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Minutes of the 77th Meeting of the

Southwestern Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission

December 19, 2017

Telephone Conference

The 77th meeting of the Southwestern Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission was called to order by Chair George Campbell at 1100 hrs. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on December 19, 2017 via a telephone conference. Members participating: Brian Goretzki, Arizona; Donna Earley, George Campbell, Peter Brierty and Kenneth Vadnais, California; Nick Emme, South Dakota;Terry O’Clair & Dale Patrick, North Dakota. Staff participating: Stephen Kowalewski, Counsel, and Kathy Davis, Executive Director. A quorum was present.

In response to the Chair’s request, Mr. Kowalewski stated that the agenda of the meeting had been sent to the Commissioners and interested parties, and posted on the Commission’s website, on December 1, 2017 in accordance with the California Open Meeting Act, Government Code section 11125.

Chair Campbell stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss, review and potentially approve anew 3 year contract for the Executive Director starting 1 January, 2017 and ending December 31, 2020.

Chair Campbell opened discussion for Item #5-A 3 year contract for the Executive Director. Commissioner Patrick confirmed that the compensation fee was correct. After confirmation, Commissioner Patrick made the motion to approve the renewal of a 3 year contract for the current Executive Director. Vice Chair Earley seconded the motion. After asking for any further comments and hearing none, a vote was asked for by the Chair. The vote was passed by all voting Commissioners- 6 ayes.

Under Agenda Item #6, Chair Campbell asked for any comments from the Public. There were no public comments.

As there were no future agenda items suggested under Item # 7, Chair Campbell moved on to Item #8 to discuss a pending date for the next Compact spring meeting. Additional information will be sent out soon to notify Commissioners on a date sometime in late April or early May.

Chair Campbell adjourned the meeting at 1124 hrs. PST.

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