Spanish Fort Middle School

P.E. Syllabus


Coach Jones


Course Description

The Spanish Fort Middle School Physical Education program is designed in accordance to the Alabama Course of Study: Physical Education. This course of study is designed with equal emphasis on motor-skill development, Interactive behavior, and health-enhancing activity. By Grades 6-8, students have developed a foundation regarding fundamental physical education skills, with the exception of some striking skills. Nonlocomotor and manipulative skills are refined and these skills are combined with previously-learned locomotor skills in order to allow for successful participation in a variety of physical activities.


Ø  Gym Shorts (purchased from P.E. Department for $12 per pair)

Ø  Gym Shirt (purchased from P.E. Department for $12 per shirt)

Ø  Gym Shoes (Tennis Shoes are the only acceptable shoes for P.E.)

Ø  Notebook (for health portion of class)

Proposed Units To Be Covered This Year

(The listed units will involve lesser known sports that relate to the main sport)

ü  Football

ü  Soccer

ü  Basketball

ü  Baseball/Softball/Kickball

ü  Volleyball

ü  Tsegball

ü  Tennis/Badminton

ü  Team Building

ü  Health

Grade Determination

The following grading scale will be used: A = 90 – 100, B = 80 – 89, C = 70 – 79,

D = 60 – 69, F = 59 and below

The following weighting scale will be used to determine each nine-week grade:

Ø  Items in parentheses are possible components to be included.

40% = Class Preparation (Proper attire for P.E.)

ü  Each day student may earn 10 points for showing up to class prepared. (School issued P.E. uniform.)

ü  It is better to come prepared with non-school issued P.E. clothes than to not be prepared at all. (Fewer points will be taken off.)

§  -0 = School issued P.E. uniform

§  -1 = For each item that is gym clothes but not school issued

§  -2 = for each item of clothing that is school uniform (this is only used if the student made an attempt: I.E. School uniform shorts -2, School issued P.E. shirt -0, Thus -8 for Class prep daily grade.)

§  -10 = No attempt was made to dress out (student is wearing what they wore to school for P.E.)

40% = Class Work (Doing what is assigned)

ü  Each day student may earn ten points for doing the assigned class work.

ü  Students will still take part in class work in some way even if they come to class unprepared.

ü  Failure to do assigned work (unless there is an impairment that prevents them from doing so) will result in loss of points.

20% = Health (One day out of each week a health lesson will be taught.)

ü  Some weeks these health lessons will require homework. (Turning this in will count towards student’s health grade.)

ü  There will be exams on Health lessons. (Results will count towards Health grade.)

*A cumulative exam will be given at the end of each grading period and semester.

*The following formula will be used to calculate the Semester Average:

(1st 9-Week Avg. x 4) + (2nd 9-Week Avg. x 4) + (Semester Exam x 1) / 9 = Semester Average.

*The following formula will be used to calculate the Yearly Average to determine pass/fail for the course:

1st Semester Average + 2nd Semester Average/2 = Yearly Average


There will be a discipline log in the classroom. The purpose of this is to assist students in becoming more responsible and well-organized while taking part in their educational journey. It is intended to make this a very positive component of the classroom procedure while protecting instructional time.

Students will be asked to sign the discipline log if they are tardy, come to class without the appropriate materials needed, or if their behavior is not instrumental in maintaining an enthusiastic, positive, and productive learning environment. Upon the student signing the log a third and fourth time within a nine-week grading period, discipline of a physical nature (extra exercises) which will be documented, will accompany their signature. Upon a fifth signature the student’s parents will be contacted. Any signature after the fifth will result in a trip to the office.


If the need ever arises for a parental conference, I will be accessible to you during my academic planning time on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. This planning time is during fourth period from approximately 10:55 a.m. p.m. until 11:47 a.m. If this time is not feasible for you, I can make other arrangements to meet your needs. Your child’s educational experience involves a joint effort between the child, the parent, and the classroom teachers. Please feel free to contact me to discuss student progress during the school year.


Signature of Student Signature of Parent or Guardian