Southwest Middle School
2815 Eden Parkway
Lakeland, FL 33803
Parent/Student Handbook
Parent/Student Acknowledgement: I have received and reviewed the contents of the Southwest Middle School Parent/Student Handbook.
(Please sign and return to 1st period teacher)
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______
The mission of Southwest Middle School is “maximizing learning for all students”.
Southwest Middle School is comprised of sixth, seventh, and eighth grades with a full complement of subjects offered. Departments are: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, Special Education, Physical Education, and Electives and Career Academies.
Southwest Middle School offers instruction in the five basic core areas - Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Reading. Students also take non-core courses to include electives and Physical Education for a total of seven subjects. (There is a process for obtaining a waiver from the Physical Education requirement for a second elective. Depending on FSA results in Reading and Math, some students will be placed in a supplemental Reading and/or Math class in place of an elective choice.) A broad range of electives is available including Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Art, Computers, Video Production, Video Gaming, Medical Academy, Physical Educationand Foreign Language.
School attendance is imperative for student academic success. Students are expected to attend school every day. Parents are responsible for notifying the school by 9:30 a.m. when their child is absent, or by sending a note explaining the reason for the absence the day the child returns to school. Notes should be brought to the office by 9:00 a.m. on the day of return. A pass indicating excused or unexcused will then be given to the student. Please refer to the Polk County Student Code of Conduct book for more information about excused and unexcused absences. Students are responsible for contacting teachers about make-up work upon return from an excused absence.
Attendance all day, every day is important. Checking out early causes class disruptions and gaps in student learning, and should be avoided if at all possible.
Student school hours are from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Hours of supervision are from 8:30 a.m. until 4:15 p.m.
2015 – 2016 Southwest Middle School Class Schedule
1st Period – 9:00 – 9:51
Announcements 9:51 – 9:58
2nd Period – 10:02 – 10:53
*3rd Period – 10:57 – 11:48
*4th Period – 11:52 – 1:12
*5th Period – 1:16 – 2:07
6th Period – 2:11 – 3:02
7th Period – 3:06 – 3:57
Announcements – 3:57 – 4:00
*Lunch Schedule
A Lunch10:57 – 11:22 / B Lunch
11:52 – 12:17 / C Lunch
12:47 – 1:12
3rd Period
11:26 – 12:17 / 3rd Period
10:57 – 11:48 / 3rd Period
10:57 – 11:48
4th Period
12:21 – 1:12 / 4th Period
12:21 – 1:12 / 4th Period
11:52 – 1:12
Students arriving on campus before 9:00a.m. will be directed to the gym (7th – 8th Grade) or to the cafeteria (6th Grade Only). Students participating in the breakfast program will return to their assigned location after eating breakfast. If a student is participating in a before school activity that requires going to an area of the school other than the gym or cafeteria, the student should have a dated pass from the supervising staff member for that activity. Unless involved in a sanctioned, supervised school activity, students are not to be on campus after the school day ends. For the sake of safety we request that students waiting to be picked up by car report to the front of the office. Please pick up your children promptly after school (no later than 4:20 p.m.). The school office closes at 4:30. We don’t want students unsupervised and without phone access. Your child’s safety is important to us! Please make transportation arrangements for your child before he or she comes to school.
To minimize the disruption of the learning environment we will not be calling students to the office for messages during class time. An emergency situation will, of course, be the exception to this rule.
Every effort is made to provide parents with the information they need to fulfill their responsibility. Progress reports are sent home with the student twice each nine weeks. Report cards are sent home every nine weeks (See Calendar on page 5).
Orientation, open house, class visitation, parent/teacher teleconferences, and in person conferences will be held to provide parents with the opportunity to discuss student progress. Parents may arrange conferences with teachers by calling the Guidance Office at 499-2840 to schedule an appointment. In addition, the availability of Parent Portal allows a parent to use the Internet to view his/her child’s grades at any time as well as a variety of other student information. If you are not familiar with the Parent Portal, call our Guidance Office for additional information or to register and obtain a PIN number must be obtained from the school to access the Parent Portal.
Students will be expected to use the SWMS agenda to coordinate all assignments, future dates of tests, projects, activities, correspondence between the school and home, and also as a pass. The first agenda is provided at no charge. Replacements for lost agendas will cost $7.00.
The Polk County grading scale is:
F 0-59
Promotion from a Florida public middle school to high school requires successful completion of all grade-level requirements (grades 6–8) in the public school district. Promotion from middle school requires that a student successfully complete the following courses:
* English – three (3) middle school or higher courses
* Mathematics – three (3) middle school or higher courses
* Science – three (3) middle school or higher courses
* Social Studies – three (3) middle school or higher courses, including one semester of study of state and federal government and civics education (beginning in 2014–15, a passing score on the Civics End-of-Course [EOC] Assessment)
* Career and Education Planning – one (1) course (students will develop a personalized academic and career plan)
To be promoted from middle school to high school, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Homework is a very important part of the educational program at Southwest Middle School. Students will use the Southwest Middle School agenda to keep up with all assignments and activities at school. Students should anticipate approximately one hour of homework each evening. Students in 8th grade advanced courses should anticipate up to two hours of homework each evening.
Southwest Middle is committed to a positive learning environment. As a part of an ongoing effort to acknowledge appropriate behavior choices by our students, our PBS(Positive Behavior Support) program is designed to reward students each grading period who fulfill academic, and behavioral criteria. We expect the best of our students. Southwest Middle students should represent themselves, their homes, and their school with appropriate behavior in all situations. Time at school should be spent preparing for the world of work by modeling the following behaviors:
In the classroom, students will:
- Be recognized before speaking.
- Remain seated during instruction.
- Work quietly with a group or individually.
- Bring only necessary materials to class on a daily basis.
- Respect the property of others.
- Remain in the classroom until dismissed by the teacher.
- Not eat, have beverages, or chew gum. (Sunflower seeds are not permitted.)
In the halls and on the walks students will:
- Not jump up to touch conduit pipes.
- Walk, not run, from class to class.
- Stay to the right on walks and in halls.
- Respect the physical space of others.
- Respect the physical property of the school and others.
- Keep hands to themselves.
In the restrooms students will:
- Be quiet and orderly.
- Practice safety and hygiene.
- Keep the restroom clean and litter free.
During PE students will:
- Dress out daily.
- Practice safety at all times.
- Practice good sportsmanship.
In the lunchroom students will:
- Enter and leave quietly.
- Practice good manners.
- Speak in low conversational tones.
- Remain seated until dismissed.
- Remain seated at designated table.
- Keep eating areas clean and litter free.
- Clean their area before leaving.
- Put trays and trash in proper area.
- Exit as directed.
- Not take food out of the cafeteria.
While riding a bus students will:
- Follow posted rules.
- Obey the driver’s rules.
- Remain in the bus seat at all times.
- Keep hands, feet, and head inside the bus.
- Speak in low conversational tones.
Respect is earned by giving respect. Every person is important at Southwest Middle School and should be treated in a respectful manner. Students need to learn to treat each other with respect even in times of disagreement and misunderstanding. Bullying, whether physical or verbal, is not acceptable and SWMS will take the appropriate measures as outlined by Polk County School Board policy to deal with such behavior.
Any student disrupting or interfering with the educational process should expect to be held accountable for such behavior. Parents are encouraged to read through the Parent/Student Handbook and Polk County Code of Student Conduct with their child to ensure they clearly understand district and school behavioral expectations.
School Wide Discipline Plan
A progressive school wide disciplineplan has been developed based on the guidelines set forth in the Polk County Code of Student Conduct. This will be used to address student misconduct while on-campus, while using school transportation or off-campus activities sponsored by the school.
Teachers will respond to misconduct following the school-wide discipline plan. Major breaches of conduct will result in a referral that will be addressed according to Polk County Student Code of Conduct.
Personal selling of items/products is prohibited on the campus of Southwest Middle School. Violations of this policy will be dealt with according to the Code of Conduct. Only those items approved by the administration and sold by a recognized club or organization representing Southwest Middle School are permitted. All fundraising guidelines must be followed.
Cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off, put away and not visible. Failure to comply may result in the device being confiscated by administration and returned to a parent/guardian. Disciplinary action may also occur. These devices may be used in the classroom only when directed by the teacher and the use is tied directly to student learning.
All students are expected to be in class on time before the tardy bell rings. Continued lateness to class with result in parent contact and referral to the office where the school-wide tardy discipline policy will be followed.
DRESS CODE & UNIFORM 2016 - 2017
Southwest Middle School
Dress Code and Uniform Policy
The PCSB Dress Code and Uniform Policy is discussed with students at the beginning of each semester and periodically throughout the school year. All students and parents are expected to know and comply with the dress code and the uniform policy.
- Must be plain, solid-color twill, corduroy or denim fabric.
- Navy Blue, black, or khaki/tan only!!!
- Traditional blue jean color is okay for denim.
- Shorts, pants, skorts, skirts, skirted jumpers.
- Must not have any holes, rips, tears, tatters or frays.
- No sweat pants, yoga pants, spandex or athletic shorts
Shorts/Skirts - Shorts may be worn. However, shorts, skirts, and dress lengths should be of an appropriate length no shorter than two inches above the top of the knee. If there is a question as to whether or not a pair of shorts or a skirt meets the length requirement, the final decision will rest with the school administration. SWMS may revoke the shorts privilege of any student who violates the provisions of the shorts policy two times in one semester.
Tops: Solid color t-shirts. Colors are Heather Gray for 6th grade, Black for 7th grade and Red for 8th grade.
- Shirts must be crew (round) neck t-shirt made for outer wear only.
- No collared or V-neck shirts.
- Must have long or short sleeves.
- School t-shirts will be available for purchase.
The Dress Code does NOT allow for
- clothing with colored trim, stripes, embroidery, decoration, etc.
- Overalls (overalls with pants or shorts),
- sweat pants, jogging pants, leggings, etc.
Outer Garments:
Pullover garments such as sweatshirts and sweaters must be worn over an appropriate school shirt. Light jackets may also be worn. Other coats, jackets, etc. may be worn when conditions are such that cold weather clothing is appropriate.
Other dress code rules:
- We are phasing in a specific color shirt for each grade level. For 2016 – 2017 incoming 6th grade students may only wear heather gray shirts. These may be purchased outside the school or various styles of shirts will also be available for purchase from the school.
- Belts are required if the garment has belt loops.
- All shirts must be tucked in.
- Shorts/skirts must be of appropriate length.
- Shoes must be safe, appropriate, and have enclosed heels or a heel strap (flip flops, slides and sandals without heel straps may not be worn; no bedroom slippers).
- Clothes must be appropriate size, with waist of garment worn at student’s waist.
- Clothing that is too tight or too loose is not appropriate for school.
- Adding color by wearing another shirt, camisole, or tank top underneath the school shirt is not permissible.
- A small logo is acceptable.
School administrators will determine if clothing is appropriate for school and complies with district rules. For more information, please contact the school or refer to the Code of Student Conduct for a copy of the student dress code.
Uniform Violations – Students not in uniform may not be allowed to attend class. If appropriate clothing cannot be obtained, or the behavior willingly repeated, discipline action may occur.
Dress Code Violations – Repeated dress code violations (shirts not tucked in, no belt, pants not on waist, etc.) will be treated as disruptive behavior under Part IV, Section 4.03 “Disruptive Behavior and/or Minor Infractions” in the Polk County Code of Conduct.
- Neatness - All clothes should be coordinated and clean. Ripped, torn, tattered or frayed clothes are not allowed.
- Cleanliness - Students should come to school with clean bodies, combed and clean hair, and brushed teeth. Personal hygiene needs should be addressed appropriately and consistently.
Headwear: Hats/caps (baseball, etc.) are not allowed. Please leave them at home. Bandanas, headbands, scarves, stocking caps, etc. are not allowed.
Stockings: Fishnet stockings are not permissible. Multi-color stockings, yoga pants, and tights are not permissible. The Polk County Dress Code and Uniform Policy does not allow for leggings.
Body Piercing – Body piercing jewelry that is construed by the Principal or designee as offensive, suggestive, disruptive, or unsafe will not be allowed.
All visitors are required to report to the main office upon arrival to school. When you register you will receive a badge to identify you to faculty members on duty. As you leave please check out through the office and leave your badge with office personnel.
Bicycles – Students who ride bikes to school are expected to abide by all laws and safety regulations governing the use of such vehicles. Bicycles must be locked in the designated area. Bicycles CANNOT be ridden on campus. On the school campus students must stand to the side and walk their bicycles.
Skateboards/Roller Blades/Skates – For safety reasons skateboards, roller blades, and skates are not allowed on campus.
WHO TO CALL - (8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.)
499-2840 – Office
499-2847 – Foodservice
499-2848 - Music
Tye Bruno Principal
Denay ClarkAssistant Principal
Alonzo ThompsonAssistant Principal
Bryan GraydonAssistant Principal
Kaprilla JenningsDean of Students
Pam LenoxGuidance Counselor
TBAGuidance Counselor
Diana EymanESE Facilitator
Vicky GlassPrincipal’s Secretary
Pam TynerSecretary
Alnita PattersonTerminal Operator
Teresa Barber Guidance Secretary
Dave TorresResource Officer
Barbara AbernathyMedia Specialist
Jeffrey Cayer Band Director
Angela GeraciChorus Director
Titus GainousNetwork Manager
Joan MaldonadoClinic Nurse
Betsy SargeantSchool Psychologist
Andrea RhodenFoodservice Manager
Polk County’s Equity Statement - The School Board of Polk County, Florida, shall maintain a learning environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, national origin or language spoken, religion, sex, marital status, age, handicap, or homelessness. Students shall not be excluded from participating in any educational program or activity provided in the public schools of Polk County based on race, color, national origin or language spoken, religion, sex, marital status, age, handicap or homelessness.
If you have any questions with regard to discrimination or harassment, you may contact the Office of Equity and Compliance at 863-534-0513.
Immunization Requirements
The Florida Department of Health requires students to have the following immunizations. Students will not be able to attend classes if they have not received the required immunizations.
- MMR (2 doses by 6th grade)
- Polio (4 doses by 6th grade)
- DTP (5 doses by 6th grade)
- Hepatitis B Series (3) given over a 6 month period of time (6th grade)
- Varicella Vaccine (6th grade)
- T.D. (Tetanus-diphtheria) booster given within the last 5 years (7th grade)
For questions or information please call:
Health Immunization Clinics
Lakeland: 413-2620
Bartow: 519-8242
Auburndale: 965-5400
No unpaid training/workdays are to be scheduled before August 5, 2016.Staff Dev. Days (Aug. 8th, 9th )
Teacher Work Days (Aug. 10th,11th,12th) / Monday-Friday, August 8-12, 2016
Student Orientation Day/Paraeducator First Work Day / Thursday, August 11, 2016
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS / Monday, August 15, 2016
Holiday (Labor Day) – Student, Teacher (Paid), Paraeducator (Paid) / Monday, September 5, 2016
Interim Report (23rd Day – September 15, 2016) / Distribute Week of September 12-16, 2016
Staff Development Day (Data Day) Student/Para Holiday / Monday, September 19, 2016
FTE Week / Monday-Friday, October 10-14, 2016
Teacher Work Day/Student/Paraeducator Holiday / Monday, October 17, 2016
End of 1st 9-Week Grading Period / Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Grades Due / Friday, October 21, 2016
Distribute Report Cards (9 Weeks) / Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Holiday (Veterans’ Day) – Student, Teacher, Paraeducator / Friday, November 11, 2016
Holiday – Student, Teacher (Paid 11/24 & 11/25), Para (Paid 11/24 & 11/25) / Monday-Friday, November 21-25, 2016
Storm Day (Make-up days, if needed) / Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 21 & 22, 2016
Interim Report (23rd Day – November 29, 2016) / Distribute Week of November 28 – Dec 2, 2016
Last School Day Before Winter Holidays / Friday, December 16, 2016
Teachers, Paraeducators and Students Return After Winter Holidays / Tuesday, January 3, 2017
END OF 1ST SEMESTER/Last Day of 2nd Grading Period / Thursday, January 12, 2017
Teacher Work Day/Student/Paraeducator Holiday / Friday, January 13, 2017
Holiday (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) – Student, Teacher (Paid), Paraeducator (Paid) / Monday, January 16, 2017
Grades Due / Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Distribute Report Cards (9 weeks) / Thursday, January 26, 2017
FTE Week / Monday-Friday, February 6-10, 2017
Interim Report (23rd Day – February 16, 2017) / Distribute Week of Feb. 13-17, 2017
Holiday (Presidents’ Day) – Student, Teacher (Paid), Paraeducator / Monday, February 20, 2017
SPRING BREAK / Monday-Friday, March 20-24, 2017
End of 3rd 9-Week Grading Period / Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Grades Due / Thursday, March 30, 2017
Distribute Report Cards (9 Weeks) / Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Mini Break – Student, Teacher, Paraeducator / Friday, April 14, 2017
Interim Report (23rd Day – May 1, 2017) / Distribute Week of May1-5, 2017
GRADUATION / May 24 – June 1, 2017
Holiday (Memorial Day) – Student, Teacher, Paraeducator / Monday, May 29, 2017
End of 4th 9-Week Grading Period – LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS –
Last Work Day for Paras / Friday, June 2, 2017
Teacher Work Day / Monday, June 5, 2017
The following dates have been chosen as the seven student Early Dismissal days for school year 2016-2017: