MINUTES OF A MEETING OF CLYST ST GEORGE PARISH COUNCILon9thNovember 2016 at 8pm Held in the Village Hall, Clyst St George

PRESENT: Cllr. M. Ackland-Smith (MAS)Cllr. J.Manser (JM), Cllr. P. Bragg (PB),Cllr R. Horner (RH),Cllr. D. Baker,Cllr A. Meachan (AM) Mrs. C. Newbery (CN).6 Members of the Public.

  1. Apologies for absence–Cllr K. Dearsley
  2. Minutes to Meeting 14 October 2016– unanimous approval and duly signed.
  3. Declarations of interest- Cllr Bragg as neighbour to Courtbrook Farm.
  4. Open Forum

1.Member of public 1 - Planning query Ref: 26/2626FUL Grantlands – concerned that the application for an extension isvery large. The building is already close to the boundary and produced photographs. Asked whether the extension could be rotated to face the back of the property’s garden and not the neighbours. MAS explained the process of planning and advisedthem to write to Planning West. MAS confirmed that she had received an email from this person.

  1. Correspondence – Clerk Report

(a)Correspondence from member of the public querying decisions made regarding Ebford Sign. This matter has been resolved.

(b)Correspondence regarding the VAS sign and the Risk Assessment. This matter is on the Agenda.

(c)Letter from LadySeawards School re: Burrington Estates. This matter will be discussed in meeting.

(d)Further correspondence with the PCSO re the speeding problems, this will be discussed further.

(e)Hedge at Higher Thatch – the owner has been contacted, and the hedge is to be cut back without further delays.

(f)Contact from member of the public regarding alleged development prior to submission of a planning application. The matter has now been resolved.

(g)Letter has been sent to Devon County Council re the ditch cleaning and authorisation given for this project.

(h)A letter has been written to EDDCrequesting the possibility of having a bin in the layby and the costs involved. It will be an agenda item next month.

(i)A letter had been sent to our PCSO indicating that a crime report would be appreciated for our monthly meetings. He has responded and will be read out later.

  1. County Councillor’s Report– none available
  2. District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Howe reported that in the next year there would be a change in the bin collections to three weekly collection, with a weekly collection of recyclables including plastics and cardboard. Concerns had been raised about this. Cllr Meachan queried whether larger bins would be provided to accommodate the extra rubbish. Cllr Howe advised that this was under consideration. Cllr Ackland-Smith enquired whether garden waste to be collected – Cllr Howe replied that it would not be in the foreseeable future, although this was done in towns.

Cllr Howe reported that there was an open enforcement case at Rosario. A planning application regarding this matter has been received but it has not yet been accepted. This matter is ongoing.

  1. Police Report

There had been three road traffic collisions with no injuries; a two coach road traffic collision with one minor injury, a six vehicle road traffic collision on the A376 with one serious injury. There had also been a theft from Darts Farm and the offenders had been dealt with.

  1. Finance: Clerk to Report

Payments made of Clerk salary and expenses. I intend to pay the accountants fees of £180 and the monthly account for Plandscape. This will be done by BACS payments to avoid any unnecessary expense. I have distributed the accounts including the Neighbourhood Plan figures. Please note that we are coming to the time, January, where we are required to submit our annual precept requirements – I am working on this and would be grateful if everyone could consider anything that might need to be considered outside the usual items. I now call for a vote on the accounts forwarded to you all.

Unanimous Vote.

  1. Burrington Estates

MAS reported that she had been contacted by the school – there was a problem with the number of lorries arriving on site, particularly near start and finish times of the pupils. It was suggested that they contact theBurrington Head of Construction – the matter has now been dealt with. MAS visited the schooltomeet with the new Headmaster.

  1. Update on VAS

Cllr Bragg produced the Risk Assessments required for this matter to be completed which the Clerk would despatch immediately to the Council to bring this matter to conclusion. MASasked for a volunteer to take the Chapter 8 training as Cllr Bragg was not able to undertake this due to pressure of work. Cllr Bragg and Cllr Horner are going to make enquiries in the hope of a volunteer for the post. MAS reported that two clips were required for the fitting of the monitor at a cost of £50 each. Enquiries are to be made regarding possible funding for training and the clips required. Cllr Howe advised that there was a Locality Budget. Cllr Bowden is to be contacted.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Manser reported that following the meeting a while ago, the draft plan had been sent to the Consultant. A competent editor was required, and as one could not be found, his wife had offered to undertake this. Mrs Manser has previous experience in this type of work. MAS enquired the timescale. JM envisaged that as soon as the plan was edited, then there would be a further meeting after which it will be referred to the Consultant, and move on from there.

13 Clyst Road Match Day Parking

MAS reported that she visited Clyst Road on the last match and spoke to the senior Enforcement Officer on duty that day. There are two officers on duty every time there is a matchand an average of 30+ vehicles are ticketed each time.They haveapplied to the Land Registry for verge ownership onClyst Road for the areas that cannot be identifiedand will share the information with us. A resident on Clyst Road had telephoned and advised that cars were now being parked outside of the permit area, partially blocking entrance to his fields, and asked if the signs could be moved. MAS has investigated & it is most unlikely that the signs could be moved – they were part of the original planning application for the Exeter Chiefs ground. It is a civil matter for the owner to pursue trespassers. The clerk to contact resident concerned.


  1. 16/2115/FUL Kingston Hill, Ebford Lane, Ebford EX3 0QU

Application:Construction of detached garage and store.

Cllr Meachan commentedthere was already a garage on the property. Cllr Bragg considered it was an improvement on the previous application, and was not overlooking anything. He had no objections. Cllrs Horner, Baker, Manser, Ackland-Smith all supported the application. Cllr Meachan declined to support.

  1. 16/2386/FUL 1 Pytte House, Clyst St George EX3 0NY

Application:Extension to existing detached double garage with new boundary wall, and reinstatement of part of existing garden wall.

Cllr Baker reported that the Conservation Officer had already commented on this application objecting to the roof material and gap in the wall. Cllr Bragg considered if completed in suitable materials then it could be acceptable. MAS reported that there had been no complaints from any residents in Pytte House. Cllr Manser agreed with Cllr Bragg, Cllr Meacham had no objections, Cllr Ackland-Smith had no objections. Cllr Horner agreed with Cllr Bragg. Cllr Baker agreed with Conservation Officer. All agreed to support Conservation Officer.

  1. 16/2376/FUL Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George EX3 0NT

Application:Conversion of agricultural buildings to residential holiday lets.

These two applications – Cllr Manser reported that the applications were to convert a range of old, underused barns to holiday lets. The Conservation Officer supports, subject to minor points. All agreed to support the Conservation Officer.

  1. 16/2375/FUL Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George, EX3 0NT

Application:Conversion of agricultural buildings to holiday lets.

MAS reported that she had visited the Broom family, the Conservation Officer had already visited and appeared reasonably happy with the proposals. The Brooms had confirmed that there was no flood risk, and old bricks would be usedwhere possible. It would be separated from the workingfarmyard area.They are already in the holiday trade. All supported with no comments.

  1. 16/2484/VAR Land North of Lower Lane and East of the Ridings, Lower Ebford Lane, Ebford

Application: Variation of condition 2 (plans condition) of planning permission 13/1616/FUL (for the construction of 4 no. detached dwellings, with new access off Lower Lane) to allow addition of dormer windows and alterations to the fenestration of plots 1 and 3.

Cllr Baker reported that this was a variation to allow for the addition of dormer windows. There had been one objection with concerns of overlooking related to Plot 1, Plot 3 was farther away. Unanimous vote to support with no comment.

  1. 16/2626/FUL – Grantlands, Clyst St George EX3 0QJ

Application: Two storey rear and side extension

Cllr Bragg suggested that a site meeting was advisable in this matter. Cllr Ackland Smith agreed. She had visited the property, it was a new purchaser, and the owners wanted to take down the extension and replace it. She considered the proposed extension was close to the neighbouring property and could be built on the same footprint. Cllr Baker agreed a site meeting was advisable, but considered an initial response should be submitted to Planning West and then formally agree this at the next meeting. All agreed site meeting would take place on the 12th November.

15. Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Horner reported that the hedges onto pavements on the A376 at Ebfordwas dangerous, mobility scooters could not pass. Suggested we write to the Council again. He also reported that the latch on the Pound gate was broken. MAS suggested that this be inspected and action taken

Cllr Bragg reported that the gullies needed clearing of the leaves and that the layby needed clearing. Cllr Manser confirmed he would be contacting Plandscape regarding this.

Cllr Manser reported on the Ebford Road sign, and had EDDC of this. He reported that the Ebford sign was presently being sand blaster at a firm in Pinhoe. An Ebford resident had kindly offered to pay for the sandblasting. Cllr Manser confirmed that he had emailed Highways/Flooding with details of the excavation of the ditch and had received their response that they are happy for this to be completed.

Cllr Baker had nothing to report.

Cllr Meachan had nothing to report.


The meeting closed at 9.15pm

The next Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 14th December 2016 at 8pm.