Space Management Group
15 June 2010– 14.00-16.00 Raeburn Room, Old College
Membership:April McMahon / Vice-Principal (Convener)
Angus Currie / Director of Estates & Buildings
Roy Dawkes / Buildings Manager – CMVM Representative
Liz Rawlings / President of EUSA
Jilly Finlayson / Representative for SASG
Charles Hill / Representative for Corporate Services Group
Nick Hulton / Academic Champion for Shared Academic Timetabling Project
Richard Mann / Space Manager
Angela Lewthwaite / Secretary to the Group
John Martin / Convener of LTSAG and Deputy Head of College of S&E
Maureen Masson / Business Manager, Estates & Buildings
Moira McFarlane / Estates & Buildings Management Accountant
Gillian Nicoll / Space Manager
Ben Poots / Booking Unit Manager
Liz Rawlings / EUSA President
Helen Sang / Senior Administrator (CHSS)
Jim Sheach / Audio Visual Technology Servcies – Representative for Information Services Group
In Attendance:
Alistair Reid / Director of Health & Safety
Geoff Turnbull
Apologies:- Jilly Finlayson; Liz Rawlings (EUSA President) - Amy Woodgate (Vice-President Societies & Activities) deputised
Welcome: Amy Woodgate stood in for Liz Rawlings (EUSA President)
1 / MINUTE OF LAST MEETING HELD ON 24 February 2009. was agreed as an accurate record. / Circulated
2 / MATTERS ARISING (Not dealt with on the Agenda)
2.1 / Group Remit – Reporting Line
The Convener presented a paper which proposed the remit and membership be reviewed. These changes were due to a number of factors, specifically:-
· the context of the Estate Strategy 2010-2020 and the role of EC in making decisions about estate priorities and funding allocations;
· the Estates Committee [EC] had become an official Committee of Court and space related matters could be expedited more easily;
· a revised and re-invigorated Space Management Group may wish to review the NPRAS space trading scheme which no longer fits all activities;
· the need for the SMG remit to be more strategic rather than operational.
As part of this review, it was considered appropriate to alter the reporting line of LTSAG directly to SMG, which would, in turn report to the Estates Committee.
SMG was advised about the existence of two short-life working groups:- the postgraduate taught (PGT) and the postgraduate research (PGR) groups both of which had raised various space-related issues. SMG agreed that the convener of LTSAG should speak to Dr Sue Rigby, Assistant Principal for Taught Postgraduate Programmes for PGT and Dr Wyn Williams for PGR to consider whether the space issues for postgraduate students might best be addressed along with undergraduate matters at LTSAG.
SMG was invited to comment to the Convener on the current remit and membership and on how SMG could address the space management challenge.
Action: All / Paper 2.1
SMG endorsed the following recommendations:-
· Establish a sub-group to review SMG and LTSAG remits/membership and to consider space
strategy and whether a review of NPRAS space charging system should be undertaken to include an evaluation of an alternative process.
· Reporting lines should be amended - LTSAG to report to SMG and SMG to report to EC
Action: Convener/Secretary
SMG noted a paper which updated the Group on actions carried out since the last meeting.
The following points were highlighted:-
· The Project was progressing well.
· Meetings with Schools had been fruitful and had unearthed various differing practices.
· Space use alone was not the main imperative in making the case for timetabling but good core space was essential.
· Option 1 in the paper, “To Do Nothing”, was considered too high a risk.
· A visit to Nottingham 16 June was scheduled.
· Project would continue to be academic led.
· A business case would be available Aug/Sept. to align with the Academic Strategy in Nov.
· A White Paper would be available for the next SMG meeting on 24 November.
The paper would provide a structured plan, timetabling policy, consultation programme, delivery/implementation and recommendations.
SMG was advised on the importance that policy decisions be presented to Heads of Schools/Administrators six months ahead of any process change and, on this point, the local negotiation mechanism needed to be in place.
The consultation programme would comprise:
· a front page of the web
· An all staff email
· A number of briefing sessions
SMG was advised that the timetabling software could accommodate PG bookings.
SMG reaffirmed the need to have visibility of all rooms.
Detail on any aspect of the project can be gained from the project wiki at: / Paper 3
SMG noted the paper which outlined the pressure on study space during the exam period when the Main Library experienced the busiest days ever recorded.
SMG discussed the problems and advised the following actions to:-
· Investigate the overall provision of study space within the George Square area including the Main Library together with recently refurbished buildings: Chrystal Macmillan, Dugald Stewart; Adam Ferguson Building and History & Classics west wing. Ensure the optimum utilisation of the Main Library study spaces by adding additional hard study space during exam periods and investigate the use of meeting and training suites as additional study space.
· Investigate the provision of an overall capacity indication making students aware of how busy the Main Library is so that they may consider using alternative study locations, similar to the live PC occupancy data.
· Establish a process to curb the malpractice of students reserving computers and study spaces for significant periods of time while they are not present, by leaving computers locked and belongings on table and chairs.
Action : Information Services representative to discuss with EUSA
· Consider study space for class exams outwith the core diet;
· Consider staggering exams to reduce pressure on study space. / Paper 4
SMG advised that the resolution of the study space problem be discussed collectively between
LTSAG, the Timetabling project and colleagues in the Main Library and that a paper be presented to the next meeting.
Action: Convener of LTSAG, Academic Champion for Shared Academic Timetabling Project Representative for Information Services Group, Business Manager
SMG was reminded that the consequence of the success of opening 24/7 incurred real recurrent maintenance costs.
SMG noted a paper which provided a case for making classroom space available in the former Management School (Bristo Square) to be placed into the central room booking pool. The contingency plan would be critical assuming the closure of both the William Robertson Building (WRB) and David Hume Tower (DHT) for refurbishment in 2011. The paper also highlighted some other issues around teaching space and tensions around access.
SMG was advised that the Estates Committee at its meeting on 2 June 2010 had considered the paper and agreed that space in the former Management School and Forresthill should be made available for contingency teaching and that the utilisation of Adam House for e-exams and teaching be explored with a view to providing a cost plan for consideration by EC and SMG. If Adam House ground floor had to be given over for e-exams for session 10-11 and beyond, there was a significant risk that the Booking Unit may not be able to accommodate all teaching requests for mid sized lectures in the central area.
SMG noted Estates Committee directive that where possible, given the level of teaching room stock and the under utilisation of these facilities, existing teaching accommodation should be used where practicable with minimal cost to the University as utilisation of existing teaching room stock was already low and in the context of item 10, the University’s income per square meter was lagging significantly behind peers.
Action: Convener of LTSAG, Representative for Information Services Group, Business Manager / Paper 5
6 / ROOM BOOKING to include update on School/Support Department Controlled Rooms
SMG noted the paper which updated the Group on room booking matters and endorsed:-
· that all teaching rooms and meeting rooms that were used for teaching and workshops should be included into the room booking database. Rolling in these rooms now would ultimately assist theTimetabling project when any timetabling software is procured.
Action: All / Paper 6
SMG noted the paper which provided corrected outcomes of the room utilisation survey for 2009. It also provided information on our utilisation measures against sector averages.
SMG welcomed the report noting that there was further work to be done to improve utilisation, particularly with shared timetabling. / Paper 7
SMG noted the paper and reaffirmed the University’s room numbering policy that it was essential room numbers follow the building plans held within the buildings health and safety file. / Paper 8
These plans were the architectural room allocation plans which tie in with Electrics, Fire Alarms, Asbestos data, Security, Fire Records etc. Colleagues should not number rooms independently. Confirmation or clarification of this process should be addressed to
Action: All
9 / VISIT TO PLEASANCE – 15 March 2010
SMG was advised that the visit had shown up space potential which would necessitate significant investment. A feasibility study/business plan would need to developed and presented to the Estates Committee via the Small Works Programme for 2010/10.
Action: Director of Estates & Buildings
10 / EMS TRENDS - Space v Income - staff - students
SMG noted the paper report on a key performance indicator: “HEI Income per square meter (psm) of Net Internal Area (NIA)”. The result illustrated that whilst the University’s Performance continued to improve over time, there was concern that our Income psm continued to lag significantly behind peers in the Russell Group, and that the gap between the lower quartile and mean had increased from the position in 2007-08. In effect there was inefficient use of space.
SMG agreed that an investigation be carried out to find out what other institutions were doing in this area.
Action:- Space Managers
SMG agreed this was a major strategic issue that required to be addressed and should be cited in the revised remit. / Paper 10
DATES OF NEXT MEETING : Wednesdays 24 November 2010 -15:00-17:00; 23 February 2011; 22 June 2011
CMG meetings - 2010: 1Sept.; 13 Oct; 23 Nov (Tues) : 2011: 26 Jan; 9 Mar; 20 April; 25 May; 15 June
* The objective of LTSAG; to develop spaces meeting formal teaching and informal learning requirements, including multi-function space, that are well used throughout the day and into the evening.
Note 1 - Colleges and Support Group Space Rationalisation Reports including storage update –To be presented to SMG meeting 24 November 2010
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