SpaxtonParishCouncil– MeetingAGENDA
Monday 26 September 2016, at8pm at
Themeetingwillopenwithapublicsessionofupto30minutesdurationshouldanymember ofthe publicsorequestit.
Members are remindedthatthe Council has a generalduty toconsider thefollowingmattersin the exerciseofany ofits functions:Equal Opportunities(race, gender, sexualorientation,marital statusand any disability),Crime &Disorder, Health &Safetyand HumanRights.
1.Apologies for absence.
2.Dispensation requests.
3.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 22 August 2016 at Spaxton Village Hall to be approved.
4.Matters arising:
- Flooding – outcome of meeting 2/9/16
- Debris at allotments – any progress?
- Progress at Crossmoor
- Spaxton Community News
- SDC response re. Cannington Enterprises
- New website
5.Parish Council vacancy.
6.Reports - Footpath: SALC: QHJAC: Parish Cluster: Hinkley Point SSG (as appropriate)
7.Financial items:
- Statement of accounts
- To agree payments as necessary, including a donation towards the replacement of the Village Hall hot water system, as agreed at the October 2015 meeting.
8.Planning items:correct at the time of writing. Please check the agenda published on the website prior to the meeting to see if any new planning applications have been received in the interim: .
Applications decided since last meeting:
45/16/00017Mr J Knight, listed building consent for installation of 6 replacement double-glazed windows at Jack O’Knights, Lawyers Hill, Spaxton – permission granted.
45/16/00020Mr G Allen, erection of a single storey extension to NW elevation and installation of 2 windows and 1 dormer window to the first floor level of the NW elevation at Trotts Cottage, Goods Lane, Merridge – permission granted.
New applications:
45/16/00021Mrs S Bristow, removal of condition 4 of planning permission 45/13/00022 which restricts use of the building to holiday accommodation only at Winters Barn, Merridge Hill, Spaxton.
45/16/00022Mr & Mrs K Read, erection of a garage on site of existing (to be demolished) and erection of a single storey extension to East elevation at Parish Land Barn, Merridge Hill, Spaxton.
45/06/00023Mr & Mrs Pike, erection of 2 storey extension to North elevation at Nonsuch Cottage, Spaxton Road, Spaxton.
45/16/00024Mr Traynor, erection of a part single storey, part 2 storey extension to West elevation and relocation of secondary access at Dore Lodge, Splatt Lane, Spaxton.
45/16/00025Mrs S Upfield, erection of building to be used as garage/store/workshop with first floor studio, on site of existing (to be demolished) at Dobbies Barn, Splatt Lane, Spaxton.
9.Correspondence received: to be circulated at meeting.
10.Matters of report and items for the next meeting.
11.Date & time of next meetings.