BA 308B

Dr. Campbell


Given several population centers and several retail or service facilities, estimate the proportion of demand from each population center that is served by each facility.

n = number of facilities

Sj= size of facility j (e.g., ft2)

Ci= total demand at city (population center) i (e.g., $/yr)

Tij = travel time from city i to facility j

Pij= proportion of demand from city i served by facility j

Eij= estinated demand from city i served by facility j

Example: Consider building a new shopping center at Riverport. Suppose this will compete directly with two other major shopping centers: The Galleria and Northwest Plaza.

Size (Sj):GA - Galleria1,300,000 square feet

NW - Northwest Plaza1,700,000 square feet

RP - Riverport1,500,000 square feet

Revenues (Ci): N - North St. Louis County$ 15 million/year

C - Central St. Louis County$ 20 million/year

W - West St. Louis County$ 25 million/year

S - St. Charles County$ 10 million/year

Total$ 70 million/year

Travel Time (minutes):

Tij / GA / NW / RP
from / N / 40 / 25 / 30
C / 15 / 25 / 30
W / 40 / 50 / 45
S / 40 / 30 / 20

(1) Calculate Sj/Tij2.

(2) Sum for each city (to get denominator of Pij).

(3) Calculate Pij.

(4) Calculate Eij.

Sj/Tij2 / GA / NW / RP / Σ
from / N / 813 / 2720 / 1667 / 5200
C / 5778 / 2720 / 1667 / 10165
W / 813 / 680 / 741 / 2234
S / 813 / 1889 / 3750 / 6452
Pij / GA / NW / RP
from / N / .156 / .523 / .321
C / .568 / .268 / .164
W / .364 / .304 / .332
S / .126 / .293 / .581
Eij / GA / NW / RP
from / N / 2.34 / 7.845 / 4.815
C / 11.36 / 5.36 / 3.28
W / 9.1 / 7.6 / 8.3
S / 1.26 / 2.93 / 5.81
Column sum / 24.06 / 23.74 / 22.2

Total estimated revenue for Riverport = $ 22.2 million/year.