Regular Public Meeting January 28, 2014


Regular Public Meeting Minutes – District Media Center 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"In accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, the West Long Branch Board of Education has issued notice of this meeting to be publicized by having the date, time and location of the meeting posted at Betty McElmon Elementary, Frank Antonides School and the West Long Branch Public Library and mailed to the Asbury Park Press and The Link, which has been designated as the Board's official newspapers. Notice was also filed with the Borough Clerk and sent to those persons requesting that such notice be mailed to them."

Mrs. Hegglin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the following students:

Kate Hagerman and Aiden Mason

The Business Administrator administered the oath of office to the newly appointed board of education member – Mrs. Teresa Vaccaro.

The Following Members of the Board of Education were present:

Dr. Christopher Mrs. Gassman Mrs. Hegglin

Dr. Hunter Mr. Kramer Mrs. McLaughlin

Ms. Sarfaty Mrs. Trocchia Mrs. Vaccaro

Also in Attendance:

Thomas Farrell, Superintendent

Dennis Kotch, BA/Board Secretary

Viola Lordi, Esq., Board Attorney


·  Jamie Saponaro, Foundation President - Honoring Mr. Ted Krulikowski

·  Jessica Shaw, FAS Principal - 8th Grade PowerPoint & Chrome Books


·  Lori Roberts, as the President of the WLBEA, expressed her concerns about the Aramark contract.

·  Mrs. Antonucci appreciates everything that everyone does. She asked the board to purchase the pre and post assessments for the PARCC testing. She recommended that the Board consider adding keyboarding classes to prepare the students for PARCC. A question was asked about the security cameras being bid. Mr. Kotch reported that they were purchased through a State Contract. She asked when the agendas and minutes are posted on the website. Mr. Farrell indicated that we try to post the agendas 24 hours prior to the meeting when possible. Mrs. Hegglin indicated that the minutes are posted after they are board approved.


December 17, 2013 Regular Public Meeting

January 7, 2014 Re-organization Meeting

Motion offered by Mrs. McLaughlin and seconded by Mr. Kramer was approved as follows:

December 17, 2013 – 9/0

January 7, 2014 – 8/0/1 with Mrs. Vaccaro abstaining


Policy & Planning Dr. Ted Hunter

Reported the following:

·  The Committee discussed contracting with an outside entity to maintain our policies. We received bids from NJSBA and Strauss Esmay. The Committee reached a decision to use NJSBA which fits our needs and was approximately half the cost of Strauss Esmay. The Committee will seek Board approval in February. There are four policy revisions needed at this time. We received sample policies on the new teacher evaluation models for principals that Mr. Preston and Mr. Erhardt are revising. NJSBA has been asked to present to the Board a session on “The Committee Structure.”

Building & Grounds Brian Kramer

Reported the following:

·  Tonight we will be approving the Aramark contract

·  The installation of the security cameras is complete

·  The construction of the new FAS display cases is complete

·  Phase 1 of the 3M security window film has been installed

·  We were approved for our ROD grants

·  The intersection construction is on hold due to the weather and will be completed in the spring.

Education/Curriculum/Technology Erin Hegglin

Reported the following:

·  Source4Teachers was discussed again this month. Both Principals were present at the meeting and in favor of Source4 Teachers due to our struggle to get enough substitute teachers. The Committee discussed issuing Chromebooks to the Board in February. A presentation will take place on the grade book portion of the parent portal. We are still looking into the Middle States Accreditation.

Finance Committee Mary Gassman

Reported the following:

·  We have had more discussions on Source4Teachers to determine if this is cost effective or not. If we have several long-term leaves per school year, it is cost effective. For day-to-day substitute teachers it is not cost effective. The Committee recommended that we not start this until September 1, 2014. The Committee asked Mr. Kotch to prepare a list of new positions and wish-list items for the 2014-2015 budget.

Personnel Susan Trocchia

Reported the following:

·  The Curriculum Supervisor position has been discussed. We are still working on the inclusion of Security Monitors at the entrance of both schools. We will discuss adding this to the 14-15 budget. The Source4Teachers agreement is still in discussion at the Committee Level and will not start before September 1, 2014. A Shared School Resource Officer position with Shore Regional was discussed with the potential for inclusion in the 14-15 budget.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the WLB School District Cafeteria by the WLB PTA for a 4th & 5th Grade Dance on Thursday, February 13, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm & for a 6th Grade Dance on Thursday, February 27, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

2. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the Ferris Antoon Gymnasium by the WLB Sports Association for a basketball camp from Monday, March 24, 2014 through Thursday, March 27, 2014 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the Ferris Antoon Gymnasium by the Drama Club for the FAS Talent Show on Thursday, April 10, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

4. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the District Media Center by the Drama Club for a Drama Club Performance on Thursday, March 6, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Motion offered by Mrs. McLaughlin and seconded by Ms. Sarfaty was approved by a roll call vote of 9/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the attendance at the workshops listed below with associated program costs for the employees referenced below:

Date / Name / Workshop / Location / Cost of Program Excluding Associated Mileage Costs
January 30, 2014 / Loretta Roberts / Visit a Co-teaching Classroom / Long Branch, NJ / $0.00
January 30, 2014 / Lisa Fallon / Visit a Co-teaching Classroom / Long Branch, NJ / $0.00
January 30-31, 2014 / Scott Marvel / Techspo Conference / Atlantic City, NJ / $385.00
February 20-21, 2014 / Beverly Cagliostro / NJMEA Music Conference / East Brunswick, NJ / $185.00
February 24, 2014 / Melissa Siino-Murphy / “Social Skills for Building Social Competence in Children and Adolescents” / New, Brunswick, NJ / $179.00
February 27, 2014 / Melissa Siino-Murphy / “Section 504” / Princeton, NJ / $189.00
March 12, 2014 / Sharon Niedzwiecki / “From My Classroom to Yours” / Galloway, NJ / $178.00

2. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following Junior Field Experience Placement Students and Student Teaching Experience Student from Monmouth University commencing in the spring 2014 semester as noted below:

Student Name / Placement / Cooperating Teacher
Rachel Armus / K-5 Special Education (Junior Field Experience) / Jill Famula
Joseph Moyer / K-5 Physical Education (Junior Field Experience) / Maria Whitehead
Katherine Wells / 2nd Grade & Special Education (Student Teaching Experience) / Megan Steel & Jill Famula

3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following class trips:

February 28, 2014

Count Basie Theater, Red Bank, NJ

Language Arts

Grade K (51)

Mrs. Colagouri, Mrs. Lang, & Mrs. McNicholas

Approximate cost to the Board - $111.60

June 2 & 3, 2014

Huber Woods, Holmdel, NJ

Social Studies

Grade 4 (32 each trip)

Mr. Cammarano, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Gervolino & Mrs. Scherr

Approximate total cost to the Board - $202.90

June 11, 12, & 13, 2014

Monmouth University, WLB, NJ

BME Practice & Spring Show

Grades K through 3 (249)

All Staff (Approximately 25)

Approximate cost to the Board - $456.54

June 17, 2014

Trenton Statehouse/Old Barracks Museum

Social Studies

Grade 4 (64)

Mr. Cammarano, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Gervolino & Mrs. Scherr

Approximate cost to the Board - $243.48

Motion offered by Mrs. Trocchia and seconded by Mr. Kramer was approved by a roll call vote of 9/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.


Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, the West Long Branch Board of Education accepts the Board Secretary/School Business Administrator's Certification as of December 31, 2013 that no budgetary appropriations account has obligations and payments which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the West Long Branch Board of Education; and

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, we the members of the West Long Branch Board of Education, of the County of Monmouth, after having reviewed the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY and upon consultation with the appropriate officials, certify that as of, December 31, 2013 are to the best of our knowledge that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year; and

The West Long Branch Board of Education hereby accepts the Board Secretary’s Report the month ending December 31, 2013 and the Treasurer of School Monies Reports for the month ending December 31, 2013.

2.  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Borough of West Long Branch approves the Bills and Claims for January, 2014, and Payroll per attached: (Budgeted)

Bills & Claims Fund 10 $ 438,750.61

Bills & Claims Fund 20 $ 36,302.28

Bills & Claims Funds (DCRP) $ 284.31

Bills & Claims Fund 10 (December) $ 10,890.13

Void Check #1654 (December) $ 13,975.00

Payroll P/E 12/15/13 $ 309,525.23

FICA P/E 12/15/13 $ 23,425.77

Payroll P/E 12/31/13 $ 264,521.17

FICA P/E 12/31/13 $ 19,707.79

3.  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following Transfer of Funds for

December, 2013:

4. Move to accept, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a monetary contribution from the WLB Sports Association in the amount of $500.00.

5. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Facilities & Service Agreement between the Betty McElmon Elementary School and Monmouth University for the BME Annual Spring Show, on Thursday, June 12, 2014 and Friday, June 13, 2014 and practice on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 with a cost of $200.00 to the Board.

6.  Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the sick day payout of Margret Doty in the amount of $8,320.00, sent directly to her Valic account.

7.  Move to award, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the plumbing services and repair contract to Whitfield Schneider Enterprises at a rate of $82.00 per hour. Bids were received as follows:

Plumbing Services & Repair Contract / Hourly Rate
Magic Touch Construction Co.* / $73.70
Burlew Mechanical* / $77.28
Whitfield Schneider Enterprises / $82.00
GMH Associates* / $105.00

*Denotes Incomplete Bid

8.  BE IT RESOLVED that the West Long Branch Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, approve the following Resolutions:

Whereas, NJAC 6A:23A-5.3 provides that a school district may request a waiver of compliance with respect to the district’s participation in the Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) Program for the 2014-2015 school year, and

Whereas, the West Long Branch Board of Education desires to apply for this waiver due to the fact that it protects fewer than forty (40) Medicaid eligible classified students and that participation in SEMI would not provide a cost benefit to the district based on the projection of the district’s available SEMI reimbursement for the 2014-2015 budget year,

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the West Long Branch Board of Education hereby authorize the Chief School Administrator to submit an application for a waiver to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools in the County of Monmouth for an appropriate waiver of the requirements of NJAC 6A23A-5.3 for the 2014-2015 school year.

9.  Move to approve, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Facilities and Services

Agreement between the Frank Antonides School and Monmouth University for 8th Grade Graduation on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. with a Rehearsal on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. with the following costs:

Administrative Fee: $200.00


Custodial Support: $450.00

Audio Visual Technician: $180.00

Theatre Light and Sound Equipment: $150.00

Ticket Run: $150.00

Motion offered by Mr. Kramer and seconded by Mrs. Trocchia was approved by a roll call vote of 9/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. Move to retroactively approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the unpaid leave of absence under NJFLA for Teacher Aide, Lynne Rosamilia, which commenced on Monday, January 6, 2014 and will end on Monday, February 17, 2014.