Course Title: MAN2021Principles of Management
CourseNumber:MAN2021Section # 4063
Semester Code:0535 Fall:2017
Syllabus Addendum:https://web.spcollege.edu/instructors/id/laverty.mike"http://www.spcollege.edu/addendum
Name:Dr. Michael J. Laverty
Phone: 727-992-5111
Office Hours: By appointment
Office Location:Virtual
Instructor Web Page:
Dean:Dr. Greg Nenstiel
Office Location:Epi Center, 2-305D
Course Description
This course studies the basic fundamentals of management underlying the solution of problems in organization and operation of business enterprises and the application of these fundamentals to specific fields of business and industrial management.47 contact hours.
Course Materials
Students in this course are required to obtain a copy of the textbook listed below. These materials are offered at the SPC Bookstores. Successful completion of this course is dependent on course materials and access to a computer and Internet. The necessary technology is available at allSPCollegecampuses for students that do not have access at home or at work.
Understanding Management10 edition with MindTap - Cengage Custom to SPC
NOTE:Successful completion of this course is dependent on course materials and access to a computer and Internet. The necessary technology is available at allSPCollegecampuses for students that do not have access at home or at work.Please contact your Instructor for any additional questions for access to resources.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
- The student will understand the concept of "Management" in its universality.
- The student will understand the major historical approaches to management thought.
- The student will understand the major functions of "Management."
- The student will understand major motivational techniques.
- The student will understand communication and its importance to successful management.
- The student will understand the decision-making process and major aids to decision-making.
- The student will understand the basics of "Organizational development" and the managing of organizational change.
- The student will develop a personal philosophy of management.
Grading and Evaluation
This course will challenge you with weekly quizzes, discussion questions, management assessments, simulations and writing assignments.
Please review the Modules and Due Dates to navigate this course. assignments.
It is important that you actively participate the first two weeks of class to ensure that you are not dropped from the class. (insert the modality of this course and what your expectations are from the students and what they can expect from you).
Late Submissions & Extenuating Circumstances
If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from meeting a deadline, completing a projects, quiz, or participating in the class, please contact the instructor to make alternative arrangements. The possibility of alternative arrangements is at the discretion of the instructor. Active communication is the key to overcoming any hurdles you may encounter during the term. A penalty may or may not be assigned, at the discretion of the faculty member. All requests for extensions must be made in writing (viaAngelemail) and supporting documentation may be required for extensions to be granted.
Tech Support
Please be sure to contact tech support services if you are having internet and/or computer issues. Try not to wait until the last minute to get help. Your ability to utilize technology is very important to your success in working in this online environment.
SPC Technical Help Desk(727) 341-4357 (HELP)HYPERLINK "mailto:?Subject=Contact%20Help%20Desk"
Resource Guide
The following linkbelowwill take you to the SPCollege Resource Guide online, where you will find many valuable services to help you be successful here at SPCollege.HYPERLINK "http://www.spcollege.edu/resourceguide/"http://www.spcollege.edu/resourceguide/
NOTE: As your instructor, I have a duty to help you succeed. Feel free to contact me if you are having any difficulty with the work in this course and if you need some guidance in finding the resource that will help you grow in this course and during your time at SPCollege.
Academic Honesty
Academic misconduct consists of cheating of any kind with respect to examinations and assignments as well as the unauthorized possession and/or use of exams, papers, and materials. Cheating includes unauthorized use of “crib” notes, “cheat sheets”, cell-phones, PDA’s, I-Pods, and collusion with other students. Additionally the use of test banks, answer keys, stolen exams and instructor’s manuals are expressly forbidden from usage by students atany timeduring this course.
Plagiarismas defined by the Little, Brown Essential Handbook for Writers, 4th edition, is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and often punishable offense (Aaron, 2001).
Deliberate plagiarism: is copying a sentence from a source and passing it off as your own and, summarizing someone else’s ideas without acknowledging your debt (ex. buying a term paper and handing it in as your own) (Aaron, 2001).
Accidental plagiarism: is forgetting to place quotation marks around another author’s or writer’s words, omitting a source citation because you’re not aware of the need for it, or carelessly copying a source when you mean to paraphrase (Aaron, 2001).
Papers will be routinely and randomly submitted to for review. In the absence of guidance from the instructor, reference the APA Style Manual.
The instructor has the authority to determine whether plagiarism or cheating has occurred. Appropriate action will be taken by the instructor and SPC depending upon the nature of the infraction. Review the information in the link provided to insure a clear understanding of the SPC policies and rules for academic honesty.
HYPERLINK "http://www.spcollege.edu/AcademicHonesty/"http://www.spcollege.edu/AcademicHonesty/