Spanish Boot Camp!: A Language Immersion Course on the Camino de Santiago
June 22 - July 12, 2017
General Information
Who is offering the Spanish Boot Camp! Program?
The Department of World Languages and Cultures at Central Washington University offers this program. The program director is Dr. Eric Mayer, Associate Professor of Spanish.
What is the Spanish Boot Camp! Program?
Spanish Boot Camp! is a three-week study abroad Spanish language immersion program that takes place on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
The Camino de Santiago is a Catholic pilgrimage. So, is this a religiously oriented program?
Spanish Boot Camp! is not a religiously oriented program. Students of all backgrounds and faiths are encouraged to apply.
Do I need to be in good physical shape for this program?
Yes. Students who currently lead active lifestyles are good candidates for this trip. Students who currently do not lead active lifestyles are encouraged to devote one year to train for the Camino prior to applying for this program. For assistance with pre-Camino physical training, please contact Dr. Mayer ().
What type of training will I receive prior to doing the Camino?
All participants will enroll ina mandatory online 5-credit pre-departure orientation course offered during spring quarter at CWU. This course will cover all travel logistics, Spanish language studies, the history of the Camino, the cultures and history of Spain, and it also includes a (recommended) physical training regimen designed to prepare students to walk the Camino.
How do I know if this program is really the one for me?
Students can email Dr. Mayer () to request a questionnaire that will help to determine whether this program is a good fit for them.
Academic Information
(all credits associated with this program are quarter credits)
What academic courses are included in this program?
Participants are required to enroll in Span 351, a mandatory online 5-credit pre-departure orientation course offered during spring quarter at CWU. Additionally, participants are required to enroll in SPAN 352, which is a 6-credit Spanish immersion course that takes place in Spain.
What are the program prerequisites?
Applicants must have a minimum B+ (3.5) average in a first-year university-level Spanish course.
Is it possible to get copies of the course syllabi?
Yes. Please email Dr. Mayer for a copy of the syllabi ().
To which minors and majors can the 11 program credits be applied?
The 11 credits will be counted as upper division elective credits in the CWU Spanish minor or major. Students in other academic programs will need to contact their advisors to determine if these credits can be applied to their majors and minors.
Travel and Study in Spain
What are the qualifications of the program director?
Dr. Mayer has been teaching university-level Spanish for over fifteen years. He has traveled widely in Spain, including four trips on the Camino de Santiago.
What part of the Camino de Santiago will students walk?
Students will walk the final 100 miles of the Camino francés, beginning in Laguna de Castilla and ending in Santiago de Compostela. This makes an average of 8.5 miles of walking per day over 12 consecutive days.
How challenging is it to walk 100 miles of the Camino?
This is a physically challenging program requiring students to carry a 15- to 20-pound backpack while hiking an average of 8.5 miles for twelve consecutive days. Students who are unable to carry their backpacks can contract with one of various luggage services on the Camino to transport backpacks for them, at an added cost.
What is the terrain like on the Camino?
The Camino terrain is varied, mostly flat with some slightly challenging climbs and descents. For stage-by-stage distances and elevation maps, please go to (scroll down to Day 27, where our walk begins).
In addition to walking the Camino, what cities will we visit?
Students will visit León, Astorga, Ponferrada, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid, and numerous small towns along the Camino.
What historical and cultural sites will we visit?
Among the numerous sites of cultural and historical importance that will be visited during this program are: the Cathedrals of León, Astorga, and Santiago de Compostela, the Templar Castle in Ponferrada, and the Prado and Reina Sofía museums in Madrid.
Where will we be lodging?
Participants will be staying in a variety of accommodations, including hotels and albergues, which are special hostels for Camino pilgrims. Some of our albergues are centuries-old historical buildings, such as monasteries.
What can one expect from the Spanish immersion program?
The Spanish immersion program has a strict Spanish-only policy to which students must adhere for the duration of the trip in Spain. Immersion program activities are varied, and include conversation exercises (in pairs, groups, and one-on-one with the instructor), written and oral grammar and vocabulary exercises, and task based group activities. Additionally, students will maintain a journal in Spanish, as well as create a photo chronicle of their experiences in Spain (see syllabus for details).
Each day will be highly structured, with students completing Spanish assignments at designated times. Students will have some free time once their daily coursework is completed.
Financial Information
How much does this program cost?
The base price is $3,275, which includes the application fee, round-trip airfare (SeaTac-Madrid), lodging, ground transportation, museum and tour tickets, as well as three group dinners. (Note: The $3,275 price is calculated based on an enrollment of 10 students; lower enrollment could cause the price to rise slightly.)
Beyond this, students can expect to pay:
●$500-$600 for meals
●$1,620 for summer tuition (estimated)
●students not enrolled as part-time or full-time students at CWU in spring 2017 will need to pay tuition for the 5-credit spring orientation course (estimated $1,187)
Who can I contact regarding study abroad financial aid opportunities?
Contact Inti Valverde, CWU Financial Aid Counselor
●also, see the CWU study abroad financial resource page
Application Information
How do I apply?
Contact Steve Cook, Assistant Director of Study Abroad
●(509) 963-3621
●Fill out the application here
Will I be interviewed as part of the application process?
Yes. Dr. Mayer will conduct brief interviews with all applicants.
What are the application and payment deadlines?
●Dec. 9th, 2016 – Application Deadline (pay $75 application fee)
●Dec. 16th, 2016 – Pay $500 deposit*
●Jan. 27th, 2017– Payment #1 (50% of balance; estimated $1,350)
●April 7th, 2017 – Payment #2 (50% of balance; estimated $1,350)
*The Dec. 16th deadline can be extended; contact Dr. Mayer for details ()