Pablo Munguia

Spatial structure of communities on dead pen shells (Atrina rigida) in sea grass beds.



Species list of pen shell inhabitants ranked by abundance and ordered by (A) motile and (B) sessile species. Average pen shell abundance (% cover for sessile species) with standard deviations in parentheses.

Amphipod / Malacostraca / Dulicihella appendiculata / 9.43(12.51)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Ampeliscidae / 7.8(7.38)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Bemlos unicornis / 7.38(6.65)
Limpet / Gastropoda / Crepidula fornicata / 6.48(5.93)
Shrimp / Malacostraca / Palaemon floridanus / 6.42(5.44)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Neomegamphopus hiatus / 6.38(7.26)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Leucothoe sp. / 5.29(9.54)
Sea star / Stelleroidea / Echinaster spinulosus / 5.11(11.59)
Mollusca / Gastropoda / Fasciolaria tulipa / 4.88(15.58)
Isopod / Malacostraca / Paracerceis sp. / 4.59(5.11)
Crab / Malacostraca / Eurypanopeus depressus / 4.31(3.1)
Scaphopod / Scaphopoda / Dentalium sp. / 3.94(4.3)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Melita nitida / 3.78(3.74)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Corophiidae / 3.18(4.05)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Ampithoe longimana / 3.06(1.98)
Amphipod / Malacostraca / Paracaprella sp. / 2.66(2.89)
Errant polychaete / Polychaeta / Nereis lamellosa / 2.44(1.7)
Cone snail / Gastropoda / Conus sp. 1 / 2.42(2.27)
Hermit crab / Malacostraca / Pagurus sp. 1 / 2.31(1.55)
Crab / Malacostraca / Pinnixia floridiana / 2.31(1.42)
Spider crab / Malacostraca / Libinia emarginata / 2.1(1.25)
Brittle star / Stelleroidea / Ophioderma brevispinum / 2(2.45)
Cone snail / Gastropoda / Conus sp. 2 / 2(1.26)
Apple snail / Gastropoda / Murex pomum / 1.92(1.9)
Toad fish / Osteichthyes / Opsanus beta / 1.75(1.75)
Chiton / Polyplacophora / Chaetopleura sp. 1 / 1.73(0.81)
Murex snail / Gastropoda / Murex dilectus / 1.62(0.92)
Tanaid shrimp / Malacostraca /

Hargeria rapax

/ 1.6(0.88)
Moon snail / Bivalvia / Chione sp. / 1.5(0.84)
Isopod / Malacostraca / Ancinus sp. / 1.5(0.58)
Chiton / Polyplacophora / Chaetopleura sp. 2 / 1.46(0.64)
Porcelain crab / Malacostraca / Petrolisthes sp. / 1.25(0.5)
Shrimp / Malacostraca / Alpheus heterochaelis / 1.25(0.5)
Clingfish / Osteichthyes / Gobiesox strumosus / 1.17(0.39)
Errant polychaete / Polychaeta / Nereis falsa / 1.15(0.38)
Florida Blenny / Osteichthyes / Chasmodes saburrae / 1.12(0.35)
Chiton / Polyplacophora / Chaetopleura sp. 3 / 1(0)
Hermit crab / Malacostraca / Pagurus sp. 2 / 1(0)
Flatworm / Turbellaria / Stylochus ellipitcus / 1(0)
Pin fish / Osteichthyes / Lagodon rhomboides / 1(0)
Crab / Malacostraca / Pilumnus sayi / 1(0)
Shrimp / Malacostraca / Hippolyte sp. / 1(0)
Stone crab / Malacostraca / Menippe mercenaria / 1(0)
Limpet / Gastropoda / Diodora cayenensis / 1(0)
Horse conch / Gastropoda / Pleuroploca gigantia / 1(0)
Gag grouper / Osteichthyes / Mycteroperca microlepis / 1(0)
Green alga / Chlorophyceae / Enteromorpha flexulosa / 11.86(12.65)
Barnacle / Cirripedia / Balanus eburneus / 8.56(12.29)
Oyster / Bivalvia / Crassostrea virginica / 7.84(11.38)
Sponge / Demospongiae / Haliclona sp. / 6.52(10.44)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Terebellidae / 5.58(7.65)
Bryozoan / Gymnolaemata / Schizoporella unicornis / 5.31(6.65)
Ascidian / Ascidiacea / Didemnum candidum / 4.58(11.26)
Bryozoan / Gymnolaemata / Bugula neritina / 3.43(3.89)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Hydroides crucigera / 2(0)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Pilargis sp. / 2(0)
Sea squirt / Ascidiacea / Styela plicata / 1.67(0.87)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Euchone sp. / 1.5(0.71)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Ceratocephale sp. / 1.5(1)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Heteromastus sp. / 1.43(1.13)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Neanthes succinea / 1.38(0.71)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Questidae / 1.22(0.67)
Mussel / Bivalvia / Modiolus americanus / 1.18(3)
Polychaete / Polychaeta / Ampharetidae / 1(0)
Ascidian / Ascidiacea / Amaroucium stellatum / 0.09(0.67)