M.O.N.E. Board Meeting

January 11, 2013

Attendees: Sherry Perkins, Marcie Dawson, Alison Burrows, Bonnie DiPetro, Debbie Dang, Barbara Jacobs

Topic / Discussion / Action/Follow-Up /
I. Welcome / Sherry Perkins welcomed the Board members via a conference call. The Board approved the November Board and Business Meeting minutes with a few minor changes. Marcie Dawson will send the revised meeting minutes to the webmaster. Nominations for the President Elect should be submitted to Jane Lucia at by Jan. 25th.
II. Board Meeting
Nurse Manager Consortium
2012 Maryland RAC Strategic Plan
Maryland Patient Safety Organization
Research Collaborative / Alison Burrows reported that we have increased from 186 members in November to 211 members as of today. Alison will check with the webmaster to see if membership dues can be prorated online back to a rolling year instead of the July 1st annual due date.
Barbara Jacobs stated our January 17, 2013 speaker will be Carmela Coyle, President and CEO, Maryland Hospital Association. In addition, Mary Etta Mills, ScD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, University of Maryland. They will speak on “HSCRC: History and Current State Post Election”. The members will receive 1 CEU for this educational event. 84 members have registered to attend.
The next MONE poster contest wlll be in April 2013. Nursing research and outcomes with EBP will be important in the poster content. So far, only two poster abstracts have been received. The deadline date for submissions is February 15th. The Board decided that the use of the prize money from the poster contest will be determined by each institution. Debbie Dang will contact Mary Krugman concerning her availability and fees to speak at the April meeting after the presentations from the poster winners. The Board approved up to $2,000 for speaker fees.
Bonnie DiPetro stated that the next Nurse Manager Consortium will be held on April 26th at Montgomery General Hospital. 63 participants have registered for the event.
Sherry Perkins reported on the Nurse Residency Program. They will have standardized outcome measures throughout Maryland. Sherry Perkins reported 19 hospitals have committed to the RAC Collaborative which begins in July 2013. MONE will serve as the lead agency. It will cost each hospital about $6,000 annually to participate.
Bonnie DiPetro reported that she is working with a physician at The Maryland Patient Safety Center about physician hand-offs in the Emergency Department. There are five hospitals in Maryland which have approved a new hand-off safety procedure of a standardized report. The Board asked Bonnie to bring more information about this hand-off initiative to the April meeting.
Debbie Dang reported that the Research Collaborative would like to expand their membership in January to MONE members who are interested in research.
Meeting adjourned / Next Board meeting will be in April 2013.

Respectfully submitted: Marcie Dawson, Secretary