SPANISH I Youtube End of Year Review
1. Go to 2. Click on the “SPANISH GRAMMAR VIDEOS” playlist 3. Find the following videos, which you will watch and
listen to in order to answer the questions.
Video #1 - Pronoun Paradise
1. This teacher has never seen a test where a ______wasn’‛t asked. 2. Yo is ____ and then there’‛s ____, which is the ______. 3. The formal you is called ____.
4. Él is ____ and ella is ____, and nosotros is ______. 5. ____ and ____ means y’‛all;; ____, ____ are they. 6. Subject pronouns have a ____ and a ____. 7. If a group has guys around, then you’‛ve got to use a ______.
Video #2 - Conjugations Back
1. According to the song, you take off the ending and ______. 2. But, what you add has to ______. 3. What type of verbs are we working with in this song? ______4. yo form = ______, tú form = ______, él/ella/Ud.= ______, nosotros = ______, *vosotros = ______, ellos = ______
5. What is the first verb that they show a picture of? What does this verb mean? 6. What is the second verb that they show a picture of? What does this verb mean?
7. What is the third verb that they show a picture of? What does this verb mean?
Video #3 - One Semester of Spanish – Spanish Love Song
1. After saying “Holaseñorita”, what does the singer ask her? 2. He offers what information about himself after this question? 3. He asks where ______is located. 4. He then tells her ______. 5. Then, what question does he ask her twice? 6. What is his opinion of the library? 7. How does he describe where he lives? 8. What does he have two of? 9. He randomly interjects what two statements that are usually used when someone does something nice for someone else and are considered polite phrases to use in conversation. 10. While holding the rose, what question does he ask her next? 11. But, before she can answer, he tells her what? 12. How does he describe his mom and his cat? 13. Which word does he mispronounce while saying these things? 14. How high can he count in Spanish? 15. What word SHOULD he have said as the next number? (in Spanish)
Video #4 - Gramática 06 – Present Tense of Ser
1. The most ______verb is ser – to be. 2. Write the 6 forms (verb chart) of the verb ser.
3. Write the 6 different uses of ser and one example of each. 4. She gives some practice questions – answer these and then check your answer.
Video #5 - Princess of Ser
1. ______means I am. 2. ______means you are. 3. “Es” is a word that can ______. 4. It will match up with ______. 5. ______means we are. 6. ______meansy’‛all are, but it’‛s ______. 7. “Son” matches ______.
Video #6 - Adjective Agreement, St.C
1. If an adjective is describing a noun that is singular and feminine, then the adjective must be ______. 2. A feminine adjective ends in ____ and a masculine adjective ends in ____. 3. What do you do if you need an adjective to be plural? 4. Write the examples of the different adjectives (feminine, plural, etc.) and what they mean. 5. But not all adjectives end in –o or –a. What are some examples of other adjectives that don’‛t end in –o or –a? 6. How do you make the word “sad” plural? 7. How do you make the word “weak” plural? 8. Why do you make “weak” plural in a different way than you did for “sad”?
Video #7 - 01010 Spanish Lesson - Me gusta (part 1)
1. What does gustar translate to in English? 2. How do we form a sentence with gustar? 3. What are the verbs he mentions? (Write in Spanish and English) 4. What are some things he says he likes to do? (Write in Spanish and English) 5. What are some things he says he does NOT like to do? (Write in Spanish and English) 6. What does “a mí” mean? Is it necessary to include in the sentence? 7. How do you ask someone if they like to do something? 8. Why do you say “no” twice in an answer?
Video #8 - 01011 Spanish lesson - Me gusta (part 2)
1. What is the first question you hear in this video? What does it mean in English? 2. What 4 things does he say he likes to do? 3. What 6 things does he say he does NOT like to do?
4. What are the 3 “extra” words he uses in the sentences about what he likes? (words in yellow) 5. What are the 5 “extra” words he uses in the sentences about what he does NOT like?
6. How would you answer “¿Quétegustahacer?” 7. How would you answer “¿Qué no tegustahacer?” 8. How can you ask someone what they like to do MORE? 9. What would an appropriate answer be? 10. What is the difference between “también” and “tampoco”? 11. What are some examples of how we can use this in an answer to a question?
Video #9 - Gusta
1. According to the song, gusta means ______. 2. What are the things he asks if you like? List 3 things. 3. Then, he starts talking about plural things. What are the things he asks if you like? List 3 things. 4. Then, he starts talking about things you DON’‛T like. How do you answer these questions?
Video #10 - Gramática 11 – Ir; Ir + a + infinitive
1. At the beginning of the video, list THREE things the teacher mentions before she starts speaking in English. 2. “Ir” can be used to talk about ______as well as ______. 3. “Ir” is an ______verb. 4. Write the verb chart of the conjugations of the verb “ir.” 5. “Ir” is always followed by ____. 6. She gives some practice questions – answer these in a complete sentence and then check your answer.
Video #11 - The Verb TO GO in Spanish – La Canción de Ir
1. What is the first thing the singer is going to do? (Answer in English.) 2. Then, what are you going to do? 3. What is Sara going to do? 4. What are we going to do?
5. What are they going to do? 6. The end of the video has a word show up on the screen. What is it and what does it mean?
Video #12 - Quetiempohace hoy?
1. When the song asks "¿Quétiempohace hoy?" what are the three types of weather first mentioned? (Write in English!) 2. The second time the song asks "¿Quétiempohace hoy?", what three types of weather are mentioned? 3. Why is the weather not important to the singer? 4. What is the second reason the weather is not important to the singer? 5. The third time the song asks "¿Quétiempohace hoy?", what three types of weather are mentioned? 6. The fourth time the song asks "¿Quétiempohace hoy?", what three types of weather are mentioned? 7. What do you think "nubes" could be? 8. The last time the song asks "¿Quétiempohace hoy?", what's the problem?
Video #13 - 01014 Spanish Lesson – Telling Time (Part 1)
1. Telling time involves the verb ______and numbers. 2. In the Hispanic culture, their view of time is more _____. 3. When he goes through the times, which one is different? 4. Why do we say this one differently? 5. What are the two other ways to say 12:00? 6. What are the five examples of telling time with the word ‘y’‛ that he gives? 7. What are the two ways to say “15”? 8. What are the two ways to say “30”? 9. How do you say “pm” and “am” in Spanish? 10. If you wanted to say you like to watch tv in the evening, how would you say “in the evening”? *Different than telling time!. 11. Write the times out as they appear when he asks “¿Quéhoraes?”
Video #14 - 01015 Spanish Lesson – Telling Time (Part 2)
1. After watching the review, write the times when he says “Try some of these” and see if you get them right. 2. What’‛s the other way to say 7:40? 3. What is the formula he uses?
4. Write the times out as they appear when he asks “¿Quéhoraes?”
Video #15 - El Preguntón - Gisela Galvan-Rios – Spanish language learning
*Fill in the blank with the missing word AND define that missing word in ENGLISH! 1. ¿______te llamas? 2. ¿______añostienes?
3. ¿De ______eres? 4. ¿______estucumpleaños? 5. ¿______vives? 6. ¿______tegustahacer? 7. ¿______estudias el español? 8. ¿______estumejoramiga? 9. ¿______estunúmero de teléfono? 10. ¿Te ______llamar? 11. Now, listen to second part of the song and write the ANSWERS to each question!