Educational & Health Support

HCUK 14-16 Local Offer

Hull College Group is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all 14-16 College applicants and is committed to supporting students with additional needsincluding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and the provision of additional learning support, service provision and bespoke curriculum packages.
This personalisation is designed to enable every student to make use of the education and training provided in the HCUK 14-16 College, and maximise individual Student potential
How does HCUK 14-16 College know if my child needs extra help? / When a parent/student applies they will be invited to a one-to-one meeting with the HCUK College representative to discuss the curriculum and transition opportunities. If a place is offered,HCUK 14-16 Collegewill liaise closely with the previous school, parents/carers and any additional outside agencies. Additional needs will normally be identified before a studentstarts in September.
HCUK 14-16 College recognises that the learning process is a continuum which may change over time, therefore implements an on-going process of assessment and monitoring. During the process of assessment and monitoring students who are not making progress will be identified and may receive additional school support.
What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability (SEND)? / Section19 of the Children and Families Act 2014states that a student has SEND if theyhave a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of students of the same age, or if they have a disability which puts barriers in the way of making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for students of the same age in schools within the Local Authority.
If you feel your child has an unidentified Special Educational Need or Disability then you must contact HCUK 14-16 College. Focused screening or testing will be arranged and appropriate support could be put in place if available.
How will I know how my child is doing? / HCUK 14-16 Collegehas a regular programme of parent/carers consultation evenings that you will be invited to.
You will also be provided withprogression reportsevery half term including a full academic report at the end of the academic year.
For Students in receipt of an Education Health Care Plan(EHCP),reviews are held termly with the partner agencies and an annual review near the anniversary of the EHCP.
HCUK 14-16 Collegemaintains close contact with home by telephone and has dedicated mentors to support communication of the welfare of all Students.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? / Class teachers will use a range of differentiation to provide effective learning opportunities for all students. Where a student is identified as having special education needs an Individual Student Learning Passport will be drawn up tailored to each individual student’s needs. Realistic targets will be set and the plans will be reviewedand evaluated regularly and involve the student, parent/carer and any relevant support services. All students are regularly assessed and grouped for the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.
How will I know how HCUK 14-16 College supports my child? / A student who has been identified as SEND will be supported by an Individual Learning Passport which will show the support package available to each individual student including targets.
This plan will be available for parents/carers.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? / There is a proactive pastoral support programme including mentors, breakfast clubs, free lunches, transport subsidies and a clear attendance policy which sets out the monitoring of attendance and lateness. A behaviour policy is monitored with immediate parent contact, with rewards and sanctions in place.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the HCUK 14-16 College?
*external agencies accurate at time of update / Support and Services available to Students from with Hull College Group
Provision of Additional Support including
Extra time with tutors (including liaison and advocacy with tutors regarding support needs)
Support worker
Provision of specialist equipment
Technical Support
Additional Support
Specialist learning materials
Mentor support for students
Extra examination time as required
Dyslexia Support
One to one reading
HCUK 14-16 College accesses a number of outside agencies to support individual student’s needs.
City Psychological Service
Northcott Outreach Team
School Health Service
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND having or had? / HCUK 14-16 College has a programme of bespoke staff development sessions, including managing behaviour, dealing with medical issues, sharing good practice and concerns.
The SEN Team offer a fortnightly surgery for all staff, both core and vocational. All staff aretrained in Safeguarding and Equality and Diversity with online support.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips? / Parents or guardians of students under the age of 19 will be able to make an informed decision whether their child should go on a visit. HCUK 14-16 College is advised to ensure that parents/guardians are given sufficient information in writing and are invited to any briefing sessions.
Special arrangements may be necessary for students with learning difficulties or special needs to ensure inclusive access. The group leader/supervisor should have details of psychological and physical health problems, which may be relevant to the visit (usually by means of the consent form).
How accessible is the school environment? / From September 2014 HCUK 14-16 College will be located in a three storey building on the Hull College Group Queen’s Garden site. Goole HCUK 14-16 College is located in a single storey building .The buildings have disabledramps andthe Queen’s Garden site has a lift to all floors. There is also disabled access to the toilets.
All students wear a uniform so that they can be identified among the larger college population.
How will the school prepare and support my child when transferring to a new school or post-16 provision? / All HCUK 14-16 College Students will work with a dedicated independent Personal Advisor from a Career Service. The Personal Advisor will work with all students to ensure they are well informed, make applications and secure a place either in education or training.
For Students’ with an ECHP this service will be available for the young person until the age of 25 if appropriate.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education? / HCUK 14-16 Collegehas a regular programme of parent/carers consultation evenings of which you will be invited. The Head of School and SEN lead is available by appointment to discuss any issues in relation to a student. There is a comprehensive information and guidance plan to focus on progression plans and support for all learners.
Who can I contact for further information?

Updated September 2014