Spanish Levels I and II
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Instructor: Señora Williamsonvoicemail: 330-954-2396
AHS Room 103email:
Textbook: Realidades Level II Prentice Hall
Workbook: Realidades Level II Prentice Hall
- You will need to come to class prepared to learn with:
- your coveredtextbook w/ name written on the inside cover
- workbook w/ name written on the inside cover
- Writing instruments-pens & pencils. Please use pencil in workbooks
- A blue and a pink highlighter
- 3 ring binder with front & back pocket-for Spanish only
- 3 dividers/tabs for your binder. The dividers will be used for grammar, vocabulary, and graded work.
- Spiral notebook with perforated edges or filler paper
- A package of index cards
- This class will be challenging, interesting and fun. However, we are here to work, study, grow and move on to a higher level of understanding. We will be working at a rigorous pace.
- I expect you to:
- Use Spanish as much as possible. I know what you are capable of and I want to see you use the knowledge you have learned. Cuándo estamos en la clase de español¡hablemos español!
- Be in your seat when the bell rings, prepared and focused on this class. Have your materials out and be ready to begin class.
- Be respectful to me and your classmates.
- Wait until you have been dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
- Clean the area around you and not leave papers and garbage on the floor.
- Do your homework and complete assignments on time
- Participate and try-effort, it doesn’t always have to be right!
- Ask for help and clarification when needed
- Raise your hand to speak to the teacher or ask a question
- Study independently for at least 15 minutes each evening
Infractions result in detention, call to parent, office referral.
- Grades are composed of assessments of each of the four language skills (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) as well as homework, quizzes, projects and tests.
90%-100% = A70%-79% = C
80%-89% = B60%-69% =D
Below 60% = Failing
-Late long term assessments may be accepted for credit but for fewer points and/or additional work within an appropriate, determined time frame
-Homework is generally assigned Monday-Thursday, and not usually over the weekend, except for occasional projects Homework is due at the start of class. Copying from another will result in a referral to the office for academic dishonesty and a call home to your parents.
The global language department uses the following weighted system:
-Formative Assessments = 30% Assessment for learning, a check of learning points, feedback provided, usually consists of graded class work, graded homework, and quizzes.
-Summative Assessments = 70%Summation of learning, final check, usually consists of presentations, papers, and tests.
- Extra help: If you are experiencing difficulty with a concept in class or didn’t understand the homework, please come see me for extra assistance. I am available on Wednesdays from 2:30 – 3:10 and at 7:20 a.m. most days. Please see me if neither of those times works for you.
Notes: There is no extra credit offered.
If I feel a student needs additional attention or assistance I may mandate that they go to the Academic Study Center after school or come to my classroom.
I am looking forward to working together and having a great year!