True Colors
Southside Elementary Upper Primary
August 12th-16th
Ø Objective: Reinforce school-wide expectations
*Monday-“ We are true blue with respect.” - “When you choose to be respectful and positive in the way you treat others you have also chosen, in most cases, how you are going to be treated by others. Zig Ziglar
Guiding Questions: What actions represent/show respect at school? At home? With friends?
Materials: 1 sheet of paper for every 4 students, “Respect” sheets, Video at
Lesson: Write Respect on board. Explain to students we’re going to talk about and learn to recognize respectful behaviors. Ask guiding question without recording answers. Divide students into groups of 4 and give one sheet of paper to each. A scribe within each group will write down group answers to “What actions show respect at school? At home? With friends? Teacher draws three columns on board and heads each for students to copy. Allow 3 minutes to complete and call students back together. Using columns drawn on board teacher records student answers. Ask students, “Based on what we’ve recorded on the board, why is it important to be respectful?” Lead students to understand that people are able to “get along” in this world only if we’re respectful. Discuss effects of NOT being respectful. Allow 15 seconds of silence for students to think of one thing they could do today to show respect or be respectful. Introduce stack of “Respect” sheets and explain how to use. Explain that at the end of the day each student will get the chance to complete one for something they’ve observed by a classmate. They can read them at the end of the day or the following day as time permits.
Video: If time permits show video at website listed above. It’s a little “corny” but fun to watch and makes good points on how to show respect.
*Tuesday- “ A responsible fellow will wear yellow!” “Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him.” Booker T. Washington
Lesson: Teacher should explain the term “Responsibility.” Inform students that character is what you do even when no one is looking. People with good character do good things. One thing they do is behave responsibly. Responsible people do their part. Responsible people do not take credit for other people’s work, and they admit their own mistakes. They show self-control by choosing words and actions carefully. That means they think carefully before they say or do anything. They work hard and do their best.
Materials: Video from youtube
Discuss the video and ask students what Annie’s responsibility was to her mother. Then have students brainstorm things they could be responsible for at home. Give students a copy of the responsibility pledge to take home and return to school. Combine the forms for a Responsibility book to put in the hallway.
*Wednesday-Lets be safe and keep a level head, to remember let’s wear red!
Objective: Students will be able to identify strategies to maintain safety entering, riding, and exiting the school bus.
Lesson (Tell) Teacher will show the PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate rules and procedures for school bus safety.
Remember to stress that even parent pick-up students will most likely ride the bus during field trips and should understand the rules and procedures for riding the bus. (Show) Show the YouTube video demonstrating bus procedures and safety.
The video is from the Atlanta school system, but demonstrates with some humor the necessary procedures that are required for any student who rides a bus.
Practice: Before the lesson, cut apart the gridded page with the 12 school bus safety tips. Place these into a cup, basket, etc., so that student groups can draw two slips. Set up a series of seats in the front of the classroom to simulate a mock school bus. YOU can be the driver if you choose or designate a student. After the video, place students in six groups. Have each group draw two safety tips. Students choose one to demonstrate and one to share. Student groups will demonstrate their safety tip to the class, practicing the appropriate strategies to ensure bus safety. Make sure students focus on the positive procedures; dissuade them from using “non-examples.” Have the student audience identify the safety tip they are seeing demonstrated by the group.
Conclusion: Ask students, “Which strategy you saw today are you going to try to use on the bus? ”Remind students that bus drivers do understand the Bee-Attitudes and how Honey Money is dispersed. Stress the point of taking the time for this lesson is to focus on a safe trip both to and from school.
*Thursday- Purple is the color I wear today, to help me honest in every way! “If you always tell the truth you don’t have to have a good memory!”
Skill: To be an honest individual by describing what honesty feels and looks like. Also, defining it and giving example and non-examples.
Materials: Dictionary, “What is Honest” handout, self-evaluation form.
Objective: Define honesty from the dictionary and give examples and synonyms. Reflect on the value of honesty.
Introduction: Introduce the lesson by saying to the class, “Today we are going to talk about one of the bee attitudes, honesty.” We will discuss why it is important to be an honest person.
Lesson: Begin by selecting a student to read the definition of honesty from the dictionary. Distribute “What is Honesty?” handout. Place students in groups of four to brainstorm and discuss what it means to be honest. Give groups 5 to 10 minutes to complete the handout. Have each group select a spokesperson to report answers. Teacher will discuss questions and have each group report answers and chart key words.
Conclusion: Conclude the lesson by asking the following questions:
Ø How many lies do you get to tell before you are a liar?
Ø Is there anything wrong with a small lie to parents or friends to keep them from getting upset?
Ø When people are dishonest with you how does it make you feel?
Ø How important is it to you that your friends be honest?
Have students complete the self-assessment, “Are you an Honest Person?”
*Friday- Let’s always be caring and be seen showing our true colors wearing green! “Treat everyone with kindness, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are caring, but because you are!” ANNONYMOUS
Objective: For students to understand the importance of being caring to others.
Lesson (Tell)-Caring is something you show for others. When someone shows caring actions they are being compassionate. They show they care about how others feel. A person can show compassion by being kind to others, helping those in need, and doing good deeds without expecting anything in return.
Sometimes we show compassion for people we know. Perhaps you have a friend who is feeling sad. You can show compassion by visiting your friend and listening to her talk about her sadness. A compassionate person understands when someone is feeling down and shows that he cares by being “a shoulder to cry on.” By helping your friend feel better, you are showing compassion.
Sometimes we show compassion for strangers. There are many people in our world who need help obtaining food, clothing, shelter, or medical care. Whether these people in need are in your own community or on the other side of the world, you can show compassion by donating items that they need, helping build homes or shelter, or contributing money that will be used to buy necessary supplies.
Showing compassion is not always easy because often it means putting other people’s needs before your own wants. For example, you may be asked to visits an elderly relative in the hospital when you had planned to play outside with your friends. By choosing to visit your relative, you are putting others’ needs before your own-thereby showing you are a caring person.
Let students listen to and sing with the song listed below on youtube, then choose from one of the activities listed below.
Materials: Video clip from youtube Unlined 4” x 6” index cards, pencils, crayons, and/or markers.
Caring Cards
Divide the class into pairs and give each pair several index cards, along with drawing tools. Have the pairs work together to draw or describe a scenario which might evoke a compassionate response (ex. someone is homeless and without food). When the cards are complete, have each pair show their cards and discuss with the class the possible responses to the situations. This process should give the class a chance to generate many different types of compassionate responses.
*I am also attaching a copy of a PowerPoint a class created about being caring. You may want to use the cards from your students to create your own class powerpoint (great for program review) or you may want to adopt a project for your class to show their caring attitudes.