CAP SC Meeting July 14, 2014
- Attendance.
Company / Name / Status
Canadian Association for Public Alerting a... / Doug Allport / Voting Member
Individual / Botterell, Art / Member
Individual / Rex Brooks / Voting Member
Individual / Thomas Ferrentino / Member
NOAA's National Weather Service / Mike Gerber / Member
Google Inc. / Steve Hakusa / Member
Individual / Gary Ham / Member
Individual / Elysa Jones / Voting Member
Environment Canada / Norm Paulsen / Member
A quorum of voting members was in attendance.
- Meeting notes that were posted to the CAP and Emergency lists were reviewed. One correction to the attendance adding Werner was the only change. Elysa made and Doug seconded a motion to accept the notes with this correction. All agreed.
- Walk through CAP issues. The following were posted as requested at the previous week’s meeting as requiring discussion:
Eliot Christian: 3, 14, 15, 21, 23
Norm Paulsen: 4,5,11,12,25,26
Mike Gerber: 17, 22, 27
- We started at the end of the list with issues 28 and 27. Members that had expressed an interest in these topics were on the line.
- Issue 28. Recommend specifying a time zone in all DateTime fields reported by Steve Hakusa. Google would like to have the language provided in comment as a SHOULD in the spec. There was some support for this from Gary and Norm in principle. However, Norm points out that his organization doesn’t want to do the math for many jurisdictions that are not in the same time zone. Art added that it is a presentation layer issue and that it is cleaner to leave it to the presentation engine. Consensus was that the client should be the one to determine time. We would recommend to the EM-TC that there be no change in the CAP Specification. Discussion continued regarding making a note about this in the Best Practices guide and how do we track such. There will likely be several things we will need to hand off to the Emergency Adoption TC for recommended changes to the documents that fall under that TCs control. This will be discussed at the next EM-TC meeting.
- Issue 27. Change Headline length limit to 140 reported by Art Botterell. Mike Gerber of NWS noted this on his list of discussion items and was present on the call as well as the reporter. Discussion involved this number being closely tied to distribution methods that are available at the time and differing depending on services and support in parts of the world and should not be a rule. It was noted this limit is only a suggestion in the Standard but that the number should be more in line with current technology. Consensus was to make the change in the document for the suggested number to be changed from 160 to 140 characters. It was further noted that a statement should be added to the Best Practices guide.
- Considering the next issues in reverse order 26 and 25 are closely related and could be discussed together. These are recognized to be big issues that will take lengthy discussion. Art asked if we should have the discussion brought up in issue 24 – whether we will plan for a 1.3, a 2.0 or both. We discussed the process that will determine whether we do a 1.3 or 2.0 and it will be the CAP-SC to make a recommendation to the EM-TC where the decision will be made. I added that pursuing multiple versions further splits the time members have to dedicate to each effort and would be an inefficient way to use our scarce resources. If the TC decides to go this way, more members and oversight will be needed for coordination and the shear effort of developing, completing and maintain the specifications. It is also confusion for adopters and complicates the efforts of ITU coordination that are already difficult. We may agree very soon that a 2.0 is the only way to go given resolution of the issues that will drive a new version.
- We will continue through our process. We first take those that no one has expressed will require lengthy discussion and that can be dispensed readily. Members Eliot, Norm and Mike have provided their list. Others should do so as well so we can do our best to make sure those persons are available when we discuss issue for which they have particular concern.
- Summary. The SC will recommend the above dispense to the EM-TC for the 7/15 meeting. Rob will update JIRA to reflect the EM-TC decision. Our next meeting will be 7/21 12ET.
Respectfully submitted,
Elysa Jones, Chair EM-TC
Volunteer scribe for 7/14 CAP-SC