Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014
LCPSSpanish IVH Curriculum Guide
World Languages and Cultures
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports, Housing and Shelter, Travel / Recommended pacing:4 weeksTeachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
•SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
•SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish.
•SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources.
•SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas.
•SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to camping/ecotourism.
• Discuss and/or debate camping/ecotourism.
• Express and explain camping/ecotourism.
• Express opinions and react to camping/ecotourism.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to camping/ecotourism.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on camping/ecotourism.
• Produce oral and written reports oncamping/ecotourism.
• Produce an activity showing the preparation of a successful and safe camping site.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to safety and respect for the environment while camping or enjoying ecotourism. / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes when reacting toecotourism and the treatment of nature by ecotourists.
• Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards national parks and ecotourism. / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast national parks.
• Explore camping/ ecotourism in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish- speaking communities.
• Identify local Spanish-speaking communities and cultural events related to camping and ecotourism. / •Preterit/imperfect
•Present subjunctive with verbs of influence
•camping vocabulary
•ecotourism vocabulary
USEFUL VOCABULARY / acercarse a, andar,dar un paseo,dejar de,escalar,perderse,refugiarse,el desierto,hermoso, -a,
la naturaleza,el paisaje,el refugio,la roca,la sierra,el valle,los binoculares,la brújula,la linterna
el repelente deinsectos,el saco de dormir,la tienda deacampar,caer granizo,el granizo,el relámpago,
el trueno,suceder,tener lugar,al amanecer,al anochecer,al principio,un rato,una vez allí, el abrelatas,
la balsa,el bote inflable,la cantimplora,la caña de pescar,el casco,el chaleco salvavidas,los fósforos,
la leña,el remo, el amanecer, el atardecer, en mediodía, la puesta del sol, la salida de sol, el sendero
RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES / Preterit/imperfect, outdoor vocabulary, present subjunctive
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / Create a brochure with how to and safety tips for a camping trip, Public Service Announcement about safe camping/ use of nature, Plan an excursion to a National Park presenting ecotourism events and activities, Stage an actual campsite in the classroom or courtyard to introduce or practice vocabulary, Websites for national parks (el Yunque - Parques nacionales de España -
Research national parks, dialogues about trips, discuss weather, songs:, news about
current weather events, readings from Aventuras Literarias : "Una Carta a Dios" p. 57, "Poema
XXIII" p. 96, Ventanas Dos: "Al Aire Libre" p. 54, Conversación y Controversia: "Los Climas" p..
138, Read "Los Ojos de Carmen" by Blaine Ray, Ch. 1 of Realidades 3, list of cohesive devices forwriting.
Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange
NOTE: Teachersshould use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Writing based on the analysis of a listening and writing source.
/ Simulated conversation about a camping trip. / Present a plan for 3 day itinerary to a National Park of student’s choosing.AP THEME: Global Challenges
We added the environment (Ch 9) to the first quarter because we felt that it lends itself to the camping topic we will explore at the beginning of the year.AP SUBTHEME: Environmental Issues / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
•SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
•SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish.
•SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources.
•SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas.
•SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language.
•SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to conservation of the environment and where the environment is headed in the future.
• Discuss and/or debate the most important environmental issue.
• Express and explain how to conserve the environment.
• Express opinions and react to the role of the individual citizen in the conservation of the environment.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to conservation of the environment.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on conservation of the environment.
• Produce oral and written reports onconservation of the environment.
• Produce an activity showing how to reduce, reuse and recycle to conserve the environment.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to the conservation of the environment. / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes when reacting to the conservation of the environment.
• Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards conservation of the environment. / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast views towards conservation of the environment in the U.S. and Spanish- speaking countries.
• Explore conservation of the environment in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish- speaking communities.
• Identify local Spanish-speaking communities and cultural events related to conservation of the environment. / •Preterit/imperfect
•Present subjunctive with verbs of influence
•environment vocabulary
Future tense
USEFUL VOCABULARY / el aerosol, la contaminación, contaminado -a, el derramede petróleo, el desperdicio, la fábrica, el pesticida, el petróleo, la pila, la batería, químico–a, el recipiente, el veneno, económico –a, la protección, el recurso natural, suficiente, afectar, agotar(se), amenazar, atrapar, castigar, colocar, conservar, crecer, dañar, depender de,derretir,deshacerse de,desperdiciar, detener,disminuir, echar, explotar, fomentar,limitar, producir,promover (ue), la caza, (en) peligro de extinción,la piel, la pluma,salvaje,el agujero,la amenaza,a menos que,con tal que,debido a,la electricidad,en cuanto,la escasez,estar a cargo de, excesivo–a,la falta de,el gobierno, grave, la limpieza, tan pronto como, tomar conciencia de,tomar medidas, la atmósfera, la capa de ozono,el clima,el efecto invernadero,el hielo,la preservación, el recalentamientoglobal, el rescate,la reserva natural, la selva tropical,la tierra,el ave,el águila calva, pl.las águilas calvas,la ballena, la especie,la foca
RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES / Preterit/imperfect, environmental vocabulary, present subjunctive
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / Internet link activity Chapter 9 ( Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange
NOTE: Teachersshould use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Write an article for your school newspaper about how students can conserve the environment using a listening and writing source to write the article.
/ Simulated conversation about the environment. / Illustrated narrative expressing an endangered animal’s point of view – why is the animal endangered and what needs to be done to help change its fate.AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics
AP SUBTHEME: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Contributions to World Artistic Heritages, Music, Ideals of Beauty, Architecture / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
•SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.;
•SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish.
•SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.;
•SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures;
•SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to different styles of art, dance, and/or theater.
• Discuss and/or debate the personal preference with regard to styles of art and music.
• Express and explainhow history has affected art, music, theater and/or dance.
• Express opinions and react to a work of art (song, painting, sculpture, etc.)
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to art, dance, music, architecture, and/or theater.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials onart, dance, music, architecture, ,and/or theater.
• Produce oral and written reports onthe history of art, dance, music and/or theater.
• Produce an activity showing understanding of an artist’s style and life.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to music, art, dance and/or theater. / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes when reacting to a work of art Or example of architecture
• Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards works of art or building. / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast views towards works of art or architecture over the years in different countries and styles.
• Explore works of artor architecture in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish- speaking communities.
• Identify local Spanish -speaking communities and cultural events related to art, dance, theater, architecture, and/or music. / •Preterit/imperfect
•Present subjunctive with verbs of influence
•art/music/theater/dance/ architecture vocabulary
USEFUL VOCABULARY / expresarse, sonar a, el sentimiento, inspirar, el autorretrato, el siglo, mostrar, el fondo, eltaller, pararse, la fuente de inspiración, el tema, parecerse a, la pintura, parado/a, realizar, el retrato,sentado/a, destacar(se), la escultura, la paleta, la cerámica, el espectáculo, el pincel, laentrada, la figura, abstracto, el escenario, la naturalezamuerta, el/la escultor/a, la obra de arte
RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES / Preterit/imperfect, art/dance/music/theater vocabulary, present subjunctive, ser/estar, estar + participio pasado
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / Internet virtual museum - ; Realidades III chap. 2; Draw a famous work based
on an oral description; Critical reviews of famous works; Readings from Ventanas Dos: "De Paseo por
El Prado" p. 46, "Arte del Mundo Hispano" p. 60 ; art books and museum guides, list of cohesive
devices for writing.,
Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange
NOTE: Teachersshould use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writings. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Writing based on the analysis of a listening and writing source.
/ Interview a student about a personal work of art.Write an imaginary interview of a famous artist. / Research an artist (musical artist, painter, sculptor, playwright, etc.), create a work of art in the style of the artist and present a brief presentation about the artist’s life.
AP THEME: Global Challenges and Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Health Issues, Nutrition and Food Safety, Leisure and Sports / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
•SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.;
•SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish.
•SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.;
•SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures;
•SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas.
•SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to leading a healthy lifestyle.
• Discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of living a healthy.
• Express and explain how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the changes one may have to make with regard to nutrition/exercise.
• Express opinions and react to global health issues, exercise, and the different diets available.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to diet and exercise.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials pertaining to nutrition and exercise.
• Produce oral and written reports on healthy diets or exercise plans.
• Produce an activity showing an exercise routine.
• Produce an oral or written presentationreflecting current trends and/or attitudes insociety related to dieting and/or the different diets available. / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes when reacting to differing diet/exercise plans.
• Make connections between eating right and exercise and how it affects lifestyle, mood, etc. / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast views towards diet and exercise.
• Explore different nutrition/exercise plans.
• Identify local Spanish-speaking communities and cultural events related to nutrition and exercise. /
- Commands
- Subjunctive
- Direct/Indirect Object Pronouns used separately.
USEFUL VOCABULARY / la alergia, el antibiótico, la aspirina, estar resfriado, -a, estornudar, la fiebre, el grado centigrado, la gripe, el jarabe, la tos,el corazón, el músculo, el oído, el pecho, aconsejar, contener, desarrollar, evitar, exigir, incluir, quejarse, saltar (una comida), tomar, abdominales, el calambre, débil, ejercicios aeróbicos, estar en forma, estirar, flexionar, fuerte, la fuerza, hacer bicicleta, hacer cinta/caminadora, hacer flexiones, relajar(se), respirar, yoga, la alimentación, los alimentos, apropiado -a, el calcio,el carbohidrato,la comida basura/chatarra, la dieta,la edad,la energía,equilibrado, -a,la estatura,la fibra,el hábito,alimenticio,el hierro,lleno, -a,la merienda,nutritivo, -a,el peso,la proteína,saludable,vacío -a,la vitamina, aguantar,aunque, el consejo, la manera, el nivel, caerse de sueño, concentrarse, confianza en sí mismo -a,estar de buen / malhumor, el estrés, estresado -a, preocuparse, sentirse fatal
RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES / Commands, Subjunctive, Direct/Indirect Object Pronouns
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / (description of food pyramid in Spanish),
Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange
NOTE: Teachersshould use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Read an article about healthy eating, watch a video about childhood obesity, and write a wellness plan for someone your age.
/ Write a dialogue between a student and a personal trainer.Write a dialogue between two students in which one makes suggestions for improving the other student’s lifestyle. / Make a promotional video advertising a new exercise/diet plan (student must explain meals for a given day and lead exercises).
AP THEME: Families and Communities
AP SUBTHEME: Family Structures, Friendship and Love / Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
•SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary andhistorical events and issues.
•SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish.
•SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources.
•SIV.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
•SIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate Spanish the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, andpolitical relationships in the global community.
•SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements ofthe Spanish language.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
(Facts & Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to some type of conflict.
• Discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of types of family structures.
• Express and explain how to deal with a conflict.
• Express opinions and react to how people have dealt with conflict.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to conflicts.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on conflicts.
• Produce oral and written reports on suggestions for conflict resolution.
• Produce an activity showing conflict resolution.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to conflict resolution/relationships. / CULTURES:
• Explore attitudes when reacting to conflicts/relationships.
• Make connections between conflicts and relationships. / COMPARISONS:
• Compare and contrast conflicts between friends and conflicts between family members.
• Explore conflicts and relationships. /
- Subjunctive
- Nosotros Commands
- Por/para
- Relationship/Conflict vocabulary
- Present Perfect
USEFUL VOCABULARY / Production:apoyar(se), pensar en sí mismo, comprensivo/a, caerse bien/mal, romper con, infantil,
confiar, resolver, (in)maduro, contar con, tener la culpa, (ir)responsable, discutir, la amistad,
juntos/as, engañar, la cualidad, justo/a, esperar que, agradable, ojalá, extrañar, amable,¡Qué va!,
guardar (un secreto), amistoso/a, ¡Yo no fui!, hacer caso, antipático/a,¡Déjame en paz!, mejorar,
cariñoso/a,¡Basta ya!, molestar, celoso/a; tener celos, pedir perdón, chismoso/a; chismear
Recognition: aceptar tal como (ser), mentir, casado/a, acusar, pelearse; la pelea, consentido/a,
alegrarse, ponerse de acuerdo, egoísta, arrepentirse, reconciliarse, mal educado/a, atreverse,
reconocer, perezoso/a, burlarse de, temer que, puntual, desconfiar, tener paciencia, soltero/a, estar
equivocado/a, el comportamiento, travieso/a, llevarse bien/mal con, el malentendido, vanidoso/a,
llorar, ambicioso/a
RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES / Subjunctive, Nosotros Commands, Por/Para, Present Perfect
RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES / Movies: "Viva Cuba", “La Misma Luna”, telenovelas, Songs: "Pobre Juan" by Maná, "Mojado" &
"Si el Norte fuera el Sur" by Ricardo Arjona.
Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange
NOTE: Teachersshould use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writings. / Suggested Interpretive Task / Suggested Interpersonal Task / Suggested Presentational Task
Read/Listen to a conflict and then write about the two sides of the conflict or pick a side and defend it. / Give students a topic (a break-up, misunderstanding with a best friend or parent, etc.) and have them present a dialogue in groups of two.
Write an e-mail describing a problem/conflict to “Dear Abby” / La Doctora Corazón or respond to a pre-written e-mail as “Dear Abby”. / Write/Speak about a conflict they have had in their life and how they resolved it.
AP THEME: Contemporary Life