £3 per session. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Wednesday, 7th June / NFWI Annual Meeting / Liverpool
Wednesday, 7th June, 7 pm / Dining Group
Sign-up sheet at next meeting.
For more information, contact Karen on 07875 753833 / Cheshire Line, Cheadle
Thursday, 8th June, 7.30 pm / Creative Crafts Group
Sewing, knitting, crochet, crafting and chatting. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Thursday, 15th June, 7.30 pm
For 7.45 pm prompt start / Monthly Meeting
Speaker – to be confirmed.
Competition: Homemade picture on 7” paper plate using flower petals
Door: Chris S; Raffle: Karen
Refreshments: Carolyn, Michele and Linda G. / The Moor Club,
Heaton Moor Road
Tuesday evenings, 6.30 pm / Walking and Talking Group
Details from Julie Townley on / Various venues in the Heatons

Many happy returns to members who celebrate their birthday in May.


This May we celebrate our 9th birthday and we are planning a special programme to celebrate our first decade, next year.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at our birthday celebration on 18th.


Best wishes, Angela.


Spring Plants

Don’t forget that we will be having our usual plant sale at the May meeting if you have any spare seedlings or cuttings. All money raised will go into our funds.

2017 Royal Cheshire Show - Provisional arrangements

All non-perishable items to be taken to the June meeting. Perishable items should be taken to Angela’s house on Sunday, 18th June at a time to be confirmed in the next newsletter.

NFWI Raffle Tickets

We will be selling the NFWI raffle tickets at the June and July meetings. Wonderful prizes including a £10,000 cash first prize, a holiday for two and a Magimix food processor.

April Meeting Report

Refreshments: £25.80; Raffle: £35.50; ACWW: £8.23. Foreign coins – yet to be converted into Sterling. The winner of the April competition for the best Easter bonnet was Janet L, Sally came second and Ann M third.


The Fitzgerald Cocktail Masterclass – date to be confirmed

A sign-up sheet for initial expressions of interest for the cocktail masterclass will be available at the May meeting. The cost of the class will be £20 per person, which will include two cocktails. We need a minimum of thirty participants to make this event worthwhile. Please invite your friends and family to join us.

Bramall Hall Visit – Saturday, 24th June

Tiff has kindly offered to conduct a tour of the newly re-opened Bramall Hall on Saturday, 24th June at 2 pm. Tickets cost £7.50 per person and she requires cash in full at the May meeting to secure the tickets.

Spare Thursday Social - Thursday, 29th June

About three times a year there are five Thursdays in the month. The Committee thought it a shame to waste these spare Thursdays so, on Thursday, 29th June, we will be holding a social meeting at the Moor Club from 8 pm to decide what to do with these days. Come along for a cup of tea or coffee (or a glass of something stronger) and let us have your ideas.

Trip to Liverpool – Saturday, 22nd July

If you are interested in spending a day in Liverpool with members of the Heatons WI, please meet at 9.45 am on the platform at Piccadilly Station, Manchester for the 10 am Liverpool Lime Street train.

Currently return tickets cost £17.70 but the cost of tickets purchased in advance generally reduces to approximately £12.60 six weeks before the travel date. There won’t be a sign-up sheet for this event – just turn up on the day.

Trip to Robinsons Brewery – Saturday, 12th August

Suze has kindly agreed to organise a trip to Robinsons Brewery on Saturday, 12th August. A sign-up sheet will be available at the next meeting.

Afternoon Tea at Chancellors Hotel – Sunday, 24th September

Arrangements are being made for an afternoon tea at Chancellors Hotel, Fallowfield on Sunday, 24th September. A sign-up sheet will be available at the next meeting.

The Heatons WI Late Summer Outing

Following on from the successful trip to Saltaire last September, thoughts are now turning as to where we might go to this year. We still have one or two good suggestions from last year but if you know of somewhere that might be of interest, please put a note in the Suggestions Book at the next monthly meeting.


WI Cake Sale

A cake sale event is being planned for Saturday, 1st July in the church hall behind St. Paul’s Church, Heaton Moor Road to raise funds for our chosen charity, The Lancasterian School. We are able to use the church hall from 12.30 to 3 pm and plan to offer refreshments as well as our “famous” WI cakes. We hope to attract many members of the public and will advertise the event in local shops and on social media and plan to invite local WIs. There will be a jam jar tombola (more about that at the next meeting) and raffle.

We urgently need volunteers to form a small sub-committee to carry forward the organisation, volunteers to help on the day, cake bakers, donations of sweets and biscuits, crafts and any ideas as to how we can make this event even more successful. Please contact a member of the Committee if you are able to help in any way and a sign-up sheet will be at the next meeting.

ACWW – Pennies for Friendship

Zeta Emmett, Cheshire Federation’s ACWW Representative, writes:

“I was most impressed by these novel ways of raising money which the NFWI issued:

·  Count the number of sinks and toilets at home – much of the world has no clean, safe water! For each donate 25p.

·  Measure your height – many children in the developing world suffer from malnutrition and stunted growth. For each centimetre give 5p.

·  Count the plug sockets in hour house – technology is a huge luxury that makes our lives easier. For each socket give 5p.

·  How many pairs of shoes do you have? - millions of children around the world have no choice but to go barefoot. For each pair donate 20p.

·  Fine yourself 50p each time your mobile or watch alarm goes off in a meeting or other social gatherings.”

We collect Pennies for Friendship at each meeting. Look for the green piggy-bank on the sign-in desk. More details about Cheshire Federation’s support for ACWW can be found on their website at www.cheshirewi.org.uk/acww/


Badminton Group

The badminton group meets on alternate Wednesday mornings at Life Leisure, Broadstone Mill, Reddish at 11 am. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Shirley on .

Walking and Talking Group

The group currently meets at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday at various venues in the Heatons. If you are interested in joining this group, please contactJulie Townley on .

Swimming Group

The class is currently full but if you are interested in joining the waiting list for the swimming group, please contact Shirley on .


and News from cheshire

CFWI Headquarters - WI House, 11 White Friars, Chester, CH1 1NZ. Tel. 01244 347462;

CFWI 2018 Calendars : These can be ordered through Krysia at £3.20 each. Please place your order and make payment by the June meeting.

Invitation from Poynton : There is currently no waiting list at Poynton WI as last year they agreed to increase their membership. If anyone is interested in becoming a dual member at Poynton, please contact their President on .

Haughton Hall Gardens : 18th May from 10.30 am to 3 pm.

Invitation from Stalybridge WI : Saturday, 20th May, 7.30 pm. The Mikron Theatre are performing “Best Foot Forward” a play about the Youth Hostelling Association. Full details in the NECG Newsletter.

New Members Evening : Thursday, 25th May at WI House, Chester. More details from Sue J.

Orienteering : Please note new date. Fulshaw will be running their orienteering evening again this year on the 12th June in Alderley Edge. See the NECG Newsletter for more details.

Royal Cheshire Show : Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st June 2017.

A Garden Party for Denman College : Saturday, 24th June 2017, 11 am to 4 pm. Hosted by Whitley WI in Helen Carey’s beautiful garden. Tickets £5 adults, £1 children. Details from Pat Sharp by email or Helen Carey at

NECG Summer Outing : The NECG summer outing this year will be a day trip on Friday, 30th June to Shrewsbury. Tickets are priced at £12, which includes a tip for the driver. More details in the NECG Newsletter. Please see Linda for tickets.

County Walk : Wednesday, 5th July 2017. Starting in Higher Poynton, the walk is 6-7 miles but fairly flat. Packed lunch required. For more information contact Olwen Sandiford 01625 879018 or email .

Treasure Hunt : Around Chester, starting and finishing at WI House on Wednesday, 12th July, starting between 10 am and 12 noon and finishing by 3 pm. Cost per member £3. More details from Wendy Youd on 01829 770476.

Wigs and Wellies : 21st to 24th July, camping weekend at Linnet Clough. Sold out.

NECG Craft Day : Saturday, 7th October at Woodford Community Centre. This is still in the planning stage at the moment but, based on the popularity of the craft events held by individual Institutes, the NECG thought the WIs might like to pool their talents and offer a day of craft activities. More details available soon. NECG Reps will be asking for teams of people to lead workshops throughout the day

Cheshire Federation Autumn Meeting : Tuesday, 3rd October 2017.

NECG Autumn Meeting : Thursday, 12th October 2017.

Cheshire Denman Taster Weekend : 22nd-23rd October 2017.

Cheshire Federation Christmas Carol Concert : Wednesday, 6th December 2017 at Cheshire Cathedral. If you are interested in singing with the Federation County Choir, please contact Hazel Fogg at WI House.

NECG Carol Concert : Tuesday, 12th December 2017.

CFWI Calendar 2019 : The theme for the 2019 calendar is “Cheshire and its Four Seasons”. Photographs, in landscape format, will be required in early January 2018. More details to follow.



This year’s AGM will take place on Wednesday, 7th June in Liverpool.

NFWI 2018 Diaries : These can be ordered through Krysia at £4.60 each. Please place your order and make payment by the June meeting.

Denman Courses

A list of courses to February 2018 is listed online at www.denmancollege.org.uk

Members’ Only Website

The NFWI is developing a dedicated members’ only website to help you get the best from your membership – launching on 7th June 2017. From membership information and campaigns advice, to short-skills videos and inspiring cookery, craft and gardening projects, you will be able to find everything you need to enjoy the huge range of opportunities WI membership offers. If we have your email address you will be able to access the website once it is up and running. Find out more on page 40 in the May/June issue of WI Life and follow the NFWI social media accounts to stay updated with the site’s development.

Members’ Notice Board

If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter,

or know of any local events other members might be interested in please send details to Sally at

Stamp Collection

Linda McD is collecting stamps for the RSPB’s campaign to save the albatross. Please save your used stamps, ideally with no more than a quarter of an inch border, and hand them to Linda at any meeting.

Food Bank Collections

Each month Esther and Janet will collect donations for the Fallowfield and Withington Foodbank. (More information about the foodbank’s work and the Trussell Trust can be found at www.fallowfieldwithington.foodbank.org.uk). Donations of items such as cereal, tinned food, long-life milk, ladies’ toiletries, sweet treats, etc., can be brought to our monthly meetings for delivery to the foodbank.


Monthly Meetings

Could we ask that the ladies who are on door and raffle duty arrive at the Moor Club by 7 pm, please?