/ All Saints’ CollegeJuniorSchool
Curriculum Overview
Year 3 / Term 2 / 2015
Number – students will develop skills and understanding in the following sub strands:
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Comparing and ordering fractions
  • Place value to 3 digits
  • Using money to give change
  • Times tables
Measurement – students will develop skills and understanding in the following sub strands:
  • Time (analog and digital)
  • Length – metres
  • Perimeter and area
  • Capacity (L, mL)
Space – students will develop skills and understanding in the following sub strands:
  • Properties of 2D objects
  • Parallel and perpendicular lines
  • Symmetry
  • Pentagons and prisms
Data, Patterns & Algebra - students will develop skills and understanding in the following sub strands:
  • Chance
  • Data collection
  • Number patterns
Reading - Daily reading groups which provide students with a range of activities, including:
  • guided, paired and modelled reading
  • cloze and comprehension
  • interactive computer sessions
  • literature appreciation including
Stephen Herrick’s books, Untangling Spagetti and Pookie Aleera is Not my Boyfriend. The Night at the Museum by Milan Trenc, linking in with Science
Writing - exploration and application of: Poetry, Persuasion, Descriptions and Recounts. Students will continue to learn strategies that will enable them to write using cursive writing.
Spelling – students will use the principles of THRASS to develop spelling and vocabulary skills and understanding of a range of phonemes.
Language –review and introduction to a range of grammatical and punctuation concepts including:
  • Commas
  • Speech Marks
  • Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs
  • Collective nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Comparative/Superlative adjectives
Feathers, Fur or Leaves?
Students are introduced to scientific classification. They will explore the world around them by firstly differentiating between living and non-living things. They will explore the kingdom of plants and animals including investigations involving invertebrates.
Visual Arts –
  • Students will gain an appreciation for the various forms of Aboriginal art, both the traditional use of ochre and charcoal in cave paintings and on bark as well as more modern interpretations using modern art materials.
  • Works will be created imitating a variety of different aboriginal styles including blow painting and sketching on caves and dot painting and x-ray painting on bark.

Our Community
  • Australia’s Aboriginal Nations
  • Heritage sites - Our Heritage
Built Environments
  • Changing Lives - Daily Life
Peer Support –Resilience
Students will participate in learning experiences that will help them gain an understanding that resilience is the capacity to adapt to situations and circumstances by harnessing their positive attributes and individual strengths. Resilience involves the development of a range of skills that act as protective factors which enable individuals to spring back from life’s experiences. Activities to help develop these skills will be led by students from Year 6. / COMPUTER STUDIES
Students will continue to Develop computer literacy skillsusing Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word.