Linden High School

Course Syllabus

Spanish 2 for Native Speakers

Mrs. Sopón

2012- 2013

10 credits ~ Grade 9 - 12
e / UC Requirement
FL / CSU Requirement

Prerequisite:Student must have oral proficiency in Spanish

Graduation:Fulfills the fine art/foreign language requirement

Duration:2 semesters

Credit:5 units per semester with a grade of “D” or higher

Course Description:

Spanish for Native Speakers II extends the reading and writing skills of the fluent speaker with attention to problems particular to Spanish-speaking students. Extensive writing improves the grammar, spelling, and mechanics of formal language use. The students read, discuss, and write about various genres of Hispanic literature, focusing on improving reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills. The course includes cultural, sociological, and literary insights into the Spanish-speaking world. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Spanish for Native Speakers II includes applications, problem solving, higher-order thinking skills, and performance-based, open-ended assessments with rubrics.

Power Standards:Communication, culture, connection,comparison and community.

Goal 1: Communicate in Languages Other Than English
Standard / 1.1Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Goal 2: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
Standard / 2.1Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultured s s studied.
Goal 3: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
Standard / 3.1Students reinforce and further their knowledge of the other disciplines through the foreign language.
3.2Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
Goal 4: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
Standard / 4.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and t their own.
4.2 Students shall demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied a and their own.
Goal 5: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
Standard / 5.1Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Course Format:

  1. Realia
  2. Paired/group activities, cooperative leaning, communicative activities such as: information gaps, puzzles, games, projects, jigsaws, interviews, polls
  3. Daily oral reading in class
  4. Reading for understanding
  5. Role-playing in skits and dialogues
  6. Journal entries
  7. Reciprocal teaching
  8. Response to literature
  9. Direct instruction and guided practice on writing skills
  10. Outside reading to include 50 pages of related outside reading bi-weekly. Students are to keep a reading log for each piece read which includes a written personal opinion/interpretation.

Major Assignments and Projects:

Upon completion of chapter, students will be given a Unit Test that will be worth double the amount of points (200). Such test will consist of fundamental material covered throughout the unit, included but not limited to vocabulary, grammar and culture. Prior to test, students will receive a detailed outline of the material that will be on the test and have an opportunity to gain extra points through an educational review game of “Jeopardy”.

Projects will also be assigned at the end of each quarter and they will be worth 200 points. Teacher will provide information three weeks prior to due date. An outline will also be given for students to prepare projects and ask for assistance if needed.

Course Outline:

Lección / Lecturas / Vocabulario / Gramática / Ortografía / Cultura y Comparaciones
¡Asísomos! / Unaleyendacolombiana
“Viajes”- Julio Cortázar / Los sinónimos
Los antónimos / El modoindicativo
Ser, estar y gustar
El adjetivo
El presenteprogresivo
El presente perfecto
Los comparativos / El acentoprosódico
Letra “H” y sondio “Y” / Los medios de comunicación en los paíseshispanohablantes
Ritmo y folclor del mundohispano
La niñez / “El nacimiento de Veva” – Carmen Kurtz
“Los juegos de Lilus” – Elena Poniatowska / Pistas delcontexto
El registroléxico / El pretérito
El imperfecto
Los pronombres de compementodirecto e indirecto
El uso del pretérito e imperfectosjuntos
El pasado continuo
El pluscuamperfecto / El acentoortográfico: Palabrasagudas y llanas
Letras “B” / “V” / “M” / “N” / Los Reyes Magos
La familia
Datoshistóricos del mundohispano
El mundo en quevivimos / El diluvio universal
“Unacarta a Dios” / Los neologismos
Los cognados y cognadosfalsos / El futuro
El futuro perfecto
El condicional
Los verbosreflexivos
El modoimperativo
El usjosimultáneo de pronombres de complement directo e indirect
Las oraciones simples
Las oracionescompuestas / El diptongo y el hiato
El sonido de la letra “S” (s, c y z) / La tecnología a través de los idiomas
Diversidadgeográfica del mundohispano
El misterio y la fantasía / “El tiempolibre”-GillermoSamperio
“ChacMool”- Carlos Fuentes / Las familias de palabras
La formación de palabras / El modosubjuntivo: Usos y conjugación del presente del subjuntivo
El subjuntivo en claúsasnomilnaes: Expresiones de influencia y emoción
Otrasclaúsulasnominales: Expresiones de duda y juiciosimpersonales
El presente perfecto de subjuntivo
El subjuntivo en claúsulasadjetivas
Las preposiciones
Los adverbios / El acentoortográfico: palabrasesdrújulas y sobreesdrújulas
El sonido de la letra “K” (c, qu, k) / El fútbol
Arquitectura del mundohispano
El amor / “Enero: Tortas de navidad” - Laura Esquivel
“El hijo”- HoracioQuiroga
“Un oso y un amor” / Prefijos
Mássufijos / Las claúsulasadverbiarles: el subjuntivo y el indicative en claúsulas adverbials de modo, lugar, tiempo, causa, condición y finalidad
Las claúsulas de relativa
El imperfecto de subjuntivo en claúsulasnominales, adjetivas y adverbials
Las oracionescondicionales y el imperfecto de subjuntivo / El acentodiacrítico
El sonido /x/ / El realismomágico: nuevasautorashispanas
El tupí-guaraní
Saborculinario del mundohispano
El poder de la palabra / “A Julia de Burgos”- Julia de Burgos
“Don Quijote de la Mancha”- Miguel de Cervantes / El leguajefigurado
Vocabulario en context / El pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo en claúsulasnominales y en oracionescondicionales
La vozpasiva y la pasivarefleja
El infinitive
El gerundio
El participio
La correlación de los tiemposverbales / Signos de puntuación
Los sonidos /r/ y /rr/
Símiles / El español
El DíaMunidal del Libro
Arte del mundohispano: El muralismo

District Writing Standards:N/A

Primary ESLR Addressed:

Powerful Communicators

  • Communicate spoken and written language to others
  • Contribute to group activity and accepts feedback
  • Display a receptive and open attitude to new ideas and tasks
  • Use a variety of communication systems
  • Have knowledge of current events, local and world affairs

Responsible Citizens

  • Display pride in one’s community through activities that enrich one’s school, town, state, and nation
  • Explain how in an effective government rights come with civic responsibilities
  • Show an appreciation of tradition and history
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to various viewpoints, belief systems and culture

Independent Learners

  • Show personal responsibility for self-organizations, self-discipline, and self-control
  • Show examples of self-growth and individual commitment
  • Display an appreciation of the contributions, participation, and efforts of others

Dedicated Academic Achievers

  • Pass CAHSEE
  • Show growth in CST
  • Pass DWA (1 time/year)
  • Demonstrate proficiency in academic standards for all courses
  • Demonstrate useful technology skills

Evolving Individuals

  • Engage in activities to gain personal experience and self-confidence
  • Demonstrate the ability to set goals and establish a course of action
  • Develop skills of inquiry
  • Demonstrate how the use of prior knowledge can help overcome life’s challenges


Grades will be determined by:

  1. Tests (200 pts.)/ quizzes (100 pts.) / projects (200 pts.) / Compositions(100-200 pts.) / Presentations (100-200 pts.) : 65%
  2. Class participation / class work / class preparation:20 %
  3. Homework assignments : 15%

Grading Scale / Format / Weight of Semester Final:

1 Quarter =40%3 Quarter =40%

2 Quarter=40%4 Quarter =40% Semester Final = 20% Semester Final= 20%


Semester 1 Grade100% Semester 2 Grade 100%


A+ = 97-100B+ = 87-89C+ = 77-79D+ = 67-69F = 0-59

A = 93-96B = 83-86C = 73-76D = 63-69

A- = 90-92B- = 80-82C- = 70-72D- = 60-62


NuevasVistas- Curso de Introducción - Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Resource Materials:

  1. Periodicals
  2. Poems
  3. Newspapers
  4. Literature
  5. Music
  6. Movies / videos
  7. Other teacher supplied materials
  8. Workbook
  9. Basic Spanish Grammar

Necessary Supplies:

One- 3 ring binder

6 binder dividers (lecturas, vocabulario, gramática, ortografía, cultura y comparaciones, exámenes y pruebas)

Lined paper

Pens (black or blue)


One box of colored pencils