The Spartans were not a large tribe. They decided the only way to hold their land was to become a strong military state. The strong, fearless soldiers of Sparta became famous all over Greece.

The Spartans lived without luxuries. They lived plainly and simply. They used iron money rather than silver or gold. By using iron, a Spartan could not buy much. The Spartans ate simply. The main dish was a black bean broth. Also, the buildings and homes were simply made. A law stated that an ax could be the only tool used in making a ceiling, and a saw could be the only tool used in making a door.

The education of a Spartan boy began early. Children belonged to the state. The state wanted only children who were strong and well. A baby boy who was not healthy was taken to the mountains and left to die. Boys only lived with their parents until they were seven. Then they went and lived with other boys and received military training. The boys wore little clothing so that their bodies would become strong and healthy. They slept on a bed of reeds from the river banks. An older boy was in charge of the younger boys. The younger boys had to obey all his orders.

The Spartan boys were always watched. They were punished if they did not do what was expected of them. Spartans felt punishment helped boys to withstand pain. Sometimes, the Spartans has a contest where boys were whipped to see who could stand the pain the longest without crying. Sometimes boys died without saying a word.

The boys were taught music and poetry. These were mostly about heroes and deeds of war. They learned very little reading, writing and arithmetic. Boys were expected to be silent unless they had something to say.

After twenty years of training, the Spartan was ready to be a soldier. To be a soldier was the highest honor. Other joys were not worthy. The Spartans were soldiers that enjoyed war. They "knew" they were better than anyone and never expected to be defeated. A woman would tell her son before battle, "Come back with your shield on". Spartans would rather be dead then defeated.