Final Project for Spanish 1

Final due date: Tuesday, May10(grade drops 10 points when late)

  1. Turn in video/book on this date
  2. Projects will not be accepted after Wednesday, May11.

Choose One Option:


In groups of 3-4 students, create a movie about one of the following topics:

  • Shopping/Buying clothes (Chapter 6)
  • Vacations (Chapter 7)
  • Furniture (Chapter 8)
  • Health/Injuries (Chapter 9)
  • Towns (Chapter 10)

The topics are broad, so you will need to come up with the actual story/plot.


  • The movie must last a minimum of 5 minutes.
  • Every person in the group must be seen in the movie and speak Spanish. NO ENGLISH.
  • You can use iMovie, etc… to edit your video.
  • You must turn in your video and script on Edmodo (only one person per group will turn in the video). You can either post the link after uploading the video onto YouTube or Vimeo, or you can upload the actual file to Edmodo.The script should be typed in turned in by uploading the file to Edmodo.
  • You also must individually turn in your group evaluation survey by either taking a picture of/scanning the paper copy or downloading the file off of the class website to complete and upload onto Edmodo. Each person in the group will be graded individually.
  • You can use ANY vocabulary that we have learned in class this semester. Points will be deducted for using English words and Spanish words that we did not learn in class. DO NOT USE A TRANSLATION ENGINE!


Individually, create a children’s book about one of the following topics:

  • Clothes or Colors (Chapter 6)
  • Weather (Chapter 7)
  • Houses (Chapter 8)
  • Body Parts (Chapter 9)
  • Directions (to the right, behind, etc…) (Chapter 10)

The topics are broad, so you will need to come up with the actual story/plot.


  • The book must be a minimum of 15 pages.
  • Every page must include illustrations and Spanish words. NO ENGLISH. Illustrations can be drawn or already existing pictures, but it MUST be in color.
  • You must have a cover and a title.
  • Submission Options- 1. Turn in an actual copy, printed or handmade, in person on due date. 2. Turn in an online copy on Edmodo by uploading the actual file or posting the link. You can use websites like LuLu, Blurb, or BookTango to create and publish your book, but beware that some websites cost. Do not create your book using PowerPoint or other programs that do not actually put it together in a book format.
  • You can use ANY vocabulary that we have learned in class this semester. Points will be deducted for using English words and Spanish words that we did not learn in class. DO NOT USE A TRANSLATION ENGINE!


  • Any inappropriate content in videos/books will result in a zero as well as a referral or the principal being contacted (seniors- before graduation/receiving diploma).
  • If you have any questions, ask Mrs. Wilson BEFORE the due date.