Speak with love about the one who is love
Sat 27thJanuary / 6.00 / Mass / 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sun 28th / 9.30 / Mass / 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 29th / 9.00 / Mass / Feria
Tues 30th / 11.30 / Mass / Feria
Wed 31st / 9.00 / Mass / St John Bosco
Thurs 1st February / 9.00 / Mass / Feria
Fri 2nd / 9.00 / Mass / Presentation of the Lord
Sat 3rd / 9-9.45
6.00 / Exposition
Mass / St Blaise
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sun 4th / 9.30 /
/ 5th Sunday in Ordinary TimeMon 5th / 9.00 / Mass / St Agatha
RACIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY-Today. Please take a free prayer card from the back of church.
ALL ARE WELCOME-I would like to produce a world map showing the cultural diversity of our parish. If you were born in, or your family originate from, a country outside the British Isles could you put this country on a piece of paper and hand it to me or post it through my door. I do not need any further details other than the country, if however you would like to tell a little of your story we may add this to the map. Thank You.
U.C.M.NEWS. Annual Dinner at Fulford Golf Course, Tueday 6th February.Please note time,6:30 p.m. for 7:p.m..Cost £18. If you need a lift please phone Sarah Sheils on 01904424219.If you have not yet booked please contact me as soon as possible
DERWENT HOUSE, KEXBY-We visit Derwent House next Monday 29th January,1130am for a short service. Please do come along if you can support us.
MARY WARD SERVICE-St Thomas’s Church Osbaldwick, 4.00pm Today, Sunday 28th January. All are very welcome.
FEAST OF ST BLAISE-we will have the blessing of throats on Saturday morning directly after Mass.
THANK YOU-a big thank you to Sr Rose who has worked so hard to embroider a stole I was given at my ordination that had become damaged. It must have taken her hours and hours of work to fill, in such a wonderful way, the dove and fire design which will be worn especially at Baptism and Confirmation services and Masses.
CONFIRMATION- we are starting to collect final numbers for Confirmations in May later this year. If you are interested in being Confirmed could you fill out one of the forms at the back of church and return to Fr Bill. Year 10 or older but mature Year 9’s, who attend church regularly, will be considered. Also any adults who have not been Confirmed are very welcome. Preparation classes will be starting shortly.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2018-please see posters for youth, assisted pilgrims and other pilgrims at the back of church.
YEAR BOOKS-are available priced £1. Bargain!
SVP. Following the amazing response, we will be collecting 5p for the SVP again.
SVP:If you or anyone you know would like help from our SVP please call us on : 07340011619
TUESDAY LUNCH CLUB. We continue this week Tuesday 30th January 2018. List in church porch for volunteers please.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION-If anyone has any queries please contact Elisa Wilson on 07599 357861.
200 CLUB- Subscriptions are now due, cheques for £13 (half year) or £26 (full year) should be made out to 'PCC of St. Aelred's' and can be posted in the 200 Club white post box in the church porch.
FOOD BANK. Feed the hungry. Any donations if tinned or dried foods in date (pet food welcome). Box in porch. No fruit or fresh produce please. urgently needed food items, instant mashed potatoes, dried milk
tinned / packet sponge puddings, breakfast cereals, jars of jam, tinned soup, tinned fruit, tinned rice pudding, teabags, biscuits, toiletries (soap, shower gels, shampoos and deodorants) Thank you. SVP.
HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY. If you or anyone you know would like a visit from the hospital Chaplaincy Team, please ring the Hospital switchboard and ask for the Catholic Chaplain or ring Catherine on 07950488685.
32 STORIES-booklets raising awareness of Christian Charities in York, encouraging involvement and showing God’s active love in our local area, are available free at the back of the church.