FD10A Past Examination Papers/Topics
- Candidates are permitted to use an English Dictionary (not a thesaurus).
- Candidates are advised that this is a two-hour paper. At least 40 minutes of this time should be allocated to planning, editing and proof-reading.
The Task:
Write an expository essay of 500 – 800 words on ONE of the topics (1 – 7) below. Write mainly for readers with tertiary level education anywhere in the English-speaking world.
The Topics (inApril 2002):
- Violence in schools in Jamaica or in the Caribbean
- Restrictions on the use of cellular telephones
- Security measures at the University of the West Indies
- Family size and quality of life
- Science and an ageing population
- The cost of education
- Crime and information technology
The Topics (inDecember 2002):
- The role of religion in your country
- Challenges facing (a named group) in your community
- Crime
- The value of honesty
- Lessons from a recent (named) national or international event
- Saving communities
- The road to national development
The Topics (inJuly/August 2003):
- Gambling
- Literacy and national development
- Dancehall music OR Carnival
- Science and civilization OR Globalization and disease
- Lessons from the war in Iraq
- Harassment in the hospitality industry OR Sexual harassment
- Threats to social order
The Topics (inDecember 2003):
- Identify ONE theory to which you have been introduced in a named course, and explain the practical application of this theory to contemporary life.
- Challenges of living in the 21st Century
- Main reasons for the quality of performance of students (from a country of your choice), in CXC English A examinations
- Modern perceptions of education
- How to succeed in … (an activity of your choice).
- Responses to information technology
- Unemployment in a named Caribbean country
The Topics (inApril2004):
- Parenting and education
- The importance of racial identity in the Caribbean
- Turning points in modern history
- The impact of the UWI on your personal or professional life
- The value of religion in contemporary society
- Lessons from Haiti
- Problems affecting the lives of young people today
The Topics (inDecember 2004):
- Enforcing a dress code at the University of the West Indies
- The cost of tertiary education
- Balancing economic development and environmental preservation
- National Youth Service and social reform
- Parenting in the 21st century
- Lessons from a named recent international or regional event
- The value of a named activity or occupation
The Topics (inApril 2005):
- The roots OR consequences of poverty
- The Caribbean Single Market and Economy
- The legacy of Pope John Paul II
- Improving the education system in your country
- Health and the environment
- The impact of EITHER music OR television OR reading on the young
- The value of EITHER a scientific discipline OR philosophy OR religion
The Topics (inJuly/August 2005):
- Caribbean integration
- Violence in schools
- The role of education in solving the most pressing problems affecting your community or country
- Managing science and technology for national development
- Corruption and social order
- Status anxiety as social disease
- Building a humane world
The Topics (inDecember 2005):
- Discuss the crime situation in a Caribbean country of your choice
- Debate the implications of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy
- Choosing a political leader
- Attitudes to Creole languages
- If you were advising your government on economic affairs, what strategies would you suggest for creating sustainable economic development?
- Examine the role of the family in the educational process
- Discuss the factors that affect students’ performance in examinations