Southwest Michigan Young Life
Area Committee Structure
Southwest Michigan Young Life is a mission community of Christ-centered people committed to reaching adolescent youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our vision is that through God's direction, every kid in Southwest Michigan is experiencing the love of Jesus Christ, transforming our area into a reflection of God's Kingdom on earth.
To accomplish our purpose, Southwest Michigan Young Life is a team with many members. Young Life's effectiveness depends on the harmonious participation of every person on the team. The team's central player is Jesus Christ. Seeking and then following God's wisdom and guidance must permeate every aspect of our ministry.
Vital to Southwest Michigan Young Life's effectiveness is the Adult Committee. In general, the staff (paid and volunteer) perform the face-to-face ministry with young people while the committee works to provide support and direction to those activities. The committee provides local ownership of Young Life and works in partnership with both the area and regional director to sustain the ministry of Southwest Michigan Young Life. While ultimate corporate authority and responsibility lie with the national organization of Young Life, the Southwest Michigan Young Life Committee is responsible for the long-range continuity of the local ministry, performing strategic planning to guide vision, serving as an “equal partner" with the regional director in decisions regarding the selection of staff and any personnel changes.
Committee members should demonstrate an authentic love for Jesus Christ, be committed to Young Life's relational style of ministry and subscribe to the Young Life Statement of Faith. The most effective committee members are those who personally and actively pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, reading of the scriptures, and fellowship with other believers; and who develop a personal relationship with the staff, and support them through prayer, fellowship and counsel.
Role of Committee
§ Establish and carry out a vision for the local area
§ Support Young Life employees who hold final responsibility and authority for the area, as well as accountability to the national leadership
§ Assist the regional director in staff selection
Responsibilities of Committee
Personal Service
§ Attend and participate in meetings
§ Develop personal friendships with staff
§ Actively serve on a subcommittee(s)
§ Promote Young Life’s current programs and activities to community
§ Visit a Young Life club or kids’ activity at least once a year
§ Work on special events and fund raisers
Spiritual Support
§ Seek and follow God’s wisdom
§ Fellowship with other believers; involved in local church
§ Pray for the Young Life ministry; for staff, volunteers, kids
§ Be a personal and loyal friend to staff
§ Provide prayer, fellowship and counsel to staff and volunteers
Financial Support
§ Establish a financial strategy to ensure the payment of all budgeted area expenses, salaries and other obligations
§ Assist staff in planning annual operating budget
§ In partnership with staff, develop a strategic plan for fund raising using the Taking Donors Seriously ™ (TDS) program
Public Relations
§ Represent Young Life and its mission in the community as faithful followers of Jesus Christ
§ Take the necessary steps to gain local community interest in and acceptance of the ministry of Young Life
§ Recruit new committee members
§ Be available to handle inquiries by parents and other adults about the local Young Life ministry
Membership Guidelines of Committee
In addition to committee members, the Area Director (AD) is an ex-officio member of the committee, and all full-time area staff are encouraged to attend committee meetings.
Member Recruitment/Replacement
New members shall be identified by the staff and the committee as a whole. When a committee member decides to step down from the committee, they should prayfully consider who might replace them on the committee. Ultimately the area director and committee chair will formally invite new members, but suggestions and introductions are exceedingly important for the continued longevity of Southwest Michigan Young Life. At all times, Area Committee members should be looking for potential Area Committee members and Leadership Support Group members. As much as possible, the Executive Committee shall assure that each school district with an active Young Life ministry is represented on the committee.
Rotation Guideline
The initial committee membership term of service shall be three years. Following the initial three year term, the committee member shall have an opportunity to continue on a year by year basis, through discussion with the Area Director and committee chair. Terms of service shall be August 1 to July 30. After 6 years of total service, committee members must leave the committee for at least a one year period. A rotation schedule shall be established to ensure that no more than one-third of the members leave the committee annually.
Leadership Positions
§ Chairperson: Unofficial member of all subcommittees; link to the front lines of ministry through personal relationship with staff. The committee chair shall work with the Area Director to preside or share in presiding at all meetings and call special meetings The chair should have a close personal relationship with the Area Director and be in regular contact with the Regional Director. As the leader of the committee, the chair should keep the group's focus on Christ, call on members' gifts and abilities, to guide the mission of Young Life.
§ Vice Chairperson: The vice-chair shall assist the chair in committee activities and preside at meetings in the chair's absence. The vice-chair position could be seen and used as training to be the committee chair.
§ Treasurer: A member of the Finance Sub-Committee. Administrative responsibility with area director for funds involved in committee projects; record income and expenditures for area; review monthly financial reports and present financial status to committee at each meeting; prior to the end of the fiscal year, submit annual financial report on area and initiate preparation of next year’s budget in cooperation with the Area Director; liaison with Service Center regarding area finances.
§ Secretary: Shall record detailed minutes at committee meetings and distribute to committee.
§ The Executive Committee shall consist of the chair, vice chair, treasurer, secretary and Area Director.
§ Officers shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Adult Committee, as a whole, by consensus or election. All officers shall serve a three year term August 1 – July 30 with a limit of two terms. At the end of the first term, the Executive Committee will determine if the officer will be asked to serve a second term. Officers are able/encouraged to remain as a committee member and will be asked to make a 3 year commitment at that point and then will follow the rotation guidelines as any other committee member.
§ Leadership Support Group Liaison: Serve as liaison between the Area Committee and the Leadership Support Groups surrounding each ministry. Keep LSG members informed as pertinent area information. Facilitate the regular meeting of LSG and care, support and prayer for leaders, ministry and staff. Contact potential LSG members in cooperation with Area Director. Collect and distribute ideas for leader care etc.
Subcommittees/Ad Hoc Committees
Southwest Michigan Young Life will have 5 standing subcommittees. These subcommittees will be made up of at least but not limited to one area committee member who reports to the area committee on the progress/work etc. of the subcommittee. Ad Hoc can be added for special events, staffing circumstances, or other needs as seen by the committee chair or Area Director with agreement from the Area Committee.
Each committee member should consider what sub-committee would best fit with their individual gifts and interests. Members will be expected to actively participate in a subcommittee. No one should lead more then one subcommittee and no one shall participate in more than three subcommittees.
§ Prayer Subcommittee
§ Finance Subcommittee (TDS Team)
§ Golf Subcommittee
§ Banquet Subcommittee
§ Benton Harbor Subcommittee
§ Bridgman Subcommittee
Size of Committee
The recommended size of the committee is between 14-18 persons.
§ Be familiar with Young Life Faith and Conduct Statement
§ Be growing in personal relationship with Jesus Christ and involved in local church
§ Attend meetings 80% of the time – i.e. 10 out of 12
§ Be actively involved in a sub-committee/assignment role
§ Attend a YL club 1 time per semester
§ Be aware of what is happening in ministries, with leaders, and with staff.
§ Provide faithful prayer and financial support of Southwest Michigan Young Life
§ Be an Adult Guest for at least a weekend if not a week of Young Life Camp
§ Attend either Western Great Lakes Region Mission Community Conference or Committee Weekend
*** Lack of participation, misconduct and “not a good fit” will be guidelines for talking about removal/stepping down from the committee. That conversation will take place between the Executive Committee and the individual committee member.