Spanish IV Syllabus

Amanda Talantis

Room 128 Planning 4thperiod

Course Description:In Spanish IV, students study the advanced level of the Spanish language, Spanish-speaking countries, people, and their cultures. The student is taught to understand, speak, read, and write the language, with emphasis on conversation and practical application. A working vocabulary is developed in context, as are the intermediate grammatical structures of the language.

Textbook: Class sets of Avancemos level 3

Student books are available for checkout upon request.


Spanish/ English dictionary

3 Ring binder

Loose leaf paper

paper towels


Student Expectations:

1. Students must be in class to participate. Absences will affect participation grades. You must be present in class to learn to speak another language.

2. Be on time to class and come prepared to work with all your necessary materials. Students will receive detention after 4 tardies.

3. Have respect for others at all times and follow all class/ school rules.

4. Make-up work must be completed within 3 school days after an EXCUSED absence. Unexcused absences will not be allowed to make-up work.

5. Make-up quizzes and tests will be given during the FOCUS period or after school. Students cannot expect to do make-ups during class time.

6. No late assignments will be accepted except for special situations with prior approval from the teacher.

7. Cell phone usage will not be permitted in the classroom unless the teacher has given their permission.

Parent Expectations:

1. Check grades on iNow weekly. You may obtain your log in information from the office. Students and parents receive separate logins.

2. If you child must be absent, please send an excuse to the office. Follow up with your child to make sure they have completed make-up assignments.

3. Check your child’s folder to ensure they are keeping up with their vocabulary lists, which are on colored paper that helps .

4. Email me if you would like to set up a conference.

5. Check your email frequently.

Grading: Grades are based on a percentage of each category to determine the overall grade average. A Midterm Exam at the end of the semester and a Comprehensive Exam at the end of the year will count 10% of the course grade. The percentages for each category are broken down as follows.


•  50% Assessments

•  40% In Class Assignments

•  10% Out of Class Assignments

1st Semester Average: 2nd Semester Average Final Average

1st Quarter: 45% 3rd Quarter: 45% 1st Semester: 50%

2nd Quarter: 45% 4th Quarter: 45% 2nd Semester: 50%

Exam: 10% Exam: 10%


Spanish II Course Syllabus and Class Procedures

Student Name ______Period ______

I have read and understand what is expected of my student and me.


Student Signature Date


Parent/ Guardian Signature Date


Parent email